Hiding Fish

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Fish Crazy
Sep 28, 2020
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I have 3 Powder Blue Gourami, 4 Orange Platies, 3 Damnation Mollies, 10 Neon Tetras, and 4 Zebra Danios along with 4 snails. The tank is 29 gallons and moderatly planted(working on more plants). One of my Gouramis is hiding a lot. I've had all these fish for around 2 months and this is the first issue I've had since the first week, 4 Mollies died very soon after starting my tank. That Gourami is the only one with an issue. I'm just wondering if it might be stress or what it could be. This is my first tank so I am new to all of this.
I have 3 Powder Blue Gourami, 4 Orange Platies, 3 Damnation Mollies, 10 Neon Tetras, and 4 Zebra Danios along with 4 snails. The tank is 29 gallons and moderatly planted(working on more plants). One of my Gouramis is hiding a lot. I've had all these fish for around 2 months and this is the first issue I've had since the first week, 4 Mollies died very soon after starting my tank. That Gourami is the only one with an issue. I'm just wondering if it might be stress or what it could be. This is my first tank so I am new to all of this.
Dwarf Gourami are hyper aggressive. The one that is hiding is probably being bullied. Is your tank cycled and do you know your water parameters?
Dwarf Gourami are hyper aggressive. The one that is hiding is probably being bullied. Is your tank cycled and do you know your water parameters?
Tank is cycled and I'm getting the water tested and getting a test kit for myself. I saw the 2 bigger Gouramis fighting earlier so those two are probably bullying the other one. Might a second tank be good? I have a 10 gallon tank I've been thing about setting up if any of my fish get pregnant but I could use it for the bullied Gourami until I think of a better solution.
Tank is cycled and I'm getting the water tested and getting a test kit for myself. I saw the 2 bigger Gouramis fighting earlier so those two are probably bullying the other one. Might a second tank be good? I have a 10 gallon tank I've been thing about setting up if any of my fish get pregnant but I could use it for the bullied Gourami until I think of a better solution.
That would work.

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