Honey Gourami Making Bubble Nest


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2021
Reaction score
Jakarta, Indonesia

i notice my male honey gourami is kinda turning black and he is making bubble nest all the time.

The thing is i also notice that he is very aggressive to the female to the point where my female really scared of him and hide most of the time.

Another thing is, the bubble nest he make, no matter how big it is will always disappearing.

What should i do? seperate him?

Make a breeding tank?

Thank you.


  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-11 at 11.51.15.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2021-05-11 at 11.51.15.jpeg
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  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-11 at 11.51.16.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2021-05-11 at 11.51.16.jpeg
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I may be wrong on this but I do believe this could be a sign of mating. When a male honey gourami wants to mate/female to lay eggs he makes a bubble nest to try and impress her. If it is quickly disappearing it could show that she’s not impressed or interested in him. Males will also turn black as they reach sexual maturity which could also be why this behavior is just beginning.
I may be wrong on this but I do believe this could be a sign of mating. When a male honey gourami wants to mate/female to lay eggs he makes a bubble nest to try and impress her. If it is quickly disappearing it could show that she’s not impressed or interested in him. Males will also turn black as they reach sexual maturity which could also be why this behavior is just beginning.
What you want to do depends on if you want fry or if you want to remove him.
I may be wrong on this but I do believe this could be a sign of mating. When a male honey gourami wants to mate/female to lay eggs he makes a bubble nest to try and impress her. If it is quickly disappearing it could show that she’s not impressed or interested in him. Males will also turn black as they reach sexual maturity which could also be why this behavior is just beginning.

ouch, poor guy.... the female is not really into him lol

Thank you for your reply :)

I'll just leave him be for a while and if he gets more aggressive i'll remove him for the sake of the female :)

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