
  1. S


    I have had my tank for about 9 or so months. Recently added a yellow mimic tang. Today i just noticed this. Is this ich? What do I do?! This is my first time dealing with this. None of my other fish have those spots. I went to a local pet store and a marine employee said he has seen tangs have...
  2. R

    Little white worms?

    I was about to scrub the algae when i noticed little white worms and I'm not too sure what they are. Does anyone have any insight?
  3. ella777

    Peacock eel?

    Hi, I have recently got a peacock eel. He lives in fresh water, not salt water. This may be controversial but hes lived in fresh water for a little over a year, he seems happy and healthy. My question is, how often should I feed him? I feed him frozen bloodworms which he loves. Google says 2 -...
  4. Narideth

    My poor hammer coral, looking for suggestions

    Hello all, I've somewhat recently started up a saltwater tank, my first, and it's somewhere between 8-10 months old at this point. About three months ago, I put my first corals in, and that consisted of a duncan, blasto, zoanthid, candycane, GSP, and about a week later, a branching hammer coral...
  5. Jan Cavalieri

    Cycling a Salt Water Tank

    Long time since I've posted, not for all good reasons - a rash of deaths in the family - ALL my aunts and uncles on my mother's side have now passed away, of course before this round of deaths I lost both my parents and my husband and my dog all pretty close together - but this last round of...
  6. Aquarist2020

    How soon can I add corals?

    I know most people say the later the better but I don't really have the patience. I'm at the nitrate no3 spike right now. After the spike is over how soon can I put corals? Btw I'm using Fritz turbo start 900. Thank you.
  7. D

    A bunch of weird inverts in my saltwater tank!!!

    I was looking at my tank last night and I noticed a bunch of these “bugs” that look like some sort of isopod or something. Does anyone know if these are harmful or what these are in my tank? If they are harmful to my tank how do I get rid of them? Thanks!
  8. O

    Help! My anemone is swollen!

    Hello all. I recently purchased a Nano tank. I have 2 ocellaris clownfish, a royal dottyback, one Banggai cardinal and a yellow angelfish. (The yellow angelfish was brought to my tank only 3 days ago) I noticed around 2 days ago that my anemone had suddenly shrunk (It was never that big but...
  9. A

    Saltwater Filter Suggestions

    I just ordered a 90 gallon tank with 30 gallon sumped tank below. This will be my first saltwater attempt. I am looking for suggestions on filters to use. I have only done freshwater and I know it is completely different so any product advice (or general advice) would be greatly appreciated...
  10. fishperson100

    10 gallon marine aquarium?

    Hey everybody! So, I have thought of starting a saltwater aquarium, and I have a 10 gallon tank. Are you guys able to tell me what equipment I need, as well as stocking and maintenance? I know my options for stocking are limited, as it is a 10 gallon. Thanks for your help!
  11. B

    Stocking 5.5 Gallon Saltwater Tank

    I wanted to stock a 5.5 gallon saltwater tank. What type of plants, fish, and invertebrates could I have? I really like brittle stars, Panda Gobies, and sexy shrimp, but if those won't work I am open to other types. Could I have any of those in the tank? And how many of each species should I put...
  12. C

    Blenny Raised areas - Diagnose

    I came home and spotted my Blenny swimming around. I noticed two raised "pale" almost like areas on him. He seems to be breathing abit more and swimming just a bit awkward. I've noticed in the tank that a small blue eye tang is chasing him alot and has even pushed him out of his house. I don't...
  13. BettaPonic

    Saltwater Guppies.

