african dwarf frog

  1. kpewv

    anyone have general information pertaining to ADFs with bonus/additonal limbs?

    my girlfriend and i recently purchased an ADF from a lfs, and he (or she, too young to sex) appears to have 1-1.5 extra legs in the front. i tried searching some stuff up online but ultimately found nothing, as the topic is rather niche. he seems to be swimming around and eating just fine, but i...
  2. L

    Losing African Dwarf Frogs to dropsy

    I've lost two of my 5 ADF's to dropsy in the last fortnight and I'm not sure why. I've only had them for a few months, I had two already and bought three more to boost numbers. It seems to be the newer ones that are affected. The symptoms start with going off food a few days beforehand, then...
  3. L

    ADF not eating

    Not a tropical fish emergency but amphibian emergency. One of my ADF's has stopped eating and is refusing food. I know a couple of people on here also keep these little guys so hoping someone can help. He/she looks well in all other respects, no skin discolouration or injuries that I can see...
  4. L

    Lost a froggy today

    Bit of a bummer, I had moved my african dwarf frogs out of my main tank while I used worming medication on my fish as they were showing symptoms. I kept the frogs out much longer than recommended by the manufacturer and did extra water changes to help dilute the meds out once I'd finished...
  5. L

    My ADF's side by side comparison

    Managed to get all my ADF's together while feeding today and took a picture to show the size difference between them all. All purchased at the same time so I assume are the same age, and were all teeny when I got them 6ish months ago, but the lightest one is probably twice the size of all the...
  6. D

    Can African Dwarf Frogs Eat Spiders?

    I just noticed a small spider just above the water line in my 40 gal tank with African dwarf frogs in it. If the frogs can eat spiders, I am interested in feeding it to them. If not, I'll just collect the spider and put it outside. :) So does anyone know if its safe for them or if they would...
  7. L

    Do ADF's "need" pellets?

    I'm currently feeding my African Dwarf Frogs a combo of frozen daphnia, brine shrimp, blood worms and amphibigold pellets on different days. I soak the pellets overnight and mash them up before feeding as they're far too big otherwise, but the frogs just spit them out. They don't spit out any...
  8. L

    My little froggies

    Managed to get half decent pictures of 4 out of 5 of my ADF's, they're getting much more confident and have learned that big human looming at the top of the water = food! I think I have 2 males and 3 females but not completely sure as they're still juveniles, two are noticeably smaller (see the...
  9. L

    Little update on my tank

    Tried to get a few videos of my tank, unfortunately the cories were nowhere to be seen so its mainly a video of my frogs and snails hanging out at the top! Tank has been set up for 2 months and I'm happy with how it's going although will be happier when the plants grow in a bit more.
  10. I

    HELP!! african dwarf frog dying(??)

    a little under a week ago while i was cleaning the sand with a gravel vac, his leg got stuck and i accidentally sucked him in. i panicked and got him out of the tube as quickly as i could but his skin was incredibly red and irritated. i’ve been keeping an eye on him the past week or so and while...
  11. M

    Moving with African Dwarf frogs

    Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I have to unexpectedly move (3 hours away). I currently am the owner of two African dwarf frogs and 1 betta. I know that this move will be stressful for them and I want to do anything I can to make it more comfortable so I have a few questions. What can I do...
  12. J

    African Dwarf Frogs Holding Each Other

    Hey everyone, I have had 2 ADF for about 6 months now, a male and a female. They have been singing the entire time I’ve had them and a couple times a week they latch onto each other. I know this is normally a sign of mating but as I said it been happening every few days for six months and there...
  13. M

    Ecobio block

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if it's safe to you ecobio blocks with african dwarf frogs and Corey cat fish? I recently switched my african dwarf frogs to a 10 gallon tank from a 5. I had 3 nano ecobio blocks in the 5 gallon. I recently bought the size small of the ecobio block for the...
  14. S

    African Dwarf Frog floating please help!!

