honey gourami

  1. R

    Female honey gourami chasing the new male?

    The one with more vivid colur is chasing the smaller paler one. Can't decide whether two females or one female and a one male. Anyway, it seems that the more vivid one is always making sure that the other stays at the back of the tank. No biting though, only chasing.
  2. Kirysek

    Honey Gourami with weird underskin issue

    Hi all! Maybe anyone here would have any advice or seen anything similar... We bought 3 honey gourami from a local aquatic store. When we were buying them, a guy in a store changed one of them since he noticed white patch on its side. Rest of them looked good in the store. When at home, we put...
  3. R

    Help! My honey gourami’s are turning black?

    So I got my “honey gourami’s” a few weeks ago and since I have had them they have gotten darker, with almost a black colour on them. I have been trying to find out what might be wrong with them and I’ve came across a few posts saying that they might actually be thick lipped gourami’s? Can anyone...
  4. I

    Honey gourami gender and behaviour enquiry

    We have just added 2 honey gouramis to our 65 litre tank. We are new to fish keeping. Can anyone tell me if they are male or female? I have attached pictures They have pretty much constantly been following each other around and tapping each other with their ventral fins since introducing over...
  5. G

    DGD In Honey Gourami?

    Tl;dr - Is it possible for Honeys to get DGD? Does the attached image accurately represent DGD? Over the past few months, I've been buying Honeys and "Red Honey" gourami from my LFS. I wanted to buy Dwarfs originally but I was warned off by users here (thanks!) due to the prevalence of DGD. The...
  6. Linkandnavi

    My current six tank setups

    Hi guys, Haven't done this before but thought I'd post my current tank setups. Apologies for the quality of photos/reflections. Taken just before dawn, room lights off, blinds closed and tank lights on and still have reflections... :rolleyes: Anyhow! Tank #1: Angelfish community in my...
  7. G

    Fish Injury Identification

    Hello, I have a 29g tank with cardinal tetras, two honey gourami (one red), 5 pygmy corys, a clown pleco, shrimp and assassin snails. I have a gravel bottom, driftwood, and a mix of live & fake plants and two fake logs, one floating. Something happened to one of my gourami within the last 20...
  8. G

    Honey Gourami Not Eating!

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and three honey gourami (2 red). I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. A week ago I got two red honey gourami...
  9. KatNor21

    Male or female honey gourami?

    I have 3 sunset honey gouramis - one is obviously male (not pictured) and one I'm pretty sure is female (the one on the right in the first picture) and one I'm not sure about (the one on the left, and in the second picture). He/she used to have a more obvious stripe down the side, and has now...
  10. KatNor21

    Mating behavior?

    I was told I had two females and a male. But what I thought were two female sunset honey gouramis have been slowly circling up against each other on and off all day. Could one of these be a male? They both have a stripe so I thought female. Meanwhile the obvious male is showing some black...
  11. shaziasadiqah

    Anyone know what's this on my honey gourami?

    hello, i have noticed that my male honey gourami have been making bubbles and chasing the female, i know he is a bit harsh on her too so the female usually hides all the time. but, today i saw this on her, it almost looks like just a wound (probably caused by the male) but i'm not sure. the...
  12. KatNor21

    Bettas and Gourami as Tankmates

    Has anyone mixed a male betta with honey gourami? If so, how did it go? How big was the tank? How many and what sexes were your gouramis? Any aggression? Curious to hear others' experiences.
  13. KatNor21

    Please help me decide which gourami

    Hey, I'm posting about my tank again. It's a 30 gallon long, planted. I have 20 neon tetras (10 are neon greens) and 4 endlers. Because of my last thread, I've decided to add gouramis, but trying to decide between 3-4 honey gouramis or 2 female pearl gouramis. I have a fluval 50 filter. My pH is...
  14. KatNor21

    Stocking suggestions?

    Hi everyone. This is my tank in progress. It's a 30 gallon long, planted. I have 20 neon tetras (10 are neon greens) and 4 endlers. I was thinking of adding honey gourami and zebra danios. How many of each would you suggest? Would this cause any overstocking issues? Thanks!
  15. T

    Honey Gourami male or female?

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting so bear with me. I was reading other posts about people with similar issues but I am still unsure of what kind of Gourami I have. I picked up my Gourami for my lfs last week, they said they only had one male and were waiting on getting more. When I...
  16. M

    Plant recommendations for honey gourami

    Hi, I'm looking at getting a trio of honey gourami (2 x female, 1x male) for my tank in the near future. Does anyone have any recommendations for specific plants they like? Also in the tank are a school of neon tetras and some panda corys. Thanks
  17. shaziasadiqah

    Honey Gourami Making Bubble Nest

    Hello, i notice my male honey gourami is kinda turning black and he is making bubble nest all the time. The thing is i also notice that he is very aggressive to the female to the point where my female really scared of him and hide most of the time. Another thing is, the bubble nest he make...
  18. J

    Honey Gourami Discoloration

    I have 2 Honey Gouramis that I thought were turning black because I read that they’ll turn black when they want to mate, but I’m not so sure anymore as to what is going on. Any help is appreciated.
  19. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Should I get another honey gourami?

    Hi everyone, I need some advice on my gourami situation. I have a 240L (understocked) community tank with a female Pearl gourami, and a single male honey as his partner passed away last month. The two get along well and don’t fight or compete for territory, but I’m concerned that if I introduce...
  20. R

    55g stocking ideas

    Hi all, I have a 55g I just bought and am cycling. I am looking for some stocking ideas and have come up with the following. As a note, the 9 black skirt tetras will be coming from another tank I have and will have to be in the stocking plan no matter what. Option 1: up my black skirts from 9...
  21. R

    55g stocking ideas and suggestions

    Hi all, please bear with me as I go on another long post lol I currently have a 10g that has a stock of 1 honey gourami, 5 cardinal tetras and some cherry shrimp (pictured) and a 29g tall that has 9 black skirt tetra, 6 zebra danios and 6 julii cories also pictured. the 29g has some pretty high...
  22. W.R

    Honey Gourami with Eppiplatus clown killi?

