
Mostly New Member
Feb 19, 2014
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I'm looking to stock my 29 gallon with live-bearers only. I used a site that calculates your filtration and stock that I can't mention here for some reason and saw that I can have 10 Guppies, 10 Endlers, 5 Julii Corys, 5 Otocinclus, and 6 Cherry Shrimp. It says my filtration is 134% and my stocking is 113%. My filtration is a Bio-Wheel 100, and a Bio-Wheel 200. There are no warnings about being overstocked. Should I put in consideration for breeding? I'm not going to try, but I know it will happen. The decor is going to be fake plants and rocks. Any thoughts on this?



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That website is not recommended because it is not reliable. 
I would choose between either the school of coyrdoras or the otos, then add a few more to bring that number to around eight or so, which would be a strong school.
I'm not sure about the guppies. If you had even one female in there, you could have a serious problem because Endler guppies and fancy guppies will breed. I would worry that twenty of these primarily top-dwelling fish would be an awful lot of competition for space. Even though these are peaceful fish and great for most communities, you still have to take into consideration that each fish can only occupy so little room for a period of time. Maybe you should look into having only ten guppies (a mix, if you'd like, would work) and then something in the middle layer.
The cherry shrimp would be perfectly suitable with any of the fish you choose.
It says your stocking is 113%, that is it warning you about overstocking.
If you were to only have male guppies and endlers, then you wouldn't have a breeding problem, and with both species, the females are far less colourful than the males, however, I would also agree about having so many fish in one level.
I would be inclined to scrub either the guppies or the endlers, and either the otos or the cories (and up the shoal size of the one you choose to keep to 8), then consider a peaceful barb, tetra or rasbora species (x8) for the middle.
my preferred choice would be endlers, harlequin raboras and cories.. as these are in my tank and look great
it would be worth considering at least a couple of live plants. as this helps the bioload.
then go for the shrimp at a later date .. hope this helps :)

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