    Hi, I made an account so I could ask about this so sorry if I am doing something wrong. I've had two African dwarf frogs for about three months, and within the past 4 days, I've had the female floating at the top. So far I've done tons of research and she's not bloated or doesn't have any cloudy...
  15. R


    Hey guys, I keep african dwarf frogs for years now and this has never happened. I've been dealing with a bladder snail infestation which I've sorted out pretty well... the numbers have decreased a lot. However, I noticed my ADF was struggling with a small snailI went to go wash my hands (as I...
  16. W

    African Dwarf Frog Bumps with red spot on them.

    Hello all, Unfortunately, my ADF may be sick. This is the first aquarium with endlers, guppy, adf, orange shrimp, and a pleco... 16 gallon. A few weeks ago, I noticed a bump developing. Now, there are several and a few have a red dot on them. What type of a disease can this be? And how should...
  17. D

    Is this set up good for dwarf african frogs?

    Once my larger rank cycles (almost complete) the only fish in my 10 gallon will be my baby betta. I'm thinking of adding dwarf African frogs. Is this set up safe for them? All my big opening are covered. How many frogs should I get?
  18. Falconwithaboxon

    Bloated African Dwarf Frog

    I have an african dwarf frog that is rather bloated and he his spending much more time at the surface than he usually does. I am worried he's suck or are a rock but I'm not sure. Is there anything I can do to help him? Or will he just die? The tank is rather tall(24 inches) and I could try to...
  19. W

    ADF upside down and swollen leg

    Hi, I got two new ADFs a few days ago. On day two I noticed that one was upside down on the bottom swimming in circles. I noticed he (assuming it's a he??) had a very swollen leg and figured he would struggle swimming up to the surface so put him in a floating breeding box near the top of the...
  20. T

    55 gallon Dwarf Frog Stocking Questions

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank and I'm thinking about stocking with African Dwarf Frogs or Claw Frogs. How many frogs can I stock in this tank? What fish can I stock with these frogs in my tank? Will African dwarf frogs be a Hassel to take care of? I'm not looking for a very difficult stock to...
  21. Moopoo

    Frog and Rocks

    Hi I have noticed that a lot of people that have aquactic frogs don't have any places to hide on the bottom of thier tank. My Bert who is a african dwarf frog loves his many rocks in the tank... Lots of places to hide!!.. who does the same??
  22. Moopoo


    Just wanted to say hi.. I have 2 goldfish called rocky and Robyn and a variety of tropical including a aquactic frog called bert!... I've never had a frog before so loving this wee man.. ? Rocky is a miracle fish as when my son looked after him through different issues with tank and various...
  23. J

    My history

    Hello, My name is Jess and I am excited to have found a place with reliable advice and understanding fish keepers. I have had fish in the past but took a break for a couple of years. I decided to start an African dwarf frog tank and have fallen in love with them.
  24. J

    African Dwarf frogs bloated, dropsy or fat?

    Hello, this is my first post I have a 3.5 gallon with two African dwarf frogs and a snail. I have two live plants, and a cave to hide in. They have a filter and a heater. I have had them for a little over a month now. I'm feeding them Mon, Wed, Friday, mainly pellets and thawed brine shrimp as...
  25. G

    Introducing New African Dwarf Frogs?

    Hi, I'm looking for advice. For backstory, for 7 years now, I have had 2 ADF and a zebra nerite snail living in a 5 gallon tank with no filter. I realize that I definitely should have a filter, but I was very young when I first set up the tank, and by the time I learned enough to know that they...
  26. ember04

    How many African dwarf frogs in a 7.5 gallom

    Can anyone help me? I am setting up a 7.5-gallon African dwarf frog tank. The tank will be specifically designed around ADF and will have no other tank mate (maybe a snail but that is it). The tank will be planted in a 'jungle' style so very heavily planted and will have lots of driftwood and...
  27. jedimildred54

    Help is this dropsy? African Dwarf Frog

    I fed my African dwarf frog brine shrimp for the first time a day and a half ago. He was floating near the top, but he DOES go down. I did a 25% water change today. All the levels are good.. He seems more bloated then usual. Is this dropsy? Link to video of him swimming: .
  28. jedimildred54