    Heya all, currently in my 7Gal I have a honey gourami juvenile, I am not keeping it here as I'm holding onto it for a friend, it seems to be doing just fine for now, however I would like to stock the tank with a few Clown Killi fish soon, are they ok with a honey male for a month? Both species...
  23. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    Heya! so I've got three honey gourami, one male? in sunset colours who's starting to show some black on the cheeks, one wild coloured variant lady?? who I got from a really renowned fish store but who is now starting to show a black nose to anal fin and white dorsal, is she a he?? and another...
  24. Y

    Help! Honey Gourami missing?

    Hello! I purchased 3 male Honey Gouramis yesterday. They all seemed 100% fine yesterday, no agression in the tank (Theyre in the tank with 2 Khuli Loaches and 6 Neon Tetras, 6 glowlight tetras, and a Zebra Nerite Snail). All swimming normally. Fed them last night and this morning one is...
  25. puppyfoxcat

    20 gal long stocking

    I already have 4 kuhli loaches in my 20 gal long tank and I’m going to get at least two more. The tank is moderately planted but I’m going put together more plants this weekend. I would love to add some more fish to the tank, and here’s my idea for when it’s completely stocked: -6 kuhli loaches...
  26. HevvyC

    New 20 Gallon Starter Tank - Advice? :)

    Hey guys, I've just bought a 100L/ 20 gallon tank and I'm waiting to pick it up at the moment. Very excited! It comes with 2 internal filters (both Aquael 700) and a heater which is great. I was looking into keeping some honey gouramis, platies, neon tetras and maybe some leopard cory's? Nice...
  27. A

    Urgent! Is this a Thicklip or a Honey Gourami?

    I have 4 gouramis that I ordered from Live Aquaria. They were listed as Honey Gourami (Colisa chuna). Did i get Thicklip Gouramis shipped to me instead? This one pictured is about 1.5 inches in length. I have an Aquamaxx 22 long (36in*12in*12in) and it will not be enough for thicklips I think. I...
  28. Annemarie


    Hello! I’m finally getting around to getting the actual fish tank (36 gallon bow front) because I decided to take more time to think about everything. I’ve finallt confirmed stocking and everything I need. But before I actually get stuff, I want to be prepared to quarantine. I’ll be getting the...
  29. F

    What type of honey gourami is this?

    Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to fish keeping and have had a burning question for a while now. In the picture I've been wondering what type of honey gourami it is because it's a nice brown colour and looks like a female so would be nice to keep with a male so if anybody knows I would...
  30. F

    Which fish should I buy?

    Hello, I would like to ask if someone could recommend if I should buy a honey gourami or a Betta which I plan on having in a 105 litre tank with corydoras and possibly ember tetras. Thank you
  31. Jimbob1223

    Honey Gourami Lossing Scales

    Recently I have noticed that my honey gourami hase started loosing scales on one side of his body. this has been going on for a moth or so now and to start with, I thought it would heal, but that is not happening:( . The gourami lost an eye shortly before the scale problem due to a tank mate not...
  32. D

    Betta and honey gourami?

    I have a Betta that is currently living in a 2 gallon bowl. I was wondering if I could move him to my bigger tank (20 gallon) that holds a pair of honey gourami’s. Are they compatible?
  33. Vengified

    Honey Gourami Sex (gourami noob)

    As title says, I can't tell the sex of my Honey Gourami. I have found conflicting information about coloration, markings, and fins, so I'm not positive. I know most LFS only get males, due to their vibrant colors, but when choosing mine, before I knew any method of sexing, I chose this one...
  34. S


    Hi fish folk! I’m now setting up my 200 litre aquarium. And I’m very much looking forward to getting two different pairs of gouramis. Firstly; I’m wanting to get some ‘peaceful or more docile gouramis’ perhaps a couple of honey gouramis and opalines? Would this be ok? And secondly; I have 3...
  35. Jaymis

    Is my Honey Gourami okay?

    This past sunday I got a female (i believe she's a female, at least!) Honey Gourami from my local pet store and put her into my 10 gallon tank, which i'll put a picture of at the end of this post. Since then, i've noticed she spends a lot of time resting on the substrate at the bottom of her...
  36. Nmjreads

    Friend for my Gourami

    Hello, I recently got into keeping larger then 1 gallon fish tanks, (never kept more then 1 fish at a time) I currently have 3 tanks, a 1.5 gallon, one 10 gallon and one 30. Long story short I had to put a goldfish in the same tank as a honey Gourami. There were no other options at the time even...
  37. C

    Help with stocking

    Hi, I'm wanting to keep... 2 honey gouriamis, 6 neon tetras, 4 guppies, 6 harlequin rasboras And possibly some wood shrimp Would these guys be compatible? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  38. F

    Female Honey Gourami Ate All The Eggs!

    Hello,   A few days ago we noticed our honey gourami trying to build his nest of bubbles. But he appeared to be having a bit of trouble, probably 'cause our filter and air stones were agitating the water surface too much. Yesterday morning we managed to reduce the surface agitation, and this...
  39. TallTree01

    Honey Gouramis

    after I rehomed my pearl gourami from my biorb 105, ( 105 liters/ 28 gallon ) I began the hunt for a new centerpiece type fish. My pearl gourami was a stunner so I was looking for another gourami type fish. Many people suggested honey gouramis. I googled and didn't find much info. I have several...