Betta Mates


Fish Crazy
Sep 28, 2020
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I have started cycling a 29-gallon tank with black gravel substrate for my Betta fish and was wondering what fish might work well. I was thinking of a school of darker colored Cories(He currently lives with 5 Cories Emerald Cories) and some snails(rabbit maybe) but was wondering if there was anything else that might work.
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I have started cycling a 29-gallon tank with black gravel substrate for my Betta fish and was wondering what fish might work well. I was thinking of a school of darker colored Cories and some snails(rabbit maybe) but was wondering if there was anything else that might work.
Unfortunately, due to there aggressive nature, Bettas are best kept solitary
Unfortunately, due to there aggressive nature, Bettas are best kept solitary
Yeah I am aware of their aggression but cories and snails are things that this betta gets along with, they are in his 15-gallon tank. Since he is getting a tank twice the size I was wondering if there were any other fish that might work based on what he already gets along with
Please don't dismiss what I am going to write, it is meant to offer useable advice.

First, you do not know that the betta is getting along with the cories; none of us can talk to fish, and that is what we would need to be able to do to know this. The fact that physical aggression is not visible does not mean the fish are not communicating chemically, with allomones. These if they are "aggressive" in nature can stress fish out just as much as physical attacks. Now, having said that, it is less likely a betta would be annoyed with cories, but again this is not an absolute. And upper level fish is a very different ball game, as the betta is going to view the space as "his," and intruders may or may not be met with resistance.

You mention gravel, cories should be over sand so they can function properly.
Please don't dismiss what I am going to write, it is meant to offer useable advice.

First, you do not know that the betta is getting along with the cories; none of us can talk to fish, and that is what we would need to be able to do to know this. The fact that physical aggression is not visible does not mean the fish are not communicating chemically, with allomones. These if they are "aggressive" in nature can stress fish out just as much as physical attacks. Now, having said that, it is less likely a betta would be annoyed with cories, but again this is not an absolute. And upper level fish is a very different ball game, as the betta is going to view the space as "his," and intruders may or may not be met with resistance.

You mention gravel, cories should be over sand so they can function properly.
Yeah I get that and I'm just going off what I see him act like. Chemically didn't even come to mind so that is interesting. I have a 45 gallon with a school of emerald cories and sand, should I just add the ones from the betta tank to my larger tank? Should I just keep the betta on his own in the smaller tank and use the 29 gallon for something else? My fiancee asked me to make it a shrimp tank so I could do that.
Yeah I get that and I'm just going off what I see him act like. Chemically didn't even come to mind so that is interesting. I have a 45 gallon with a school of emerald cories and sand, should I just add the ones from the betta tank to my larger tank? Should I just keep the betta on his own in the smaller tank and use the 29 gallon for something else? My fiancee asked me to make it a shrimp tank so I could do that.

Yes to all questions. The cories can be combined, they all get along. And the Betta would be best on its own. Snails and shrimp are often suggested, I'm not a shrimp person so will leave that for others to explain which shrimp might work.
Yes to all questions. The cories can be combined, they all get along. And the Betta would be best on its own. Snails and shrimp are often suggested, I'm not a shrimp person so will leave that for others to explain which shrimp might work.
Okay thanks for the advice!

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