
Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2019
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Hello! I’m finally getting around to getting the actual fish tank (36 gallon bow front) because I decided to take more time to think about everything. I’ve finallt confirmed stocking and everything I need. But before I actually get stuff, I want to be prepared to quarantine. I’ll be getting the fish from a few different shops and I don’t want to immediately kill them if they get stressed or sick.

Therefore I’ve come here to ask for help setting up quarantine. I know I need some hiding spots, a filter, and a heater, but I have no clue what size or what material (container, empty aquarium, bucket) would work best for the actual quarantine. The filter size and all the other stuff would then be based off that size. The largest fish that would stay in it would be a honey gourami, and the most active would be a neon tetra. Would 3 gallons work? Or should I look into getting something that could hold 10+ gallons? It’s not for forever, so I don’t think a 30 gallon quarantine would be necessary.

Just figured I’d ask and see what happens.

A 10gallon (2 foot long) quarantine tank is fine. You can use a glass aquarium or plastic storage container. The glass tank will make it easier to see the fish but a plastic storage container is cheaper.

You can put a thin layer of sand or gravel in the quarantine tank. Add some plastic plants with lead weights or rocks to hold them down. Have a heater and filter.

Put new fish in quarantine for at least 2 weeks (preferably 4 weeks). Treat them for any diseases they develop. You can treat them for intestinal worms while they are in quarantine.

Once the fish have been free of disease for at least 2 weeks, you add them to the main display tank.
Cool! I’ll probably end up going with a container. Only problem with that is the lid. If I were to get something like this

how would I make sure there is circulation and how would I attach the filter, heater, etc... I could always tape the filter and heater cords to the back so they don’t slip further in the container but I still want to make sure the fish have access to air. Would leaving open the lid a crack be okay? (Not enough for fish to jump out.) Or would I have to drill very small holes all over the lid?

Unless I can find some kind of container specifically for fish that’s the only idea I have.
That’s perfect. Walmart also has a Sterlite 8 gallon that I use for QT. I believe it’s cheaper. I just drill holes in the top of mine a little smaller than a dime. I then set the lid on top ( it won’t snap with the filter on it). Walmart also has filter ( either Aquatech or Tetra) for a 10G along with a small heater. Both are cheap. The filter has a clip that hangs on the plastic container and the heater has suction cups. You can do it all for roughly $30.00.
Okay! I don’t want to do a quarantine to begin with (ugh waiting) but hey it’s for the health of the fish so I can deal with it. Thanks for helping!
Okay! I don’t want to do a quarantine to begin with (ugh waiting) but hey it’s for the health of the fish so I can deal with it. Thanks for helping!
You’re smart to do so. Most people learn the hard way. Always QT fish. Good luck!
If this is a new tank set up with nothing coming in you don't necessarily need to quarantine as you are not introducing any new fish, plants ect to an established system. The main aquarium is in it'self a quarantine system
However that being said, having a quarantine tank which is relatively bare (maybe some easily to clean ornaments) can make any treatments you may have to do easier. As well as potentially preventing the spread on any pathogen into a display tank.
Tip: Plants can be dipped in hydrogen peroxide to remove any nasty’s.

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