Max Number of Pygmy Corydoras


Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 14, 2020
Reaction score
Washington State, USA
So, I just saw my group of 10 pygmy corydoras school around the tank with all of them together. This is the first time all 10 went at it like that. So now I am wondering what the max number I can keep in my 29 gallon are.
So, I just saw my group of 10 pygmy corydoras school around the tank with all of them together. This is the first time all 10 went at it like that. So now I am wondering what the max number I can keep in my 29 gallon are.
Id say about 1 million ;)
Seriously though atleast 29 if not more. Theyre small create little waste and in wild shoal in huge numbers. Keep in mind square inches of footprint of tank as you dont want corys on top of eachother.
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They looked so cool all swimming around like that. Makes me want to rethink my stock ideas. Get a bunch of micro schooling fish and one DG or Honey Gourami.
Corydoras pygmaeus will often shoal with upper level species too. Mine are frequently in with the group of Paracheirodon simulans. Previously, I had the pygmy cories in their own 10g tank, and they spawned a number of times; I had around 20 at one point, several different sizes, and they often swam as a shoal, at other times in smaller groupings. Make sure the fish are small-sized, like nano. Ember Tetra, opne of the dwarf rasbora in Boraras, etc. Neon tetra are OK, and similar sized tetras.

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