How To I Upgrade My Saltwater Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2014
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I started a 10 gallon saltwater tank and recently bought equipment to setup a 75 gallon tank. How do I successfully transfer my live rock and clownfish to the new tank? I haven't set it up yet because I need to buy more live rock. I can't afford another 65 pounds of live rock and would like to purchase some dry rock along with live rock. I understand my tank will take longer to cycle if I use dry rock but do I treat it normally like it is live rock?
If you like I can show you how to make dead rock that you can seed with your current live rock and get the whole thing set up for way cheaper?
It will take some time to make it though so if your in a hurry then it's no good.
Yes please! I'm interested in making this cheaper but not if it's too complicated haha!
if you use dry rock/dead rock youll need to seed it, most people use live rock to seed it. Ive also seen people use atm colony along side live rock to help with the seeding process although im not sure how well that works. Id cycle your tank just like any other but as you have said it will take longer to cycle.
Kiwi, I have merged your two threads on this topic. Please keep topics limited to one section rather than posting duplicates.
How do I successfully transfer my live rock and clownfish to the new tank?
Are you able to have both tanks set up at the same time, or do you need to break down one the smaller one before the bigger one can be set up? If you can have both up and running it's very different priority-wise to if you need to move one out first.
Yes they can both be set up at the same time. 
If they can be running at the same time then that is easy; you just need patients. I have recently done this but I didn't have the luxury of having both of them running. My opinion is largely the same as mentioned above; set up your 75g and run it with all the other rock i.e live and dry rock that is new. I normally speed things along with a bottle of bacterial broth like Seachem stability but there are lots of brands out there. Once it has cycled then just transfer your content from the other tank in one go. My experience is that clowns are really hardy so are fine with the transfer the six line wrasse on the other hand is a different story. RIP little buddy 
. What lighting are you going to use? 
Kindest regards

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