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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Advice please? Newbie here

    Hi new member here. I recently got gifted a 24litres tank with the size of 40cm length, 25.5cm width and 28cm height. I want to get a butterfly Betta, and one nerite snail, I want to get two kuhli loaches is it possible? I just love their look. Please be kind it’s my first time getting a...
  2. Nells250

    Do New Plant Only Tanks Also Need Cycling?

    I have read that a new plant-only tank needs to be cycled like any other. Is the process just as important to plants as fish/shrimp? Due to space and electrical outlet restraints, I can't just plug in a new tank somewhere and wait like "normal people" can. BUT I also don't want to loose...
  3. F

    Breeding Tank Rack Help

    Hi All, Growing up was a keen freshwater aquarium hobbyist and breeder. Recently my son has shown an interest in the hobby and looking to get back into it. I'm looking at building a 3-tier breeding rack setup primarily for betta, angelfish and cherry shrimp for now. We have been gradually...
  4. I

    Chipped tank - repair or a no go?

    Hi After moving house I've come to the time to look at starting back into the hobby. However looking over a tank I was going to start with I've noticed a couple of chips in the glass. One is the corner at the bottom and another is down the join on the corner edge. It's a 14 gallon/53 litre...
  5. T

    Real kit starter need

    Hi, Browsing, there are many kit starters with more or less long list of items. Don’t know anymore if a kit is a good idea. I am living in South East Asia, 1 season per year, humid a lot, 35 degrees all year. Will choose between Luminous Tetra or Goldfish, one or the other. Will equip with...
  6. Nells250

    Do I need plant specific substrate if I use liquid fertilizer?

    I know a good amount about OUTDOOR gardening, but am learning about aqua-gardening. Since most of the readily available planted tank substrates either look too silly, come in too large a quantity, or cost a LOT, I'm curious if it MUST be used IF I am already adding a little liquid fertilizer to...
  7. N

    Epalzeorhynchos bicolor (Red Tail Black Shark)

    Hey folks on advice outside of here I've purchased a whole 37 Gallon tank setup because I wanted a Red Tail Black Shark from the local store. Now I'm reading online in some places mixed signals. Some sites say closer to 30 gallons some say 55+. The tank is unfortunately already filled and...
  8. A

    Strange Dwarf Gourami Behaviour

    So I've had a male and female Dwarf Gourami in a 60 Litre tank for 4 months and had zero issues, but the last couple of days I've noticed them on the floor of the tank and the female seems to just rest on the bottom almost panting. I thought that they were supposed to be mid to top dwellers in...
  9. A

    can I see your substrate?

    Out of interest, can I see the amount of substrate you put in your tank? Thank you :)
  10. T

    I need help with finding good tank mates

    Hey guys, I have a 55-60 gallon tank, I’m looking to get another mate(s) for the tank. I have 10 tiger barbs about an inch or less in length and 2 3 inch Pictus catfish. All are doing well together. I have two pleco as well.
  11. B

    Guppies at top of tank

    Hi, I have a cycled 15 gallon planted tank. Today I added 6 guppies that I bought today. After 4-5 hours I added in my male Betta from my 5 gallon tank. Now my guppies are at the top of the tank (not dead.) Is it possible that I’ve added to many fish at a time? Is there anything I can do?
  12. Couwu

    Honest opinions on my tank?

    Hello there! So, my tank is a 150litre tank with 1antenae Placo, 1 Mosaik placo, 1male dwarf gourami, 2swordtails and a ton of guppies ( due to reproduction, can't estemate how many, but at least 30+ Inc. Fry) So I only had a big rock in the back which was the antenna placos territory and 5...
  13. A

    help me.. please!

