29 gallon

  1. Circus

    Mussel Identification

    Long time no see! I found an unknown mussel on a driftwood piece that hasn't moved in over 2 years, until today. Background on tank(s). I was tearing down my 20g long and transferring all of my livestock, plants, and decorations into my 29 gallon. The 20g was in rough shape and kinda...
  2. Stefan3289

    Best cleaners for algae?

    Hello all, So I currently have a 29 planted tank that has 10 harlequin Rasboras 8 peppered/green cories (had 10 but 2 passed away, do not know why I believe they were too small to eat some of the food :( 1 peacock Gudgeon I have had some issues with Algae in my tank, specifically brown algae...
  3. Casper23


    Hi everyone! My name is Cassi, I am a stay at home mom and I am fairly new to this hobby, having only started this a few months ago. I did do LOTS of research before diving into this hobby and I’m still learning which I love! I have a current set up of a 29 gallon Topfin tank. HOB filter and...
  4. Stefan3289

    Stocking question

    Hello all, Hope everyone is doing very well. I have a 29 gallon (30” by 18” I believe) where I currently have 7 mollies and 4 panda cories all juevinelle (Cory’s less than inch, Mollys around 1”). I also have several plants thanks to @Byron I finally have my ammonia/Chloramines reading 0 for...
  5. Falconwithaboxon

    Betta Mates

    I have started cycling a 29-gallon tank with black gravel substrate for my Betta fish and was wondering what fish might work well. I was thinking of a school of darker colored Cories(He currently lives with 5 Cories Emerald Cories) and some snails(rabbit maybe) but was wondering if there was...
  6. Circus

    Breeding Projects for 29 Gallons

    So, some background. I am going to stop my efforts to breed Orange Chromides in a couple of months (unless I show success soon), as I have been at that for almost a year with 0 fish to show for it. It has been exhausting. I will be moving my current pair and their buddy to the 80 gallon tank...
  7. Circus

    Dwarf Chain Loach Numbers

    So, I finally have a chance to get more dwarf chain loaches. When I first purchased the 3 I have, they were the last of them. It has been just the trio for several months, and there has been very little aggression (one gets left out a bit, though). I plan on getting 5 more, to make a total of...
  8. Falconwithaboxon

    Stock addition

    So I've had a 29-gallon tank since August and just had a question on my stock. I was wondering if I could bring my zebra danios and albino cories up from 4 each to 8 each. I currently have 1 dwarf gourami, 8 neon tetras, 4 platies, 4 albino cories, 4 zebra danios, 4 siamese algae eaters, and 1...
  9. Circus

    Fish that like flow

    So, I will be adding a powerhead to my Dwarf Chain Loach tank, a 29 gallon. With the final stocking, there will be 7 of them. 7.4 ph, 110ppm hardness. What other fish like medium flow, that would be okay in this tank?
  10. Circus

    Free Swimming Orange Chromide Fry

    My fry have left the pit! Well, some of them. Others are not quite ready, but working on it.
  11. Circus

    29 Gallon W/DCL & Otos

    Ph 7.4 Hardness 100-110 ppm Dimensions 30"×12"×18" Here in a few months I will have my last 2 empty tanks running and my fish shuffled around. This will let me move my Dwarf Chain Loaches into my 29 gallon and out of the 20 gallon. I am looking for tankmates for the DCLs (there will be 7 of...
  12. S

    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I have a total of 9 plattys, 2 males and 7 females. The one male is blue and the other is orange and both seem to not like being around the females and other fish in the tank. The blue is newer than the orange and when I first got the orange he stayed away from the rest of the group and now he...
  13. frogfanboy

    29 gallon stocking?