    African Dwarf Frog has cut/injury on butt, HELP

    I have 2 african dwarf frogs in a 5.5 gallon tank. The NO2 and NO3 seem to be zero. PH between 7-7.5. GH &KH good I had Petco test the water and they said it was fine. One of my frogs has red around the anus like a cut. I'm wondering if bleeding from pooping/constipation or injury. I did see the...
  29. M

    Naughty African Dwarf (Albino)

    Hi! New poster here, I’m writing to share what happened to me today. I was waking my fish and frogs up and I noticed one of my larger ones (banjo) wasn’t there. I searched high and low in the tank in the gravel in the filter around the tank in all corners etc. He was absolutely nowhere to be...
  30. jedimildred54

    My new african dwarf frog is shedding weekly, is this normal?

    I recently got 2 african dwarf frogs for a 5 gallon tank. One frog, the biggest one, has shed once a week since I got him (it's been about 3 weeks). He always gets all the skin off after a day. There is no redness. A week ago the water was cloudy so I changed half the water. Also I've switched...
  31. B

    African Dwarf Frogs biting each other

    Hi all, I just recently purchased a 5 gallon tank and I have 2 molies and 2 African dwarf frogs in it. This is my first time ever keeping frogs and I’m not very experienced at it. I’ve had them for about a month now. I’ve been feeding them aquatic frog sinking pellets but have never observed...
  32. J

    Tank lighting

    Hello! We recently had a huge storm where I live, and our power went out. The power company said it will take a few days to fix, maybe even up to a week. I am worried about my African Dwarf Frogs since their tank light won’t turn on, and they’re in an area of the house that doesn’t have much...
  33. C

    ADF with flaky skin?

    Hi! So I recently purchased an african dwarf frog from a large-chain pet store. Aside from his missing arm, which was very inflamed when I got him, he seemed to be alright-- eating well, responsive to stimulus, etc. I've been quarantining him for about a week now before I introduce him to my...
  34. C

    Help/advice African dwarf frog has reddish legs

    Iv attached a photo I’m saw online that red legs can be a sign of infection and I’m worried my frog has it. I have not noticed a change in appetite or activity level. I have had my two frogs for around 8 months, they have always been in good health. I’ve got a filter on my tank and change water...
  35. P

    Paranoid or redleg?

    Hello. I have 5 adfs. Storebought males: pip(1yr) and baby(7 mos). Store bought female: Dae(1 yr). Pip and daes offspring female riza(5 mos). Dae and the late ghosts(1yr at death) offspring: creature(9 mos). They were in a 5.5 which I am aware was too small but miraculously two tadpoles...
  36. D

    Dwarf Frogs Pregnant or Bloated?

    Hello, I’m new to this website and not sure if I posted this under the wrong forum, I apologize if I did. I’ve had these dwarf frogs for about a month and got them from a private fish store. They’ve been pretty healthy but yesterday I fed them their usually frozen blood worms & woke up to one of...
  37. J

    African Dwarf Frogs

    Hello! About two months ago I got two African dwarf frogs. It’s my first time ever owning them. They’ve been perfectly fine for the past two months, but about four days ago they started doing that amplexus thing, which they’ve done a few times before. Except this time, it’s been four days and...
  38. F

    Stocking 105L/27 Gallon Tank

    Hi, I have a planted tank that’s in the process of cycling so while I wait I’d like to know how many of each type of fish I can have in my aquarium. Please let me know how to adjust my numbers so that everyone has room and the bioload isn’t exceeded. I have the tetra ‘starter line’ 105L/27...
  39. A

    New African dwarf frog

    Hi! I am totally new to this forum and also the fish world! Yesterday I bough a African dwarf frog who is cohabitating with a few other fish in a ten gallon tank! I called the pet store last night because I was concerned because at first he was swimming around a bit and now he’s just laying...
  40. A

    HELP! African dwarf frogs

    Around 2 weeks ago I bought 3 new African dwarf frogs to live with my current frog (I’ve had him for 4 years) who seemingly all looked healthy and happy! All was well until 2 days ago, one of the new frogs suddenly died. I thought it was just because of stress or age, I found him dead floating...