    Hi, I'm relatively new to keeping fish and although I haven't had any problems with establishing my tank (60L) - I've noticed that my filter (Superfish AquaFlow 200) is a bit too strong, and although it comes with a spray bar, it seems to be pushing air through creating lots of bubbles and my...
  14. R


    Consider all as group of 6 are gold tetras as nippy as Silvertip ? Are bloodfin tetras nippy? I know all tetras can be nippy kept in small numbers, however I'm talking about in general. Are black line tail tetra anymore nippy than any other? Are they as nippy as silvertips?
  15. F

    Is my pH too high? Help please

    Hello :) I have a planted 24l tank with four male fancy guppies. The pH in the tank is 8.2, I have read that guppies like it between 6.8 and 7.6. I have a bottle of API pH adjuster, it says 1ml for 38l but it doesn't say how much that actually lowers the water by. I know that sudden changes in...
  16. Gemmsy

    No Electricity Eco Shrimp Tank

    My old shrimp tank ended up getting decommissioned before it has got going as we had an issue with the electrics in the shed. So everything was cleaned and put away for another day. My main tank is doing well, but the number of fish in there means it’s unlikely I’ll get the shrimp population...
  17. S

    Tank Size Question?

    I keep many tanks at home and I just bought a baby endlicheri bichir a month ago. I just moved back to college for my second semester and I decided it would be cool to take my new baby bichir with me. Right now it’s in a 10 gallon tank all by itself at home. It’s about 3.5 inches right now and I...
  18. Linkandnavi

    My new 193 Gallon Planted Build

    So my custom sized.193 (us gallon/731 litre) tank arrived on Friday, for the second time. It first arrived the week before Christmas but they'd damaged one corner during delivery and it leaked. Collected with argument, replaced over Christmas and now delivered once more. Manhandled through an...
  19. F

    Turning established tank into a palludarium?

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but this seems like a DIY project. I currently have a 60 gallon tank (a good mix of width and height) that’s been running for a couple weeks now, it only has a few cherry shrimp and some live plants (aluminium, dragon flame, purple...
  20. Narideth

    First time rimless tank question

    Hi, I've been testing the seals on my new 14 gallon aqueon rimless cube, and it came with the mat which I definitely used immediately. With the tank full of water and otherwise empty, I can see all of the hotspots from the tiles on my counter top. I'm concerned that the mat may not be taking up...
  21. R

    First Fish Tank . Believe My Southern Platyfish is pregnant

    I have had him/her since July 2021 and no babies yet but I’ve recently started noticing how big she’s getting . Should I start looking out for babies ? I don’t even know if it’s a girl or boy .
  22. S

    Free tank and fish to give away!

    Hi everyone, Need some help ASAP if at all possible! Sadly, my Mum passed away earlier this year. She left behind a decent sized tank with a few tetras and other tropical fish. I haven’t lived at home with her for a while but my brother still lived with her, however, he has no intention of...
  23. Honey Fish

    What is best tank size for my goldfish?

    I have a goldfish who now has been for 4 years happy In a 5 gallon tank (but probably 4.5 gal of water) so I heard I need to move him a 3 inch long goldfish into a larger tank now a have in length 39 inches to spare in width I have 8-9 spare inches what tank size should I move to I only really...
  24. Cuileann

    Measurements for a newbie

    I am very new to the hobby and we have bought the Tetra 105l starter kit. We plan to cycle it and move the fish we rescued into it. (they were going to get flushed down the toilet) It advertises as 105l. (H48cm, W76cm, D37cm) I used a calculator here and with the measurements it says it holds...
  25. B

    Broken tank!

    Had a bit of a disaster moving home, on placing the tank in its new position it cracked while full and I had to quickly drain the tank, luckily there were no fish but loads a lot of plants! I’ve attached an image and just wanted to ask is this tank a write off or can I fix the crack in the...
  26. F

    Help! Need to rehome 9 goldfish. Brighton

    ***UPDATE: Maidenhead Aquatics in the Marina have agreed to take them ❤️*** Hi there, Apologies for registering just to post a classified ad, I understand this is not too popular but you guys were recommended to me as the best starting point. I am trying to rehome 9 (I think!) lovely goldfish...
  27. Anonymous Fox

    Constructive criticism?

