Non-Cory Tank Mates For My Betta?


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
My tank is about 14.5G and I want to put some tank mates in with my male betta.
I was thinking of getting some dwarf corydoras, but here's the thing. 
I am aquascaping my tank and I want to cover the whole of the bottom with plants. 
I know cory cats like sand, so I was thinking if I cover all the sand up, it's probably not going to be very cory-friendly.
Is there some other companion I can put in the tank which doesn't mind not having a sandy substrate?
hmm do you prefer bootm feeders or is your betta too agressive to keep with other fish?
I would suggest a group of otos but i could be wrong
Dwarf Corydoras would be perfectly fine with a fully planted bottom. I've seen them thrive in tanks with fully carpeted substrate :)
Guppy - I can't tell if Kasai is aggressive or not. He's never had tank mates before. I know that he is very interactive though. When I put my hand in the tank he will swim around it and sit in it. He's very curious.
Paradise - really?! That would be awesome, if I could have them with a carpeted substrate. I love dwarf corydoras and carpeted substrates xD
That is good news if so!
CrazyDiamond88 said:
Guppy - I can't tell if Kasai is aggressive or not. He's never had tank mates before. I know that he is very interactive though. When I put my hand in the tank he will swim around it and sit in it. He's very curious.
Paradise - really?! That would be awesome, if I could have them with a carpeted substrate. I love dwarf corydoras and carpeted substrates xD
That is good news if so!
Yeah, I've seen them thriving in a fully planted tank with a carpeted substrate :)
As for whether he'll be aggressive or not, have a back-up plan just in case he doesn't like his new house mates as he'll probably be defensive with new fish in his territory. You could remove him, re-aquascape the tank and add the new fish before him so that he thinks he's in their territory?
Ok great! Carpet and corydoras here we come haha.

Actually he's currently in his own 5 gal tank and I haven't got the cats yet.
I'll put them in once the 14.5 is cycled then put him in last.

Gosh aquascaping can be tough...!
CrazyDiamond88 said:
Ok great! Carpet and corydoras here we come haha.

Actually he's currently in his own 5 gal tank and I haven't got the cats yet.
I'll put them in once the 14.5 is cycled then put him in last.

Gosh aquascaping can be tough...!
All sounds good :) And yeah but it can be fun and rewarding too :)

  • A tank mate (more for you than the betta) in 5-10 gallons options are: Shrimp (some of the smaller ones may be eaten occasionally, but that's a tasty and healthy snack for your betta 
    ), snails, african dwarf frogs. In 10-20g tanks you can keep Ottos (in groups of 6 or more) and start introducing tetras of various sorts, mollies, platties, corydoras etc. and all of the previous. It all depends on the individual betta on what he can be housed with. I have had a betta that picked on my corydoras and a betta that I truly believe could live quite happily with another betta (not that I will ever test this)
The one thing I caution is making sure you have a backup plan if you betta is aggressive to other fish.  Most bettas are fine with corys but some are not fine with anything (including something as small as a single snail).
Wildbetta said:
The one thing I caution is making sure you have a backup plan if you betta is aggressive to other fish.  Most bettas are fine with corys but some are not fine with anything (including something as small as a single snail).
Yep, already mentioned this :lol: Thanks for mentioning it again though :)
It's always good to reiterate things so that the OP can hear it from multiple sources which hopefully makes them feel more comfortable that it is the right information.
Hope your betta doesn't mind the corys, can't wait to see the tank when it's finished :)
Ninjouzata said:
It's always good to reiterate things so that the OP can hear it from multiple sources which hopefully makes them feel more comfortable that it is the right information.
Hope your betta doesn't mind the corys, can't wait to see the tank when it's finished
Yup :) Hence why I thanked Wildbetta for mentioning it again :)

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