
  1. D

    Hey Glugs? Lol

    Hey guys, hope you’re all well. I’ve kept koi for awhile now but I’ve recently done my first aquascape. I’ve signed up because this is all new to me and I’m hoping I can get some great advice. I have a half open top tank and that's why the water is lower by 8 inches from the top if any fish...
  2. Ieesha99

    Planted tank

    3 weeks later 😍🌱
  3. Tacocat

    10 gallon CO2 shrimp/plant tank

    Hi! About a month ago my brother and I acquired a cheap 10 gallon courtesy of boxing day sales. We're planning to use this as a gateway for carolina shrimp, as we have failed a couple times previously, and we would like to try again properly. Substrate: fluval stratum Filter: aqueon hob decor...
  4. Tacocat

    Refurbished 40ish gallon dirted tank/aquascape

    Hi! I've been inactive for a while and I've just gotten back into the hobby because my family got a hand me down tank from my cousins. Today we just did the dirt, substrate, hardscape, and first plants while also adding some bacteria bombs. We're planning to add more plants to fill in the tank...
  5. Y

    Embers sick or just depressed?

    I got 9 embers and 1 cherry shrimp who hitchiked (11 gallon cube decently planted) I have them for about 2 weeks, the first week the would come out when i wasnt at my room but hide when im in the room. I went on vacation for a week and let my parents feed them. I think they overfed them because...
  6. S

    Video Onix (Pokémon) in Betta Aquarium

    Hello, I'm Sanma in Korea. I am new to this forum. I present below my nano planted tank. I'd like to show you through my channel that you can make a beautiful aquarium with just with a small fish tank without any complicated materials. Thank you so much.
  7. K

    Aquascape choice

    Hi, I am returning to the hobby after a few years, I have kept a few tanks over the years makes of tanks, Clearsil, ? Seabrey, Juwel etc i have had community fish, African cichlids, had a tank of about 4 Oscar’s and I did have a planted Discus tank. So I’m now thinking of a Aquascape tank, which...
  8. B

    New aquascape opinions

    Hey there! I'm making a new tank for some shrimp and I wanted to get some thoughts from some more people about the hardscape. Nothing is really glued in place yet, only some rocks are glued to one another.
  9. Woodlol

    Dark Purple Foreground Plants Suggestions?

    Good morning/afternoon/evening! I'm looking for some ideas for bushy dark purple foreground plants for my planted tank. The picture is a little cloudy because I had just planted the others, but I want to put some red/black lava rocks and something dark and lush in front of the red lava rocks...
  10. Duckquarium

    Very bare 10g for male betta

    I feel like this tank is wicked bare, should I stick some gravel in there??? I don’t mind the soil personally I wanna see where the carpet heads off to. I don’t have a lot of experience with growing aquarium plants so I honestly have no idea what it’ll look like I just put stuff wherever I...
  11. CozyCat

    A huge improvement...

    For months this tank that sits on my desk set up in September last year, has been cloudy. I could not work out why it was going cloudy even after water changes and clarifying treatments. The image below shows how bad the cloudiness got, there is a large piece of wood in the middle left...
  12. foxgirl158

    What’s best?

    I just learned about a fish expo/swap near me that I hope to be going to. I am not currently looking for any more fish, however I do want to redo my tank soon. I want a more natural look, as at the moment it is all plastic. I would like some opinions and advice on what would be the best...
  13. April_ht

    Betta Tank & Questions

    I've come to the decision to turn my 4.2 Gallon spare tank into a Betta tank. This was thought up last week, and I've finally got the tank set up and the betta on the way. The tank was cycled for about 6 weeks before I tore it apart yesterday and reset the whole thing, though the sponge filter...
  14. Amyl0359

    112L tropical tank hello :D

    Picture of tank to be added soon :) Hello and thanks for having me :) Here is my and my partners 112L tank setup on 26/10/21 1 month and 14days old. We also have a pond outside that we built in lockdown.
  15. Linkandnavi

    Rock ID

    Anyone know the more common name for this type of rock? The site is Austrian so I'm not sure if something is being lost in translation. It calls them "sand drawing rock", but a Google for that doesn't come up with anything that I can...
  16. April_ht

    Freshwater plants (cold water)

    What plants would be best suited for a cold water planted tank? Information about my tank: 70 litres (18 Gallons) 60l x 30w x 40h in cm (approx 24l x 12w x 16h in inches) Water hardness 105ppm or 5.5dH pH 7.5 Temp: 18 degrees Celsius after a water change and 20 degrees Celsius on average. No co2...
  17. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    Would love some aqua scaping inspiration! Post photos of your Oscar tanks below :) This is mine currently. 5ft x 1.5ft x1.5ft. Home to: - 1 Oscar (Rudy) - 1 Senegal bichir (Bruce) - 1 albino sailfin pleco (Boris īī ) A wee bit on the small side but everyone seems happy :)
  18. April_ht

    4.2 Gallon (16 Litre) Stocking

    About a month ago, I bought a 16 litre tank for some platy fry (tank dimensions around 35cm x 20cm x 25cm maybe). I’ve placed 5 into the main tank to see how they do with adult platy and White Cloud Mountain Minnows, the latter of which chased them though could not fit them in their mouth. I’ve...
  19. M

    Question about Platys

    Hey, so I am setting up a 20 gal long and want to create a rock-heavy aquascape with the only plants being Vallisneria and Java moss. I have been looking at different stocking ideas and having a Platy-only aquarium sounds very fun to me. However I was uncertain if they’d be happy in a rock heavy...
  20. Barry Tetra

    Aquascaping Design Website

    Hello! Just wanted to share something I found in the internet! I have found this website quite useful for those of you who needed to plan their aquascape before buying stuff. @Wills @PheonixKingZ
  21. S

    When to introduce fish to aquascape

    Hi there, I’m setting up an aquascape using various low maintenance plants and azalea root (It has been soaking in my bath for the past week). The goal is to add some guppies to the aquarium at some point. I was wondering if you have any advice on how long to leave the plants to establish...
  22. Anonymous Fox

    Constructive criticism?

