
  1. Aeroase

    Help with Cory Catfish?

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with some green and peppered cory catfish in it. One of the peppered cory cats looks very skinny to me compared to the others. It’s a little less active, but still more or less acting normal. I’m worried it’s in the early stages of some kind of disease, am...
  2. A

    Sick or injured Cory Cat?

    I got 4 Panda Corydoras for my sister yesterday, 3 of them are around an inch long, very nice fish. I love watching them huddle together, then explore the tank together and occasionally shoot up to the surface and straight back down to the bottom. They look like they're having so much fun. They...
  3. R

    Corydoras eggs - Fertile or Unfertile?

    Hi all, I have a community tank and my albino cories have decided to lay eggs. This was not intentional but I am uncertain if they are fertile or not. If they are fertile, I would like to try and hatch them. The eggs on the glass appear to be relatively clear/white (therefore unfertile I...
  4. james_fish

    Corydoras - Waste levels?

    Hi all I will soon be offloading the 5 Oto's which I've had a month of so. Firstly, because they have done the job I initially got them for, but mainly because the physical waste they produce. Between them it's astonishing for such a small fish. I can't keep up vacuuming it out! Anyway i'm...
  5. K

    Stocking 30 gallon tropical

    I currently have 3 corydoras, a dwarf gourami, and a ctenopoma. They all get along fine so far. We are hoping to get some larger fish because our ctenopoma can get up to 6 in and will eat whatever fits in their mouth. I was thinking an angelfish and maybe a gourami or a few rams (ones that...
  6. Byron

    Toxin poisoning in Corydoras

    A short while back someone asked about Corydoras catfish poisoning themselves during transport. Just this week I came across an abstract of a study very recently undertaken to identify the toxin(s) and provide more information on the process. Here is a "poster" with some data from this study...
  7. E

    55 gallon Amazon-ish tank

    Hi! Following the suggestion of my friend RR, I'm starting a thread about my journey for my first biotope tank. I'll update this when I have new dev going on for this tank. (Or if something change in my 32 while my Corys wait on me for the 55) Currently I got a 32 gallon tank with 5 peppered...
  8. S

    Will Corydoras Consume Fry?

    Hey Guys, I've recently bought two pairs of leopard endlers in the aims of starting a nice colony, however I am wondering whether corydoras pose a threat to newborn fry? As from what I gather from research is that some say they do and some say they do not. Thanks for the help!
  9. N

    Corydoras Identification

    Hey there, I'm completely new here, and to keeping corys. I recently purchased two corys from my local pet shop, but there was no specific label on them. Can anyone please tell me what kind I have, so I can get more for a school? Thank you so much
  10. Byron

    Purpose Of Adipose Fin In Corydoras Aeneus

    I came across this study and thought some may find it interesting.  As it mentions at the start, the purpose of the adipose fin--which is present on Corydoras and many catfish, as well as most (but not all) characins, the salmon, and some others--has generally been thought vestigial and without...
  11. fropuf

    Cory Catfish

    Hey.   I'm planning a new aquarium. I want to know which kind of corydora catfish I should go with. Bronze, or peppered? There will be a lot of plants, and tank mates. Guppies, tetras, and danios. I want a fish that will be active, friendly, and fun to watch. Thanks.
  12. T

    Help Please, How To Tell If Bronze Corydoras Eggs Are Fertile

    I have read up on Google alot on this BUT I need clarification I cant seem to find!    -To my understanding fertile eggs turn a light beige or tan eventually? and non fertile have a white center and turn white in the first day or so? (this Ive seen alot)    How long after being laid do they turn...
  13. Ace_Of_Fades

    Fish Newbie

    Hello Fishforums,  
  14. PorkWellington

    Skunk Cory Turning White

    Hi there fish folks....   I installed 4 skunk corys in my 125l fish tank 2 weeks ago....   The tank has now been running for about a month with a few guppies and a plec.   One of the skunks appears to be losing its colour and not as active as the other 3 - please see pic.....   The ammonia in...
  15. P

    Cory With Eggs Or Should I Be Concerned?