    Hello all, First time posting on here but I need some advice. I recently got a 29 gallon tank and I'm looking for some advice on what to put in it. I already have some fish I moved in from an old tank, but it feels under stocked and going off of the inch per gallon rule I currently have...
  14. Falconwithaboxon


    Hello I have been on this forum for a couple of months and just felt sharing my tank! I started it the 2nd week of August and it is my first tank, 29 gallons. My plans for it are to just get a few more plants in it and start a 2nd bigger tank by May. Any opinions or advice is appreciated...
  15. Falconwithaboxon

    Neon Tetras

    So I plan on getting a 125-150 gallon tank and I will want to get bigger fish then I currently have to go in there. That issue with that is I have a school of neon tetras, 10 of them, and bigger fish might eat them. I currently have a 29 gallon tank that I plan on keeping for them. So my...
  16. Falconwithaboxon

    Hiding Fish

    I have 3 Powder Blue Gourami, 4 Orange Platies, 3 Damnation Mollies, 10 Neon Tetras, and 4 Zebra Danios along with 4 snails. The tank is 29 gallons and moderatly planted(working on more plants). One of my Gouramis is hiding a lot. I've had all these fish for around 2 months and this is the first...
  17. HoldenOn

    re doing my 29

    Hey all, I'm switching to sand for my bottom dwellers, and want to redo the aqua scape. Open to any suggestions, I have access to driftwood, plants and a lot of slate chunks. Please feel free to drop in!
  18. Circus

    Max Number of Pygmy Corydoras

    So, I just saw my group of 10 pygmy corydoras school around the tank with all of them together. This is the first time all 10 went at it like that. So now I am wondering what the max number I can keep in my 29 gallon are.
  19. Circus

    Stocking a 29 Gallon

    Tell me what you guys think of my stock list? At the moment I have 10 pygmy corydoras and 2 rescued cardinal tetra. I plan on bringing the cardinals up to 12 or so and they cories up to 15 (more of both if you guys think it could work). When the tank is mature enough, I will be moving my 5 oto...
  20. Circus

    The Right Kind of Algae

    So I am going to be setting up a 29 gallon tank this week. It will have peacock gudgeons, pygmy cories, otos, and and possibly a small type of tetra. It will have a thin layer of gravel with a couple of inches of sand over it. I will be using dragon rock and spiderwood as hardscape (I think...
  21. Circus

    Paradise Fish a good fit?

    I recently had to move my Florida Flag Fish from my 29 gallon tank into their own 10 gallon since they were beating up my Corydoras on a regular basis. At the moment I have a mix of gold and regular WCMM, 4 male Guppy fish, and 4 (soon to be 7) Pepper Corycats along with an albino BN pleco. The...
  22. T

    29 Gallon Tank Stocking Question

    I just bought a 29 gallon aquarium from the Petco dollar per gallon sale, and I was wondering how many fish I could have without overcrowding. Would it be fine to have 2 Angelfish, 2 German Blue Rams, and 2 Apistogrammas?
  23. Annemarie

    Betta Community Tank

    Hello! As some of you may know I have a 29 gallon aquarium with the following: 1 Honey gourami male, 5 neon tetras (working on getting more after one died a while ago), 4 nerite snails, a ghost shrimp, and 1 kuhli loach (store only had one but I’m also working on getting more). My sister has a...
  24. C

    29 Gal Cherry Barbs Stocking

    Hi! So I'm pretty new to this and I have a 10 gal going strong rn. I made a deal with my boyfriend that at the end of the semester we can get a 29 gallon, which we are researching how to stock. We really want cherry barbs - as many as we can with maybe a centerpiece fish. I have no idea what to...
  25. TheLastMelon

    Using 2 Heaters in 1 Tank

    Hey, I'm going to upgrade from a ten gallon tank to a 29 gallon tank and I was wondering if I could use both the 10 gallon heater and the 29 gallon heater in the new tank. Both of the heaters are used so I guess they might take the strain off of each other. Or, would they make the tank too hot...
  26. R

    20gal tank ideas

    I have a twenty gal tall hexagonal tank and I need stocking ideas. I am really set on khuli loaches but those are the only fish that I really want. I was thinking of getting five khulis, 8 silver tip tetras and 2 dwarf gourami, I kind of wanted dwarf puffers but I know that they don’t get along...
  27. K

    Searching for a filter for 29 gallon

    I plan on purchasing a 29 gallon tank tomorrow and need help on picking a filter for my tank! I’ve heard a lot about the marine land filters but I’m not sure which filters are the best for a 29 gallon. I plan to have around 15 ish fish in this tank. Thank you.
  28. K

