Honest opinions on my tank?


New Member
May 28, 2022
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Hello there!

So, my tank is a 150litre tank with 1antenae Placo, 1 Mosaik placo, 1male dwarf gourami, 2swordtails and a ton of guppies ( due to reproduction, can't estemate how many, but at least 30+ Inc. Fry)

So I only had a big rock in the back which was the antenna placos territory and 5 big plants, so I decided to buy some more decorations and plants!

I just wanted to ask for some opinions, if it is now too full of plants, if it looks to chaotic, if it looks okay etc ^~^" I think the fry will really enjoy all the hiding spaces and I'm pretty sure the fish will now be able to select territories better.

I will attach a phot of how the aquarium looked prior and how today ^~^

The first picture is how the tank has looked dlike for a good 2 years now, the 2. Picture is how it was yesterday when just the fake plants, tree and tree trunk arrived, and the 3rd is from right now, when all plants arrived. ( I will probably take a few out once they've become hardier to set into my hospital tank, but that tank has an Algea bloom atm so all are in my cycled main tank)

Edit: while my bf was busy playing his phone game, I snuck and booted the fake plants into the 30l hospital tank, so now picture 4 is from today without the fake plants!

And just for fun, I'll add a photo (#5) of my hospital tank ^~^ ( only inhabits a single buenos aires tetra I rescued and am trying to rehome)

I really appreciate any replies, comments, and constructive criticism! <3


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I like it. Except the fake plants. I am not a fake plant person. I like the background too. I was actually thinking of getting that one and I think this just decided it for me.
Naw thank you!! I really appreciate the feedback alot <3
Ims o worried if it may look to full now, but maybe I am just not used to seeing it so full ager 2 years, when I see other pictures of pretty heavily planted tanks, I usually Love those ^~^" <3
I think your tank looks fantastic. You should enter it in our Tank of the Month contest....August's contest is for tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger.
I like it. Except the fake plants. I am not a fake plant person. I like the background too. I was actually thinking of getting that one and I think this just decided it for me.
I too am not the biggest fan of fake plants addmittedly, they were a free bonus with the fake log I bought and my spouse really liked them since they add bright colors.

Maybe I'll boot them to the hospital tank at some point xD I think the thing thay bothers me just a tiny bit is how much they stick out, I'd rather have colorful REAL plants xD

Regarding the background:I absolutely love this one! I can deffinilty recommend it. My hopsital tank is a small tank I just got for free from someone, and the background on thay one is NOT nice at all, makes me appreciate eine even more
I like the look. Just the fake plants and substrate that bugs me. But it still does look terrific!
I think your tank looks fantastic. You should enter it in our Tank of the Month contest....August's contest is for tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger.
Oh really?? O. O wow, I never thought thay my tank would even stand a chance!o.o
That's is such a sweet thing to say and VERY encouraging, thank you! <3

I'd I'll try to submit it to the tank of the month, maybe I can get a better photo of mine first though xD <3
I like the look. Just the fake plants and substrate that bugs me. But it still does look terrific!
Yeah, my bf really wanted to keep the colorful fake plants inside, maybe when he isn't looking, I'll toss them into the hospital tank xD

And we are actually contemplating on changing the substarte! It's the one we got with the tank when we bought it, and we recently decided to look for new one ^~^
Yeah, my bf really wanted to keep the colorful fake plants inside, maybe when he isn't looking, I'll toss them into the hospital tank xD

And we are actually contemplating on changing the substarte! It's the one we got with the tank when we bought it, and we recently decided to look for new one ^~^

(Yes sneak out those plants and see if he notices 🤣)
Honeslty, he probably won't, or at least not for a good while 🤣 he is not the most attentive person when it comes to details 🤣
He maybe A.D.D... I have it, my dad has it, and my brother has it along with a few other "special" things 🤣
I just Googles the symptoms of add, I don't think he has it, the only thing that applies is the lack of attention to detail, xD
Maybe that's just his little quirk🤣❤️
I just Googles the symptoms of add, I don't think he has it, the only thing that applies is the lack of attention to detail, xD
Maybe that's just his little quirk🤣❤️
Yup maybe... Guys just naturally come with the not paying attention at times thing 🤣🤣
Make sure you have driftwood and some live true aquatic plants in the tank for the plecos to graze on. You can also increase the lighting times to encourage algae for them to eat.

Too many plants can make it harder to gravel clean the substrate and clean up the pleco's mess.

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