    My grandfathers tank size: 35-40 gallons tall bow front tank Stocking *warning, pretty bad*: 2 boenus aris tetras, 1 glow light tetra (probably gonna end up getting), 2 Glofish/tetras, 10+ fancy guppies No live plants, two filters ( one built into the log/ tree thingy), heaters, slate hides...
  28. crupp29

    Plant Identification

    I just bought a couple of plants from my LFS and need help identifying them.
  29. FishFinger90

    Lid won’t close

    I’ve had the Ciano 60 (57L) filled with water and substrate in place for about 4 days. The lid was loose on the top so I could adjust the placement of the filter etc. Having now clipped the lid onto its hinges it won’t close properly as if it doesn’t fit. What do you think could cause this? Hope...
  30. crupp29

    Unidentified Worm-Looking Creatures in Tank

    I wasn’t really sure where to post this, but I just found some white worm-looking creatures on the glass of my 10 gallon. I’m not sure whether or not I should be concerned, but I thought I would ask if anyone is able to identify them anyway. An image has been attached, it’s the best one I could...
  31. crupp29

    Unusual Testing Results

    I have a planted 10 gallon tank that I have been trying to cycle for over a week now. At first I was adding beneficial bacteria to the tank, but then I got a hold of filter media from an established tank. Before I put the media in the filter, my ammonia was at about 2ppm from dosing a small...
  32. Anonymous Fox

    Using old water for knew fish?

    Is it safe to use the same water as your old fish for new ones? As long as you clean everything inside, hides, fake plants, gravel, etc?
  33. Chloem07

    All advice appreciated

    Hiya, im new to the tropical fish life, i currently have a fresh water tank- although im changing to tropical shortly. I have a 100 L tank- what would the best filter be for a 100L tropical tank? Ive been looking at “FLUVAL U4 internal filter” - has anyone got this or have any feedback? Any...
  34. crupp29

    Stocking 10 Gallon Tank

    I have a 10 gallon (approximately 20" x 10" x 12") tank that I have used for fish in the past. Recently, I have been looking into getting some fish now that I have time to take proper care of them. I'm not familiar with many different species of fish and need help deciding on how to stock my...
  35. carligraceee

    Tank questions, getting planted tank set up, etc

    Hello! I will be upgrading sometime in the near future to a 36g TopFin aquarium that will sit on a stand. I have a couple questions! How much could I sell a 11.5g tank for? It would include all filters, filter media, and heater! I was thinking 70USD? I want to purchase a black moor...
  36. Falconwithaboxon

    Cloudy Tank

    My tank is rather cloudy, an off-white cloud to be specific. It is a 45-gallon tank with a Tetra Whisper 60 IQ. The readings are just as they should be, straight 0s and a PH of 7.4 at 80 degrees. I am using rocks and driftwood I found at a local park. Could it be those releasing something? Could...
  37. PlasticGalaxy

    Advice on Stock Redux

    So here I am, back again to ask about my stock. However, this time I'm asking before I plunge myself into the deep end and blindly start picking out fish for my tank. Overstocking has quickly become my greatest fear after one, quite frankly, rude reply I received concerning my stock (I'm a very...
  38. Moopoo

    Frog and Rocks

    Hi I have noticed that a lot of people that have aquactic frogs don't have any places to hide on the bottom of thier tank. My Bert who is a african dwarf frog loves his many rocks in the tank... Lots of places to hide!!.. who does the same??
  39. agusf

    Will my countertop support more weight

    Hello all, I've been running a 20 gallon / 75 liter tank on my kitchen countertop for several months now fine, but I wanted to upgrade to a larger 36 gallon /136 liter tank, since the space to accommodate it is available in that spot. I already acquired the 36 g tank, but haven't swapped them...
  40. Barry Tetra

    How to get rid of this filter?

    So my friend giveaway one of his tank and there’s this filter thing stick on the side of the tank with silicon, how do you get rid of it completely? I really hate the look of it, why did they made this!?