    I am experimenting on saltwater Guppies and I thought I would show them off while I work with them.
  14. Tyler_Fishman

    Hardest to keep

    what is the hardest fish to keep in your experience? From my understanding the hardest SW fish to keep are Moorish Idols and Copper band butterflies and of freshwater the hardest fish to keep is the discus. And the hardest freshwater plant to keep is probably HC baby tears
  15. T


    Hey guys I'm new to this site and new to the whole saltwater set up etc. I have got as much help and information from a local pet store who has many many years experience. One thing I need to ask is about the cycle! We have got a 96L tank, fully set up, sand at the bottom, fluval U2 filter...
  16. dopey696

    beware Aqueon equipment

    Aqueon does not honor their own warranty, it is an empty promise that will never be fullfilled. I recently purchased a size 29 Aqueon tank and lid that did not fit together due to a manufacturing flaw. I contacted Aqueon customer service who responded to my concern by saying the lid not fitting...
  17. cooledwhip

    I Want To Start A Nano Reef Sometime This Summer...

    Hey guys I have a lot of freshwater tanks but this summer I wanted to set up a saltwater tank. I have some live rock/dry coral or something that my dad got from florida a long time ago. It's a pretty big piece, and I think it would fit nicely in a 10 gallon. I have never had a saltwater tank...
  18. cooledwhip

    Nano Saltwater Reef Tank?

    I was just wondering if it would be doable to create a small nano saltwater reef tank. I was thinking something as small as 5 gallons and have a low tech setup with an anenome and maybe some small saltwater fish. Is it possible? I have a freshwater planted tank right now and want to move on to...
  19. Cameronb_01

    Humu Picasso Triggerfish, Mombasae Lionfish And Blue Spotted Puffer Co

    Hi Guys,   I have just set up my marine aquarium and I am currently in the process of stocking it up with fish. It is a 450L tank and as of now has no sand, corals, reef, live-rock, inverts, fish etc... I was thinking in a ideal world of getting the following three fish. A Mombasa Lionfish, a...
  20. RRaquariums

    Diy Frag Plugs. My Experiment

    So I'm downgrading from my current 300 gallon reef tank to a 75 gallon frag tank. New job and less time made me choose to do soemthing a little smaller. But I've had a lot of fun growing and selling my corals and I'm looking forward to really focusing on getting the corals to grow fast and have...
  21. RRaquariums

    Why Every Reefer Should Have A Generator.

    So last Tuesday we had a massive wind storm that blew over trees knocked down power lines and put 180 thousand+ people out of power here in my area. The power didn't come on for me again until Friday night. It's winter here so nights are getting down to 20 degrees which is well below freezing...
  22. RRaquariums

    My Bangaii Cardinal Pair Had Their First Batch Of Babies

    So I have two Bangaii cardinals I added about 4 months ago to my 230 gallon reef tank they where about the size of nickel when I added them and are now about the size of a quarter. I got lucky and they paired up almost right away which is what I was hoping would happen but it's very hard to tell...
  23. RRaquariums

    90 Gallon Reef Cube.
  24. G

    Jawfish In 10 Gallon?

    I'm thinking about getting a jawfish and need some info. Here are my questions:   -Is a jawfish able to live in a 10 US gallon tank?   -How low of a SG can they handle?   If they can handle a SG of 1.005-1.010 I can put them in my other tank I'm planning to set up.   -What should I feed them?  ...
  25. P

    Stocking A Saltwater Tank 55 Gallon =) (Help)(Advice Please)

    alright I've been doing a lot of posts on this so far but want lots of opinions =) I know some fish i definitely want in my tank which are 3 Carpenters or McCoskers flasher wrasse - 3” - 1 male , 2 female 2 black ice ocellaris clownfish - 3” yellow candy hogfish - 4” 1 orchid dotty back - 3” 1...
  26. RRaquariums

    Visit To My Saltwater Lfs

    So took a trip to one of my LFS to pick up 10 yellow tip hermit crabs to start of my clean up crew in the 230 reef build. Anyways while I was there I figured I'd take some pics of his display tank and some of the fish for sale. They aren't the best pics but could be a lot worse ;) Copper...
  27. P

    Saltwater Fish For A 55 Gallon / Flame Angel!

