
  1. Nells250

    Is this filter's intake too large for a shrimp tank?

    My 4 little tanks all have various sponge/foam filters in them. I recently picked up the Aqueon X-Small QuietFlow E Internal Power Filter, since it was small and didn't cost too much. Of course, now I see product reviews are mixed... People on small budgets should NOT have so many hobbies...
  2. D

    Breeding baby brine shrimp

    Hi people, I'm contemplating about using a spare tank that I have to breed brine shrimp to feed my tropical fish. I'm based in the U.K. I know that you can use cone shaped bottles but I'm not sure if that would be suitable for long term breeding. My question is, would it be cost worthy to...
  3. B

    What are these weird things in my tank?

    BACKGROUND I have a 20 gallon long with neocardina shrimp, two hillstream loaches, and one nerite snail (which disappeared). I left home for about 40 days, placed an automatic feeder on the tank and had my neighbor check on them. I came back to a crazy amount of black algae on all my plants...
  4. Nells250

    Colorful Baby Maine Lobsters!

    OK folks, I just HAD to share this semi-local story with shrimp fans. While NOT about shrimp, these colorful baby lobsters sure would look nifty in our tanks!!
  5. Nells250

    A Beginner's Shrimp Journal

    HI folks! I decided to start a thread for my shrimp questions and pics. Question #1: If you take a peek at the pic of my blue shrimp in THIS THREAD, you can see she was berried (I hate that term...). Even though I am a female myself, I found the whole thing very creepy! ANYHOO, when I...
  6. Jem123

    Shrimp sexing

    Hi, any idea on the sex of my 4 shrimp please? I wonder if the red one is berried but can't be sure as she is hiding (I say 'she' as it's the only one I can see a saddle on). Thanks!
  7. T

    Moving soon not sure what to do about my shrimp tank.

    Me and my fiancé are getting a place together (whooo!!! exciting!!) that brings the feared and dreaded event… Tank relocation (dun dun dunnnn), I have a 10 gallon with a betta and 6 ember tetras,and a few hiding baby neos. That should be an easy move since im aware of the number of occupants and...
  8. Tacocat

    Blue bolt

    My shrimps are finally getting comfortable and now they’re looking really pretty
  9. moonmist

    Showing off my cherries and show me yours

    I got a few good pics of my cherry shrimps!! Take a look 👀 And show me yours!!
  10. T

    Transparent White Specks on Aquarium Glass

    Hello, I just got Ich (verified,) and have moved my fish (6 white skirt tetras) from their 20L to a 10g hospital tank. This will be their home until the Ich is gone from the main (now shrimp only) tank. I'm beginning to notice these on the tank glass. Any idea as to what they may be? From what...
  11. Z

    Breeding Amano shrimp

    Has anyone else here attempted to breed and raise their amano shrimp larvae into full freshwater shrimplets? I am giving it a shot, using a refractometer to make sure I have the correct salinity. Wanting to see if anyone has any helpful tips. Sadly no algae formed within the salt tank as...
  12. Thebobcats

    Are these Amano shrimp or did I get ripped off?

    I have giant amano shrimp in my 30 gallon and they don’t look like this. The color is red and blue but it could be what they were eating. Their patterns are VERY differant from normal Amano shrimp. These guys have tiger stripes instead of dots and dashes. Plz help.
  13. Sian57

    where to get shrimp?

    Hi there! I was looking to expand the amount of shrimp I currently have, only got 2 at the moment (both cherry shrimp sized if that is the correct terminology). Is there anywhere that sells shrimp at a good price so I can afford to get a good number? At my local shops, they only seem to have...
  14. B

    Fertilizer with shrimp

    3 days ago I added about 20 RCS to my 10g tank and I was wondering of it's alright to continue adding liquid fertilizer to the tank. I was thinking that about 1/3 of the recommended amount ones every other day should be fine. I have some epiphytes and they need some ferts. It's my first time...
  15. B

