cory catfish

  1. AquariumCookie

    New Mystery Snail Refusing To Sink

    So I just got a golden mystery snail along with two other black mystery snails one mystery snail in my 10 gallon completely fine my other black mystery snail in with my golden mystery snail in my 20 gallon and the black one is completely fine while my golden mystery snail refuses to sink to the...
  2. FishFinger90

    Stocking 57L

    Hi I am new to the hobby and have just purchased a 57L tank. I’m hoping to gradually build to something like: 6 panda corys 4 or 5 guppies 2 or 3 amano shrimp Maybe 1 nerite snail Probably sand substrate. Does that sound reasonable and any tips on plants? Cheers.
  3. Madisonkeug

    Rescue fish

    Hi guys, so I was given a bunch of fish from a local business who could no longer care for their fish. I’m new to owning fish and I’m not sure if I’m doing everything I can to care for these guys and I need help. Biggest question is the tank over stocked? 1x Bronze Cory (swimming around glass...
  4. FloridaChick

    My new Salt & Pepper Corys arrived!

    Yay! Super surprised how cute these are! So curious with big eyes and so much fun to watch. I got 7 from a real jerk on eBay who said he couldn't send them out because he was sick and then got nasty and ghosted me. I spent hours trying to get my $80 (I know, thats alot, insane) but he wasn't...
  5. M

    Should I replace my lost corycat?

    I lost one of my three peppered corycats today. Since my once tiny school is now a pair, should I replace the lost cory? If so, will a new peppered cory school well with the other two (who I’ve had for about a year)? I also have 3 oto cats, 5 harlequin rasboras, and a honey Gourami in the tank...
  6. B

    Is swim bladder medication safe for corys?

    Hi, One of my cory catfish has swim bladder disease, so I just went out and bought a medication However, it says that it can't be used for scaleless fish. I know corys have "plates" instead of scales, so would it still be safe to use? Thanks very much, any help would be appreciated
  7. P

    I don’t know what’s wrong with my Cory

    Hi I just purchased 6 panda Corys and for the most part 5 of them seemed pretty healthy. But one of them I noticed has a thin curvy line in its tail and anal fin. I had no idea what it was so right now I put it quarantined in another tank but I was hoping someone knew what it might be? The...
  8. E

    Cory fishes not eating, swimming near surface

    Hi, I am quite new to the hobby and slowly built the first tank over the last months and I am a bit concerned with my Julii corys. Since 3/4f days 4 out of the 5 we have started behaving in a really strange way, spending all time either sleeping on the top of leaves (close to the surface) or...
  9. M

    Unidentified Corydoras Species

    Hello, I am new to this forum and have a very specific question: about 5 months ago, I bought a bunch of Corydoras Pygmaeus for my tank. They’ve all done quite well, but there is one fish in the school that has grown much bigger than the others, and quite frankly, just doesn’t look like a pygmy...
  10. ellamay

    Best / worst types of corydoras?

    Hello!! Not sure if it really makes any difference but is there any specific kinds of corys people recommend/ don’t recommend. I know some kinds of fish can get health conditions based on how they’ve been bread. I’ve been looking at peppered, pandas and false Julii corys just based on which ones...
  11. L

    Cory cat died

    Hello, would anyone know why my Cory cat just died. I’ve had it a week. I got that and 2 tetras as my first fish to set up the tank. I’ve done 2 part water changes this week. 25%. It had been starting very still for a couple of days. Hardly moving. This afternoon I noticed it was on its side...
  12. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  13. shaziasadiqah

    Are Panda Corydoras Hard to Keep?