    Alrighty so i posted a while ago about a ton of saltwater questions and so far this is what i got (this referring to the picture attached) i still have a bit of aquascaping to do but this is my 55 gallon tank so far it's cycling now and i want to start seriously considering fish/invertebrates to...
  28. P

    Possibly Starting A Saltwater/reef Tank? Lots Of Questions!

    alrighty here goes,   I've had freshwater tanks up till now for quite a while, I'd say a few years 3 or so give or take, had all types of freshwater fish but now want to expand. I have an unused and good 55g tank with led lights (day and night setting (don't know if that matters)) I'm good...
  29. RRaquariums

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    So I found a good deal on craiglsits for this 230 gallon starphire glass tank that I decided to set up instead of my 125 gallon. It will fit on the same stand and I'm going to use the same set up idea but just with this bigger tank. Because of the way my basement is set up the sump and refugium...
  30. B

    Two Fish Addicts

    My husband, myself and I are fish addicts. We have 20 aquariums and four indoor ponds. I started off keeping goldfish and koifish in my indoor ponds. My husband started of keeping swordtails, guppies, platys, endlers, gold dust and sailfins in freshwater tanks. We now have black water tanks...
  31. RRaquariums

    125 Gallon Reef.

    I've been super busy but I found a 125 gallon saltwater tank set up on craigslist I couldn't pass up. I did have to build a new stand and I'm still have to pretty it up but it's ready to hold the tank anyways here's some pics of the stand build and the tank on it. I'll have some more as I start...
  32. J

    Oh Noes! Aiptasia Anemone?

    Hello friends!   I'm new to the forum and my experience is mainly with fresh water but a friend of mine recently gave me a basic salt water aquarium and it has a couple of anemones on the live rock. Once I got the tank home and setup I managed to find one but the other one seems to have...
  33. dalisonc

    What Should I Add Next?

    I'm new to the forum and currently have a 16 gallon BiOrb with three blue damsels with a black and white three striped damsel. I would like to add a new addition but I am not sure what kind of fish to add. The damsels are a bit aggressive so what kind of fish would help temper that situation? Is...
  34. Valentini

    Setting Up My First Saltwater Tank

    Today, after much internet research and conversations with seasoned hobbyists, I picked up my first saltwater aquarium.   It's a 55g with established live rock and sand. We brought home 30g of established water and I mixed a bunch of fresh. It came with an adorable little true percula clownfish...
  35. kiwi210

    Reef Safe Invertebrates?

    Looking to add some inverts to my tanks. Thinking either an urchin or starfish. I haven't started my reef yet but I know in the future I will be adding some zoas and polyps. What are some easy to maintain inverts that are also reef safe? 
  36. kiwi210

    Purple Algae?

    Why do I have dark purple algae growing on my live rock? There are also some bright green spots. I just cleaned my tank and there was brown algae all over the substrate and walls. How do I take care of this WITHOUT adding chemicals? 
  37. kiwi210

    How To I Upgrade My Saltwater Tank?

    I started a 10 gallon saltwater tank and recently bought equipment to setup a 75 gallon tank. How do I successfully transfer my live rock and clownfish to the new tank? I haven't set it up yet because I need to buy more live rock. I can't afford another 65 pounds of live rock and would like to...
  38. ChaseO


    I have a 20 gallon long aquarium, it is 30 inches long, and 16 inches deep. I want to set it up for saltwater with live rock and anemone some corals and eventually some SPS corals. I have a very low budget! I would prefer to get LED lights. The problem for me is, most LED lights cost very high...
  39. G

    My First Ever Saltwater Tank. Need Lots Of Help Please!

    I have decided to start my first ever saltwater tank. I currently have a 10 gallon tank, with the normal measurements of 20x10x12. I have a bio-wheel filter that cleans 100 gallons of water every hour, so it's cleaning my tank 10 times in an hour. I also have a heater. Also got the hood with the...
  40. Colonials66

    Are They Any Good?

    Looking into starting life on the saltier side of fishkeeping, and am currently looking at tanks. Are tanks that have a built in sump system at the back of the tank any good? Or is it better to get a tank, drill it and install a sump beneath it? Thanks