
  1. M

    An idea for a divided betta tank

    Hey I was just thinking and learning more about the benefits and disadvantages of dividing a tank in 2 with a divider to house 2 bettas. I know there are issues with pheromones and etc but thats not why I am here now. I wanted to share my idea and see if it is plausible; So what if I divide a...
  2. J

    Please help! Sick betta!

    Hi, I just joined this forum for help with my betta fish. Sheā€™s been sick for maybe a week and a half. I noticed some white spots on her that at first kinda looked like ick to me so i treated once for that in her five gallon tank. She has had ick before, maybe six months ago from some tetras...
  3. J

    Could he have fin rot?

    Hi, I got my betta two days ago and had him put into a tank which had been conditioned and running (filter & heater) for 3 days. The water temperature has been between 25-27 degrees celcius with the water filter running non-stop. I took a look at his tail today and saw that it had been frayed...
  4. Sushiiii

    Need help with betta!!!

    Hi! I have a betta fish named Finley, Iā€™ve had him for two years and honestly, I had no idea what I was doing at first, but now I have educated myself more on bettas proper care. I had my Betta in a 10 gallon and he was doing well for months and I noticed his right pectoral fin was almost gone...
  5. M

    Stocking question

    Hey Iā€™ve got a heavily planted 10 gallon with a male betta and 6 harlequin rasboras as well as 3 nerite snails. So far they all get along and they all interact peacefully. However I felt like maybe the rasborasā€™ group of 6 is too small, and maybe i should add 3 more for a group of 9. Cyclewise...
  6. danajs

    What could be wrong with my Betta?

    Hi all, My tank is fully cycled, with ammonia 0.0, nitrite 0.0 and pH 7-8. Temperature is 26. I change about 20-25% of the water every week, using Tetra AquaSafe and Tetra SafeStart. The tank is planted with Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss, Staurogyne Repens, Vallisneria Torta and RotaIa...
  7. D

    911 BETTA HELP

    bavent been able to find my betta since last night, it took about 10 minutes of removing stuff from his tank to find him and he was laying in the gravel on his side not swimming. I took him out of tank so I would could see if he would swim and he didn't move. He's still breathing. Whay can I...
  8. S

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

  9. Quin

    From then to now!

    Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last made a post here. I've checked in once in a blue moon, but I had neither the stories to tell nor the experience to contribute, so I've been pretty quiet ever since I learned how to stop panicking and hovering over Hank lmao. Anyways, a little...
  10. ellamay

    Frozen brine shrimp vs bloodworms

    I have ember tetras, cory's and a betta in my 105l tank. I was thinking about adding some frozen food to their diets. Is there any nutritional differences between the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp? I'm mostly thinking about the frozen food for the betta to be honest, I was thinking...
  11. H

    Where to find adopter for betta in NJ?

    Hello, I foster betta fish, which means I take them in from bad pet stores, rehabilitate them, and find them good forever homes. Our newest rescue is ready to be adopted, and for the past few fish putting up the information on Reddit has worked, but for some reason no one is responding to our...
  12. D

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I recently got a betta. I've always read that they hang out at the top of the tank but mine likes to hang out in his skulls and he keeps swimming like this. I really haven't seen him eat much either. He's housed with 2 mollies and an assistant snail. He's in a 10 gallon tank with live plants, is...
  13. carligraceee

    Plants for Kevin: Recs?

    Hey guys- I was wondering if anyone has any floating plant recommendations for Kevin, my Pink orchid betta? He deserves a little fortress and I think he needs something to jazz up his 6g tank. He has 5 little mushroom houses and a bridge on top of white rock substrate- he also has three VERY...
  14. M

    Question about AMMONIA, NITRITE, NITRATE

    Hey guys this is my second post and since I received so much help regarding my questions on my first post I want to, once again, come here and ask a question. So I have had my tank for over 3 weeks now with fish in it (was established prior to putting fish in through a fishless cycle with Fritz...
  15. dsch132

    New Aquascape Ideas

    Hello again everyone! I've been working on a new project- a five gallon cube that will eventually house a betta and possibly a mystery snail. This tank will be maintained primarily by my girlfriend as her introduction to the hobby. Originally, we were going to keep it pretty basic with minimal...
  16. S

    Ideas for 30 Gallon Betta Community Tank

    Hello, I'm Aakash and totally new to this hobby. Yesterday I bought my 1st Aquarium (30 Gallon) Tank. I want to setup a planted community tank for my Betta Shiroi, so please give me suggestions for her tank mates and plants. Thank you in advance ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø
  17. L

    Betta issue

    Hello :) I'm not sure whats wrong with my betta, he looks like he has a pulled scales of the top of his head, like when we fall over and get a graze, it's kind of like that, I'll upload some photos too, any idea would be really appreciated thank you Theres 3 photos, the 3rd photo with the...
  18. G

    Betta Compatibility for 40 gallons tank

    I got 7 rosy barbs in a 40 gallon all of them are of 2-3inchs in size with a 3 spot gourami. The issue is that 3 spot has grown too large so I am thinking of replacing it with a betta(male). My Rosy barbs have never nipped the fins of the gourami and 40gal seems right for this many fish. The...
  19. E

    Fin Rot or Just damage?

    so about a month ago I got this lovely betta, I've had a few in the past and never had any issues like this but his tail is not looking as great as when I got him. He's currently in a 10 gallon Fluval Flex, which is really well established- about 4 years old now. It is planted and I have...
  20. Cassiee303

    Sick Betta?

    Hello! I posted a couple months ago about a white spot growing on my betta. It seems to have gotten bigger and now it looks like thereā€™s a brownish red bump in the middle of the white. It looks like it must be hurting him :( Heā€™s in a 3.5 gal heated and filtered tank, water temp is usually 82...