
New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hi, I'm Kirstie and I've been keeping fish for about 3 years. I have recently upgraded my tank to a 110 litre one and added bogwood as I've always wanted a bristlenose. I currently have 3 danios (2 zebra and 1 pearl), 2 corydoras sterbai, 2 female platys and 6 baby platys. I'm sure I'll have some new babies soon as one of females is fat!!! I've not had too many health issues in my tank (just a few deaths related to a breeding pair of kribs! But that's another story). One of my corys has a fungal infection and my new bogwood has white furry fungus on it. I used melafix and pimafix last night and my danios went crazy so I had to replace the carbon! I'm at a loss as to how to treat the cory now! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You need a back up tank where you can remove and treat the cory. Also corys prefer groups of 6 or more.

You could fit a BN pleco in a 110 without much of an issue.
Hi Kirstie, welcome to the forum! 

The first thing I would be doing is removing the bogwood, cleaning it up and giving it a soak in some boiling water. I remember one of my smaller pieces of bogwood having this problem when I first set up my 125L, I just took it out for a while and put it in some boiling water to hopefully kill whatever it was off before putting it back in. It worked and I currently have some Java Moss growing on that piece.
As for your cory, the best thing to do would be to get yourself a quarantine tank that you'll be able to treat him/her in. This doesn't have to be big, 20L will be sufficient but you will have to add some mature media to the filter to make sure you don't end up with an ammonia build up when your cory is added. 
Primafix will be your best bet medication-wise :)
I look forward to seeing you around the fourm!

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