    Hey guys!   This is my first time writing on this forum. I just wanted to get your opinion on one of my panda corys.   About 3 weeks ago I noticed one of my corys has a rounded pale spot close to its anal fin. I honestly have no idea what it could be. Maybe eggs?!? I looked all over the internet...
  16. Demeter32

    Something In My Water?

    Hello everyone, new to fish forums but not to aquariums. I have 7 zebra danios, 2 Cory cats, one brittle nose, male half moon betta and a female paradise gourami in a planted 20gal tank. I first notices that my zebras were having trouble breathing and hanging around the surface. I investigated...
  17. S

    Corydoras With White Slimed Thin Film And Red Belly

    I have one corydoras has been covered with white thin films for weeks., some lesions. Then, red belly developed. I have 55 gallon and other fish, some scaleless, who are/were till medications. Despite all these skin lesion, the Cory appears to be active and have healthy appetite. I started...
  18. S

    Sick Cory With Possible Swim Bladder Problem

    Request Help   One of my two false bandit corys (corydoras melini) can't keep balance in the water, and frequently ends up losing balance and ending up on his side or upside down. He can right himself, and swim about normally, until he stops, at which point he has the issue. Tank size: 30cm x...
  19. ToxicAngel

    Feeding Issues

    Hi all I recently got some corydoras (trilineatus) but Im having some trouble feeding them. I've got some sinking food that they really like and while I think they are getting enouh to survive my greedy harlequins are eating so much of it they're getting really swollen stomachs and I'm worried...
  20. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Corydoras And Ph Help

    Hi all I was wondering about the various species of corydoras in relation to high pH.   Sorry if this is a repeat topic, but if it is available, I couldn't find it easily, and though I've touched on this question in some of my other threads, I was hoping for some more direct and detailed answers...
  21. ashcole1989

    95L Freshwater Tropical Tank

    Hello all and welcome to my journal and documentation of my tropical aquarium experience! So around a month or so ago a friend of mine got himself a nano tank, and after seeing it and helping out with some research I got the bug; I wanted my own tank. As a kid I kept a very small tank in my...
  22. andyjhales

    Help Identify Corydoras

    Got both of these corys at the same time told the were juli's but both are very different now I have had them a couple of months. I have since found out juli's are rare. Can anyone help me identify these any help would be appreciated.
  23. B

    My 30 Litre Tank.

    Hey Guys,   Thought i would start some updates of my tank, this is the first tropical tank i have set up, so any advice or ideas would be appreciated, i also think it would be cool in the future for me to look back on this, when i first started dealing with tropical fish.   So, some basic info...
  24. CrazyDiamond88

    Pygmy Corydoras; Cutest Things Ever?

    I'm totally head over heels for mine. They're friggin adorable. They live in a 12 gallon (8 of them) with my betta, Kasai.
  25. CrazyDiamond88

    Feeding Facepalm

    My betta lives with 8 pygmy corys in a cycled 12 gallon tank.   The cory I got just a few days ago. They are all getting along fine with each other which is a relief.   Anyway, I am trying to work out what/how to feed them, without overfeeding my gluttonous betta, who is currently bumbling...
  26. A

    Please Help! Sick Cory, Skin Peeling Off!

    Request Help Tank size: 25ltr pH: 7.5 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:20ppm kH:? gH:? tank temp: 26C (Im from Uk, this is celsius)     Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):   The cory looks as tho her skin is peeling from her body, she just lies...
  27. B

    12 Mixed Community Fish For Sale - Bedford

    Hi all I am looking to sell my entire stock of freshwater tropical fish as I am closing my tank down. All fish are healthy and it would be great for them to all go to the same home. If you are able to help me achieve this then you have the lot for £25.00 Livestock: Angelfish Quantity for...
  28. sharkydog

    Java Moss

    I am thinking of creating a landscape-look for my tank and was wondering if java moss can grow on/in sand? I have seen that Java moss is often used to create a 'grass' type look and it seems like it doesn't need much to thrive. I've read that a few people buried their java moss partway into the...
  29. C

    I Have 2Albino And 2 Peppered Corys, Should I Buy More Peppered Or Mor

    Hi :) i have 2 albino and 2 peppered corys :D should i buy more peppered or more albino? They all school together so far and they all seem to like eachother :3 But the only problem is i have room for only 2 more before my tank is fully stocked, should i buy one more of each or 2 pepered or 2 albino?
  30. Mylesmom08

    Can You Id These Eggs? Catfish?

