My new 193 Gallon Planted Build


Fish Fanatic
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 3, 2021
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So my custom sized.193 (us gallon/731 litre) tank arrived on Friday, for the second time. It first arrived the week before Christmas but they'd damaged one corner during delivery and it leaked. Collected with argument, replaced over Christmas and now delivered once more.

Manhandled through an incredibly awkward house by myself and my dad (who may no longer be talking to me as a result) and now ready to go.

I've put the planned hardscape in today (pictures below) and the plants are arriving tomorrow so hopefully will be up and running soon. I have plenty of media to take from other tanks (and will actually be decommissioning one of them) so can get it running pretty much straight away once the planting is done.

Going to keep it relatively lightly stocked for the volume, to make water changes a bit easier (I have less time than I did previously, between five tanks and a five month old baby).

Hope you enjoy! Will update this as the build continues. (Reflections in the pics aren't great. The opposite wall is a mirror which I need to cover over but the light is bouncing around). And the coloured lights are just me messing around. They won't be like that once planted!




Amazing tank! Whats the plan fish-wise?
Finished planting the tank last night and now up and running





Nice, the rocks and wood look good together. :good:

Thank you :)

Looking good and has lots of potential.
Mind if I ask where you got that stone and wood from?
Please keep us updated!

Thanks. The wood came from Ashby Pet and Aquatics. I got it through their eBay store (they have individual photographed pieces for sale with measurements etc, rather than generic "buy wood by weight"). I think they have a physical store too. The stone came from a couple of local branches of Maidenhead Aquatics.

Amazing tank! Whats the plan fish-wise?

Thanks! And a very good question. I keep mentally flipping between options. One option is a school of around 60 tiger barbs, possibly all "standard" or maybe a 50/50 split between standard and green. Or 25/30 tiger barbs (so plenty for keeping them focussed on themselves and not so nippy) with around 25/30 serpae tetra. Maybe some platies, and the tigers can act as a bit of crowd control to keep fry numbers in check.

Depending on how algae develops, I may add a Bristlenose or move my rainbowshark over from an existing tank although that would entail actually being able to catch him. Think I'll probably need some algae eater at some point and I can't really add shrimp as they'll be picked off in minutes by the barbs I should think.

I envy the big blank canvas you have to work with. Very nice.

Thanks. Yeah I'm lucky to have complete choice with this one!
Thanks! And a very good question. I keep mentally flipping between options. One option is a school of around 60 tiger barbs, possibly all "standard" or maybe a 50/50 split between standard and green. Or 25/30 tiger barbs (so plenty for keeping them focussed on themselves and not so nippy) with around 25/30 serpae tetra. Maybe some platies, and the tigers can act as a bit of crowd control to keep fry numbers in check.

Depending on how algae develops, I may add a Bristlenose or move my rainbowshark over from an existing tank although that would entail actually being able to catch him. Think I'll probably need some algae eater at some point and I can't really add shrimp as they'll be picked off in minutes by the barbs I should think.
I love all those fish! Sounds like an awesome plan! Cant wait to see it when its done.
Depending on how algae develops, I may add a Bristlenose or move my rainbowshark over from an existing tank although that would entail actually being able to catch him. Think I'll probably need some algae eater at some point and I can't really add shrimp as they'll be picked off in minutes by the barbs I should think.
I would suggest Siamese Alge Eaters. They will eat most if not all algae. Other than that, 1 or 2 bristlenose plecos would be good for the class. I’m going off experience for this one. Here’s a web page detailing SAE’s

Siamese algae eaters are the algae-eating powerhouses of the fishkeeping world. Their generally peaceful nature and ability to eat and control a wide range of algae (including the dreaded Black Beard algae) makes them an asset to almost any aquarium. These guys are particularly ravenous.

Not only will they eat some of the least appetizing forms of algae, they’ll also help control flatworm populations and eat leftover detritus in the aquarium. They also do extremely well in planted aquariums because they’re not known to typically damage the plants when grazing for algae.
I would suggest Siamese Alge Eaters. They will eat most if not all algae. Other than that, 1 or 2 bristlenose plecos would be good for the class. I’m going off experience for this one. Here’s a web page detailing SAE’s

Siamese algae eaters are the algae-eating powerhouses of the fishkeeping world. Their generally peaceful nature and ability to eat and control a wide range of algae (including the dreaded Black Beard algae) makes them an asset to almost any aquarium. These guys are particularly ravenous.

Not only will they eat some of the least appetizing forms of algae, they’ll also help control flatworm populations and eat leftover detritus in the aquarium. They also do extremely well in planted aquariums because they’re not known to typically damage the plants when grazing for algae.
If you get a blue whale it may clear up some of the microscopic organisms. :rofl:
I would suggest Siamese Alge Eaters. They will eat most if not all algae. Other than that, 1 or 2 bristlenose plecos would be good for the class. I’m going off experience for this one. Here’s a web page detailing SAE’s

Siamese algae eaters are the algae-eating powerhouses of the fishkeeping world. Their generally peaceful nature and ability to eat and control a wide range of algae (including the dreaded Black Beard algae) makes them an asset to almost any aquarium. These guys are particularly ravenous.

Not only will they eat some of the least appetizing forms of algae, they’ll also help control flatworm populations and eat leftover detritus in the aquarium. They also do extremely well in planted aquariums because they’re not known to typically damage the plants when grazing for algae.

Thanks. Yes, I have SAEs in a different tank. I'll consider them if I need to, but I prefer to have different things in my different tanks where possible, albeit that gives way to necessity and fish welfare where they come into play. I found my SAEs to be good at algae when they were younger but as they got older they stopped or severely slowed on the algae front and were far more interested in the general food provided for the other fish.

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