    So, about two weeks ago i got 6 albino cories and 6 panda cories. the albinos are staying with my betta in a 16gal tank and the pandas are staying with 12 Ember Tetra and 2 Honey Gourami in a 25gal. they were all the same size, very small like 2cm and i quarantine them for 10 days and about 3...
  14. shaziasadiqah

    Finding the Right Algae Eater

    So, in my 57gal i have two blackghost. They seem to be very enjoying their new tank because it has lots of plants and rocks to hide. the thing is, now the tank have a lot of algae, so much that it worries me that it might take over the whole plants in there. can someone give me any advice to...
  15. H

    Pale and inactive bronze Cory catfish

    One of my bronze Cory cats has suddenly gone very pale and just lays at the bottom rarely moving in the past week or so but all of the other fish in the tank look good and healthy any suggestions on how I could the help the fish? In my tank there are: 4 bronze Cory cats 1 guppy (getting a...
  16. ellamay

    Beginners Advice

    Hi!! I'm new to the forum and new to fish. I work with animals so I've always had an interest in fish but haven't started properly researching until recently. It's really important to me that it's not trial and error for the first few months. I want to know as much as possible before starting so...
  17. primsloaches16

    Are these Corydora eggs fertile? *VIDEO OF SPAWNING!!*

    I am a very proud fish mom today! My corydoras have been spawning FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME EVER all day today!!!!! I've been able to save 11 of the eggs so far, but most burst when I tried to get them. I'm not sure if it's because I'm inexperienced but I tried to be gentle. I read that fertlizied...
  18. carligraceee

    New Corys and an update!

    Hey guys! I took some tests these past weeks and have been watching my water. My ammonia levels are at 0 and all my water levels are puerfect (the hardness is a little low but my fish are not exhibiting any signs of stress or malnutrition). My fish have been so well that I took another step and...
  19. N

    High Ammonia levels

    Update 12/14: second water change completed today of about 60-70% of water. Total Ammonia - 0.5ppm, NH3 - 0.1ppm, NO2 - .25ppm, NO3 - 5ppm, and pH 7.6. I have a 20gal freshwater tank and no matter what I do I cannot get my ammonia levels down. I’ve had the aquarium for 6 months and I’m pretty...
  20. L

    Will my Corys be happy? HELP A NOOB

    I am new to the hobby and I was told my Corys will be happy as long as I get at least 4. I asked if they need to be the same species and I was told that they don’t, so I got two Julli and two Peppered Corys. BUT I have been reading that they will not technically school together. They seem to be...
  21. Meg0000

    Bronze corydoras size

    Hi, I would like to know if my bronze corydoras are at their adult size. I have had them for 8 months but they have not really grown and they are about 2 inch max. Will they get any bigger?
  22. Guyb93

    These are bronze ?

    These are bronze corys aren’t they ?
  23. C

    Bronze corydoras

    Hello, I have bought, only yesterday, 3 more bronze corydoras in the pet store to add to my 64L tropical tank and I have noticed one of them scratching on the sand. Is it something I should worry about? My water was tested yesterday and all the parameters were good. The tank is currently heated...
  24. Guyb93

    Impulse buying again ... but stocked now

    Iv bought a load of sand for my tank it’s dull and I’m not a fan it was cheap I have to say but it’s natural and smooth and was one of the only sands there that was fit for purpose regardless of how it looks I bought it , financially after moving house I can’t be picky ahahah but just in eye...
  25. B

    STORY TIME - Water Parameters for a Community tank

    Hello! I've posted before, it's been awhile. Currently, I have 5 Zebra Danios, 5 Emerald Cory's, a Mystery Snail, And a Single Silver dollar. Those who've seen my previous posts know I've been here before, I'm now 18 and know alot more. I only have a single silver dollar, because inexperienced...
  26. Guyb93

    Could I put corys in my tank?

    I hve a 500l with an Oscar and 4 electric blue acara and a sailfin pleco , I wanted to add 5-10 silver Dollars and 5-10 salt and pepper corys , I’m thinking the SDs will be ok but not too sure about corys are they just lunch ?
  27. pkenziep

    Help! What did my catfish die of and is it contagious?