    Hey guys, long story short I was just getting ready to plant new plants and turned over my driftwood to spot these two little guys. I have no idea what sort of eggs these are, im not trying to breed anything?  lol the only thing I can think of is my false juliee (sp?) corydoras because the...
  31. CrazyDiamond88

    Non-Cory Tank Mates For My Betta?

    My tank is about 14.5G and I want to put some tank mates in with my male betta.   I was thinking of getting some dwarf corydoras, but here's the thing.    I am aquascaping my tank and I want to cover the whole of the bottom with plants.    I know cory cats like sand, so I was thinking if I cover...
  32. tmoney7

    Pygmy Corydoras Odd Behavior

    So i just got 6 new pygmy corydoras for my 10 gal tank and i was just wondering if there were any signs or things they might do if they are not doing so great.  I know that if there is not enough oxygenation in the water then you will see them go to the top and and almost bite at the air, which...
  33. D

    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Hey all!   I've currently got a 200L tank (roughly 50-ish ?US? gallons) which I'm planning on converting into a tropical community setup. (At the moment it's housing some goldfish, which will be going on a permanent vacation to my aunt's house, lol. ) The specs are: 122cm(L) 36.5cm (D) 45cm(H)...
  34. FungusTrooper

    Cory Trilineatus Refusing To Eat

    Hey guys,   I got two new cory trilineatus for my trilineatus/betta tank the other day. Both showed signs of stress, as can be expected, but right now I'm watching my original two and one of the new ones chowing down on a sinking shrimp pellet together. However, the other new one isn't fairing...
  35. FungusTrooper

    Need An Id

    Hi guys.   Just went to the LFS to pick up some more corys for our tank - we had some already but the numbers weren't enough, yadda yadda. Anyway, they had a donated cory. The guy thought it was a julii, but I don't think so. I want to get him some buddies, but don't know what he is!     Any...
  36. Billiemay

    Strange White Algae, Worm Thing.. Helpp

    I have cycled my tank and all the levels were good I added 2 albino Corydoras yesterday and today I have these white things growing they look like the white fluffy things on dandelions and there also was what looked like a white worm sort of thing very tiny moving on my glass, my betta is due to...
  37. K

    Eggs Laid, What To Do?

    I have 4 cories. 2 albino, one leopard and one emerald green.  I noticed little white eggs all over the tank. Some on the front panel of the glass (where the filter flows right over) and then on plants around that area of the tank. I have livebearer Mollies and one pleco in this tank as well. I...
  38. S

    Corydoras Eggs?

    I have peppered and Julii corydoras in a 120L tank aswell as a some Rummynose teras. I have recently found some yellow spherical objects which I assume are eggs, the peppered cories eggs. Somehow I'm not sure whether or not these eggs will survive. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  39. Sophie

    260L Juwel Vision Re-Do

    So, being 5 months pregnant now, I wanted to get my tank as low maintenance as possible for myself as well as ready to move to my new house in a few easy steps. I kind of went a little crazy, got rid of most of my plants and ended up going from this:     To this:     Moved a ton of stuff...
  40. K

    Hi Everyone

    Hi, I'm Kirstie and I've been keeping fish for about 3 years. I have recently upgraded my tank to a 110 litre one and added bogwood as I've always wanted a bristlenose. I currently have 3 danios (2 zebra and 1 pearl), 2 corydoras sterbai, 2 female platys and 6 baby platys. I'm sure I'll have...