    Filter for shrimp tank

    Hey there, I have a 10g tank to which I will add some cherry shrimp. I tried to aquascape it as good as I could and I also added all kinds of plants, moss, floating plants etc. The thing is that I really need to inject co2 with these plants and the tank has a sponge filter at the moment. I...
  16. BabyBlue

    URGENT: First Time Aquarium Owner

    Hi everyone! Please I need some help!!! Yesterday I got 2 Ghost Shrimp and 4 Neon Tetras for my new tank and was ecstatic to see that one of the shrimp were carrying eggs. So I set up the tank and conditioned the water. I acclimated both the fish and shrimp for a good few hours before adding...
  17. C

    Can I Add a Single Cherry Shrimp Alongside Amanos?

    Hello 👋 I have amano shrimp in my guppy tank. I originally chose them over other shrimp species because they will not be able to successfully breed and I don’t want to be overrun with shrimp. Cherry shrimp are obviously much more striking. I have read that they prefer to be in groups but does...
  18. lightly planted Betta tank, 10 gal

    lightly planted Betta tank, 10 gal

    my halfmoon male (chub) lives in this tank with 2 anubias, a java fern, java moss, driftwood and some Petco log decorations. a few shrimp along with a shrimp filter, a small air stone and a 10 gal heater. sitting about 76°f. aquasoil, black gravel, volcanic rock substrate.
  19. Slammin’ Aquascaping

    Mixing neocaradina

    Hey guys. I have been selectively breeding wild type neocaradina for 3 years now, and I absolutely outdid myself with acheiving store-grade pumpkin shrimp! Anyway, that is besides the point. I was wondering if anyone would know if I could mix them with orange rilis. If so, what would the...
  20. Finn1231

    2.5 gallon shrimp?

    Hi everyone! Its been a bit since i was last on here, but i have a 2.5 gallon that housed a betta a long while ago (they got an upgrade) and my sister wants to use it. Its a small cylindrical 2.5 gallon, and i added a sponge filter and a nice piece of wood. Do you guys think it would be ok to...
  21. G

    What’s wrong with my pregnant neocardinia shrimp

    It’s hard to tell in the pictures but her eggs have like a white fluffy casing and it’s almost like bursting out of her. Is this some sort or parasite? Is she molting? She is very acting and otherwise seems healthy but in my hundreds of shrimp i’ve never seen this. Thank you
  22. danajs

    Raising KH?

    How can I raise my KH to a more suitable level for RCS? My tank is currently reading; - 2KH - 8GH - 6.5/7.0pH RCS are currently living with Amano Shrimp and a Nerite Snail (who seem to be absolutely fine) and I seem to be finding one or two dead every/every other day. Tank has been running...
  23. Neondoras

    Red striped killis and neocaridina shrimp

    Hi all, Quick question, I was looking at getting some red striped killis for my 60L cube (~15 gallons) as they looked amazing in my LFS. I’ve been doing research on them, but haven’t found any info on whether they attack cherry shrimp or not and was hoping someone here could give me some advice...
  24. ellamay

    Will Popeye medication kill shrimp?

    I need to treat my betta for Popeye, I’m doing water changes every few days and need to treat him but I don’t have a hospital tank and online it says not to use the medication in a tank with shrimp. If I take him out and use the treatment in a separate container will it still work? This is what...
  25. N

    Epalzeorhynchos bicolor (Red Tail Black Shark)

    Hey folks on advice outside of here I've purchased a whole 37 Gallon tank setup because I wanted a Red Tail Black Shark from the local store. Now I'm reading online in some places mixed signals. Some sites say closer to 30 gallons some say 55+. The tank is unfortunately already filled and...
  26. Aqua67

    Scutariella Japonica?

    This shrimp tank was started 7 months ago and is a 5.5 gallon tank. I use RO water and remineralize with GlasGarten Shrimp Mineral. There is a sponge over the intake and I squeeze it out weekly to improve flow. The filter is for a 10 gallon tank and the flow is adjustable, so the filtration...
  27. O

    Can I have any mates for my betta in a 25l tank?

    yes no maybe so? probably not im assuming and NO snails and i will obviously wait until the tank is cycled
  28. V

    What is a breathing bag?

