
New Member
Jan 26, 2017
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Hi, I'm wanting to keep...
2 honey gouriamis,
6 neon tetras,
4 guppies,
6 harlequin rasboras
And possibly some wood shrimp

Would these guys be compatible?
Any suggestions?
Hi there :)

What size tank do you have, and is your water hard or soft?
Hi! It's 55 litre. Haven't set up yet as I'm moving in two weeks so I'm setting it up then :)
Is your tank an AquaNano 40? Just curious, as I have one; very nice little tank :)

You will need to find out the hardness of your water. You have both soft water fish (the neons, gouramis and harlequins) and hard water fish (the guppies) on your list, so you will have to change your stocking according to your water.
I'm not sure I'd put neons in such a short tank. They're small, but they fare a lot better when they have room to swim. The guppies too, I'd avoid unless it's only males, but I don't like the idea of only males.

If your water is on the softish side I'd go for the gourami and the harlequins only. If your water is on the harder side I'd go or guppies only, 1 male and 3 females, and be ready to rehome the plenty youngsters you're going to get.
Is your tank an AquaNano 40? Just curious, as I have one; very nice little tank :)

You will need to find out the hardness of your water. You have both soft water fish (the neons, gouramis and harlequins) and hard water fish (the guppies) on your list, so you will have to change your stocking according to your water.

Yeah I think it's that tank.... What About the wood shrimp? :)
I'm not sure I'd put neons in such a short tank. They're small, but they fare a lot better when they have room to swim. The guppies too, I'd avoid unless it's only males, but I don't like the idea of only males.

If your water is on the softish side I'd go for the gourami and the harlequins only. If your water is on the harder side I'd go or guppies only, 1 male and 3 females, and be ready to rehome the plenty youngsters you're going to get.

Sorry I'm pretty new to tropical fish haha! I was planning on 4 male guppies.... Could this arise any problems?
Guppies can be quite nippy towards each other.

I'd honestly forget about the wood shrimp, at least for the moment. They're filter feeders, so do really badly in new set up and can be difficult to feed, even in established tanks. There are loads of other shrimp species that would be fine, however :) Red cherry shrimp are the easiest for beginners.

I agree with Zante about the neons too; they are quite active for a small fish.

Get back to us with your water's pH and hardness and we can come up with some stocking suggestions for you :)
Guppies can be quite nippy towards each other.

I'd honestly forget about the wood shrimp, at least for the moment. They're filter feeders, so do really badly in new set up and can be difficult to feed, even in established tanks. There are loads of other shrimp species that would be fine, however :) Red cherry shrimp are the easiest for beginners.

I agree with Zante about the neons too; they are quite active for a small fish.

Get back to us with your water's pH and hardness and we can come up with some stocking suggestions for you :)

Thanks for your help! Really good info there. I will let you know when I've set up! Thanks again! :)
You're very welcome :)
Yeah, I believe neons really come into their own when you have at least 50 in a tank that's at least 5 feet long.

Seems strange to say for such a small fish, but they really change when you put such a number in such an environment and truly become a stunning view.

That's not to say they won't be happy in a smaller tank in smaller numbers, but they do need... I'd say at least three feet of lenght to swim.
I assume you know who your water provider will be at the new house and, if you in the UK, the postcode of the new house. You could look up the water provider's website and see what they say the hardness is at your new home. UK water companies usually have a page where you enter your postcode to find your hardness.

This will give you extra time to plan your stocking :)

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