    Looking for a new tank

    i currently have a 15g fish tank, but my corydoras had babies a few months ago and have outgrown the breeder box that they are in. I have about 10 new corys and am looking for a new tank. I want something longer rather than taller and something around 20-30 gallons maybe 40 but can’t find...
  29. C

    Tank stock

    I currently have 1 apistogramma bitaeniata male along with 9 black neon tetras, 6 julii cory catfish, and 10 or so ghost shrimp in a 29 gallon. Is this tank understocked. I would like to add about 5 otocinclus because I'm getting a bad algae problem and I have the good bacteria on my driftwood...
  30. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking ideas

    I’ve been planning a 29 gallon for a while now and this is what I came up with for stocking ideas. 1 : Pearl Gourami (or one honey) 6 : neon tetra 5 : cherry barb (2 male 3 female) 4 : Kuhli Loach (I want less but they’re social so 4 is my plan) 1-3 : ram cichlids (1 male 2 female maximum...
  31. R

    Looking For Input On My First Fish Tank

    I just got a 29 gallon tank and am currently in the process of cycling it, and am trying to decide which fish i want to stock it with. I had some ideas but was hoping to get some advice from people who are a bit more experienced. My idea was to have: - Two or Three Dwarf Gourami - a school of...
  32. Fiji

    Possible Copper Poisoning?

    Hey everyone, So I've recently gone back to live plants but cannot afford a co2 system at the moment so I've been using Seachem Excel as a supplement. Now ever since I started using this fertilizer some strange things have been happening and the only factor I can connect this behavior to could...
  33. Fiji

    Gonna give plants another shot

    Hey Everyone, I haven't tried plants in a few years due to them completely messing up my 55 gallon and burning a hole through my wallet, but I think I'm ready to give it another try. I have a few questions to ask before I actually make any purchases. 1) I was planning on using a Finnex...
  34. B

    Kribensises with Sun catfish

    I have a 30 gallon tank with some danios and a sun catfish. I was wondering if it was okay to put some Kribensises in with them.
  35. J

    Stocking Tank Help

    Hey guys I am new to this site! I have a 29 gallon tall tank. It has been cycled and it is planted with anacharis! I have 7 Zebra Danios in it and I just recently added 6 Leopard Danios, for a total of 13 fish. I am wondering if this is to many fish for a 29 gallon tall tank? I hope not because...
  36. O

    Tank Stocking Question

    I'm re-entering the hobby and have forgotten much of what I learned when keeping fish about 15 years ago.    Aging sucks.  At any rate, I went to my LFS and inquired about fish to cycle my tank.  I was looking to create a peaceful, colorful, yet active community tank.  In the past I've kept...
  37. Catfishies

    My Fish Tank And Fish.

    Ok, well here are some photos of my tank setup and fish. I've just ..finally.. added some live plants. I hope they take!! Also good news on my four lined cat. His whisker grew back!!! Like brand new! Also a couple pics of my elusive sun catfish! Not very good but they are something.  
  38. K

    Live-Bearers Only

    I'm looking to stock my 29 gallon with live-bearers only. I used a site that calculates your filtration and stock that I can't mention here for some reason and saw that I can have 10 Guppies, 10 Endlers, 5 Julii Corys, 5 Otocinclus, and 6 Cherry Shrimp. It says my filtration is 134% and my...
  39. K

    New Setup

    Hi, this is my first post here and I just purchased a Marineland 29 gallon LED aquarium kit and I have a few questions. 1. Should I take my Bio-Wheel 100 from my existing 10 gallon tank and use it to help cycle the new tank? 2. Can I just leave the Bio-Wheel 100 on the new tank and run it with...
  40. S

    Stocking A 29 Gallon

    Hi everyone, this forum has been very helpful to me, and I figured I would join to help out as much as I can and have some questions answered for myself.   I am not a beginner to fishkeeping, but im not very experienced either. I had a 20 gallon (high) tank for two years, with the last sixth...