    First off - I apologize as this will probably be a novel. Can anyone help me ID what killed my albino corydora? I've had two for over a year (which I know they need more friends, but I didn't have tank space until very recently and haven't even had a chance to increase their school size), and...
  28. newmag1659

    Dwarf Mexican Crayfish and Corys?

    I’m thinking about adding a Dwarf Mexican Crayfish to my established 20 tall killifish and Cory tank. I’ve seen conflicting opinions on whether the crayfish will harass/eat the corys. I have 4 albino corys, 2 emerald. Is this a feasible combination or should I just skip out on the crayfish? I...
  29. J

    Tank change help!!!

    So I have 10 Cory's 2 larger mollies and a baby molly 3 while sucker fish and a other sucker fish I'm changing my tank to sand I have a 10 gallon tank can I put the fish in there until the sand settles I'm in way over my head someone help
  30. jucieso

    Cory catfish dancing?(!)

    First, hi there, I’m very new to the forum so sorry if I don’t know how this works. Second, I’ve owned 2 albino Cory catfish in the past, but after they died I got 2 new ones about a month or so ago. Up until yesterday, they’ve been fine. I’ve made no new changes to the water recently and it’s...
  31. 3

    Cory looking ill?

    I have just noticed that the Cory looked like this. It his a white like down the back of its back and looks like a red vein on its stomach. It also has jacked up fins( fin rot ??) what should I do. Excuse the tank being dirty just come back from holiday and had people looking after it. Help...
  32. Tegz

    Bronze cory coloration and size

    Hi all I hope that everyone is well. Quick question regarding my Corys I got them both at the same time and they were about the same size and color but the one is now quite a bit bigger and has alot more colour is this normal?
  33. H

    HELP! Dying catfish?

    Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 10 gallons How long has the tank been running? 1.5 years Does it have a filter? Yes Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water temperature? 77.4 What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) Two cory Julii catfish, two...
  34. B

    Weird Bronze Corydora?

    I've been searching over the internet for photos and videos of bronze corydoras and I haven't seen any like this one. I'm not really sure why it looks like this I have 5 others that don't and I got them all at the same store. Any help identifying it would be much appreciated.
  35. H

    Advice on my new tank

    Hi im new to the fishkeeping world and the tropical fish forums forums:) Over the past few weeks ive done a ton of research for the new tank im getting for my bday! I have brought a 105 litre (68 cm length,35 cm depth and 51 cm height) rectangle tank. After all the research and visits to my...
  36. Flavs

    Advice on adding fish to tank

    Hello there! I would really love some advice from seasoned fish keepers! I currently have a 54L tank (60 x 30 x 30). I've currently got a gorgeous Betta, 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Cory Doras. I was wondering whether I could add a 2-3 extra neons to form more of a school and perhaps even another Cory...
  37. Geordie Paul

    Ok to move corydoras?

    Hello all again. My 35 gallon has been running for about 10 days now, my plants are starting to grow as well. I've also used conditioner and bio support. I've also had a betta living in here for about a week before I took him out. I was wondering if it would be safe to move my 4 panda corys from...
  38. joliee

    Am I Overstocking?

    Hi I'm kind of new to this so bear with me haha. So I was thinking of getting a 10 gallon tank and putting 5 scissortail rasboras (I heard they were schooling fish and that I needed to get at least 5), 2 cory catfish (again, I heard they liked to be with each other), 1 dwarf gourami, and 1...
  39. D

    2nd 40 gallon breeder

    I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders, one is recently set up with a few BA tetras but I’ve decided I’m going to leave adding fish to this one for a while, in my 2nd 40 gallon breeder I also have; 6 BA tetras 5 Albino Corys 1 young Male Firemouth Cichlid Is there anything else that I could add...
  40. Tap Water

    White Fungus/Rot on Corydora

    I noticed some white starting to appear on some of my bronze corydoras fins, and I cant quite figure out what it is. One cory has it worse than the rest, and it looks as if the fin is actually beginning to rot away. I've had these cory for over six months now, and I've owned cory for about four...