    My grandfathers tank size: 35-40 gallons tall bow front tank Stocking *warning, pretty bad*: 2 boenus aris tetras, 1 glow light tetra (probably gonna end up getting), 2 Glofish/tetras, 10+ fancy guppies No live plants, two filters ( one built into the log/ tree thingy), heaters, slate hides...
  23. A

    Need layout advice

    Hi everyone, first post here. So basically I'm trying to improve my tank, which has a pretty bad layout at the moment, mainly due to, say, laziness in maintenance mostly, so I'm trying to change that. My tank is a 33gal or 120 liters long, so I went with three dragon stones with rotala h'ra in...
  24. X

    1st 28Ltr Aquascape Betta tank

    Hi all, thought I'd share my first Aquascape. Please feel free to add feedback ?
  25. S

    New Nano Tank Aquascape

    Hi All This is my second attempt at setting up a Nano Freshwater Aquarium. The first was a general disaster thanks to lack of research! I've spent quite a few months planning this one and wanted to share my set up with you all. It's a 20 litre Nano tank, using remineralised RO water...
  26. Barry Tetra

    Iwagumi and Dry start method

    So recently I’ve been interested in Iwagumi lately and I went to the plant store yesterday to buy some seiryu stones and I have this following questions: The tank is 24”x15”x12” the plant is going to be Utricularia graminifolia. - Background colors; white or black? - light recommended? -...
  27. dsch132

    New Aquascape Ideas

    Hello again everyone! I've been working on a new project- a five gallon cube that will eventually house a betta and possibly a mystery snail. This tank will be maintained primarily by my girlfriend as her introduction to the hobby. Originally, we were going to keep it pretty basic with minimal...
  28. F

    $50 budget Betta sorority tank

    Hey guys! I recently started a betta sorority nano tank. I had an aquarium 10 years ago but things have changed a lot since then, equipments, the theory in general. I decided to ask this forum for ways to improve my tank, some advice from experts, equipment wise, aesthetically, anything...
  29. FishNturt808

    Changing the scape

    So my newly built slate decor is ready to go in the tank, but I have to remove the old rocks to get them to fit right. Should I leave some of the old stuff in to keep my cycle from crashing?
  30. JohnnyFish

    Finished Tank!

    I just thought I would add a pic of my (almost) finished 37l tank! i'm planning to add shrimp in a few weeks, probably cherries, but i'm not sure how many is a good place to start?
  31. mbsqw1d

    50g Re-scape help

    Hi - I've let this overgrow into a bit of a mess now and not sure what to do with it. The vallis is going mad, dunno whether to completely remove it? And replace with Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae? I've tried to summarise what's going on: A: Echinodorus Impai thats been struggling...
  32. BettaBoyBilly


    Hey guys my name is Will i have a male Koi betta haven’t named him yet cause idk what to name him. He kicks it in an 8 gallon live planted aquarium with 5 Pygmy Corydora’s and 5 (well i put in 5 but i only ever see the same 3) amano shrimp. I plan on getting some either some Ember Tetras or...
  33. 3

    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    First planted tank..... GO easy ahaha
  34. Meg0000

    New 50 gallon stocking ideas

    Hi, I bought a 50 gallon (4 feet long) used tank today and I would like your ideas for a peaceful community aquarium! I got a really good deal on it, it came with 2 fluval c filter, 1 marina filter, 1 fluval air pump, 2 fluval heater, the light, the stand and the aquarium for only 175$ CAD. That...
  35. vikinglord13

    New Aquagarden Mini Pond Kit from Aquascape!

    Hey guys, I figured some of you might like the new Aquagarden from Aquascape. I just uploaded an unboxing video of it. Enjoy!
  36. Christoffer

    Will the puffer fish bee happy? 450L - No Co2 - Aquascape

    I want build a big 450 liters Non co2 dwarf puffer aquascape Paradise, whit maby 10 dwarf puffer fish, and some other fish, and want to make it look like this whit stone wood, and moss and som plants, and make some caves, like this guy have done: And build some rocks like this ...
  37. Peepss

    1 Month Transformation

    Just super happy with the way this turned out and has grown into itself. 1st day - 1 Month (plus a couple additions in the front). I use the Fluval Aquasky light & adjust its location throughout the day. This is a 60 gallon tank.
  38. G

    Aquascape soil

    Hi, I need some advice on my aquascape substrate. What I want is for there to be gravel in the back and mostly sand in the front. The sand being for my horsehead loaches and cories. Very heavily planted with roots and some rocks. Med-tech. I bought some floredepot, but it's only enough for...
  39. C

    I need advise plz

    I have two Oscar's and two bristlnose plecos and was wondering what would be the best choice of large aquarium rocks the put in my tank. I have a 75 gallon tank wide I'm also going to put a diy bubble bar in the back of the tank Is it possible that I can put a natural obsidian rock structure...
  40. giobelkoicenter

    Mini aquascape empty jar bottle with betta will make you awe

    This is my mini aquascape setup empty jar bottle with beautiful halfmoon nave blue betta