    So, I was looking into why people do drip acclimation for shrimp rather than floating the bag, I came across the term breathing bag. I looked it up and it looks the same as any fish bag. But I read that nonbreathing bags are the standard. How would you tell the difference? I would get shrimp...
  29. J

    Cardinal Dennerli Shrimps Dying?!

    Hello everyone im not new in the shrimps hobby and breeding shrimps i got 3 tanks with neocaridina and 3 tanks with caridina and tigers galaxies tibee amanos almost everything and all is doing fine except caridinals now my problem is that i got a new tank from 2 weeks with cardinal shrimps like...
  30. Little-Nipper

    Neocaridina shrimp worm

    Hi guys, So I have just been enjoying looking at my little 35L shrimp tank and I noticed that 1 of the blue dreams has got a worm attached to it's head, I have heard of this before and the common answer would be "Scutariella japonica" but it doesn't look like any of the pictures I've seen...
  31. FrezhFinz

    Can anyone help me identify this on my driftwood??

    I have a 40 gallon tank and I just recently set it up a week ago I have a weird bacteria or fungus growing on it can anyone help me identify what it is and how I can prevent it from spreading also can it be harmful to my fish if I don’t react to it? Also if you have any general tips for...
  32. R

    New Fish and Shrimp and Fuzzies

    Hello everyone, thank you for taking a look here at my situation and giving me opinions. A few days back I got some new fish and set up multiple tanks anew in addition to adding to one of my current tanks. The only problem is with my betta and by extension my new shrimp. Originally the betta...
  33. V

    I'm thinking about getting shrimp

    There are many different types I could get. I've never owned any before. They would have to be compatible with my set up. I have platies in a 20 gallon with sand substrate, live plants, and a HOB filter. I'm afraid the platies could eat shrimp, but their babies swim right in front of them all...
  34. J

    Unknown worms

    Hello everyone, I’ve been cycling my tank for some rili shrimp but have found these white little worms all over the tank. So I snagged a few and got some decent pictures of them under a microscope. At first I thought they were detritus worms but under the microscope they don’t have the...
  35. Willow59

    Scutariella Japonica - Shrimp Stopped Breeding

    I had a thriving colony of Bloody Mary Shrimp that went from 12 to 300 in roughly nine months. I noticed Scutariella Japonica, the parasitic nematode, in late December so I culled down to 2 dozen and did salt dips on 12/27, 12/29, and 12/31, followed by a month of quarantine to remove their...
  36. S

    Unidentified Worm Infestation

    Hi All Its been a while since I posted, but I need your help. I have a 20 litre nano aquarium - densely planted and housing 4 Cherry Shrimp The other day I noticed a worm wriggling through the water column, it was light brown with a black head. I removed it with tweezers. I then noticed...
  37. Gemmsy

    No Electricity Eco Shrimp Tank

    My old shrimp tank ended up getting decommissioned before it has got going as we had an issue with the electrics in the shed. So everything was cleaned and put away for another day. My main tank is doing well, but the number of fish in there means it’s unlikely I’ll get the shrimp population...
  38. Aqua67

    New To Shrimp & Well Water

    Hi everyone, I've been keeping fish in planted tanks for over 30 years but have always lived in the city and used city water. Now I'm living in the country and have a well. We use potassium chloride and a product called Iron Out in our water softener. For this reason, I've been buying RO...
  39. Linkandnavi

    Can (Ranchu) Goldfish Choke on Cherry Shrimp

    This morning I discovered a cherry shrimp in my ranchu tank. I have absolutely zero idea how it got there. I have five tanks, two in the house and three in my garden office. The only tank with cherry shrimp is in the house and the ranchu tank is in the office. The ranchu tank is pretty bare...
  40. biofish

    Should I get shrimp?

    Hello fish fam! My sister wanted my empty 10 gallon tank for her room (the grass cracked but i siliconed it so the tank is perfectly usable and I was just keeping it as an emergency tank) and we were taking about what fish she would want. And then the topic of shrimp came up and I realized...