20 gallon

  1. WestCoastChelle

    Stocking Thoughts for a 20 (Maybe 50?) Gallon Tank

    I'd like to set up a little community tank. I plan to get it cycling sometime this week and while that whole process happens I'm researching and thinking about who all I'd like to have in there. The tank will have a lid, driftwood and live plants with sand substrate. My initial thoughts atm...
  2. S

    Possible 20 gallon stocking.

    Hello, I'm thinking of getting my first aquarium and want to do it right, I only have room for a 20 gallon unfortunately. I was thinking for the stocking I could get a group of Peacock Gudgeons, a group of American Flagfish, and maybe a bigger center piece fish by itself. What do people think...
  3. D

    Dalmatian Molly Not Swimming

    Help! I just set up a tank less than a week ago with 5 female mollies. I’m new to this but it’s important to me that my fish are happy and healthy. One of my mollies seems off. She doesn’t swim around and stays in the top corner near the heater. My other 4 mollies seem fine and swim around. At...
  4. Honey Fish

    Zebra Danio talk

    My guppie care forum was getting turned into zebra danio forum so this is the forum to talk about anything about zebra danios. Questions, sharing, etc
  5. 7

    Best schooling fish for Dwarf Gourami in a 20gal?

    Hi guys! I'm new to this site. I have a 20gal (high) tank with pool filter sand and mopani wood. My current plan: - 2x m/f Dwarf Gourami (orange coloring) - 8x pygmy corycats - cherry or amano shrimp colony What school would complement the Dwarf Gourami and light substrate the best? (options...
  6. Circus

    Large Cherry Shrimp

    My nicest looking large female shrimp. I do have others with similar or better coloring, but they tend to be smaller. She was born in my tank going on two years ago. Most of my large shrimp died when I had a tank crash. She is currently my largest red cherry shrimp as well. I only just recently...
  7. Mollyforever

    20 G tank overstocked? Or more?

    Howdy everyone! So I am cycling a 20g tank so that i could move my 5 shortfin mollies (1:4 male and female ratio) Would it be a dumb idea to get a couple more smaller fish like endlers in the new tank? Or crabs? The water parameters for the current 10G molly tank is pH 8.2 KH 130 GH 230 ish No...
  8. T

    A Few Questions on My New Planted Tank

    Hey guys. Wanted to ask a few questions about my new planted tank. It's a ten gallon tank with a water sprite, amazon sword, baby tears, and three java ferns. I got the first two a couple days ago and the java and tears today. I got them both off Aquarium Coop. My first question was what are...
  9. M

    help with newbie

    long story short - I was wondering if you guys could help. I have a new tank with fish they were doing fine I then test for ammonia yesterday. The ammonia was high, come to find out it was rocks that we separated and separately test and each had ammonia. I did a water change last night the ph...
  10. Circus

    Almost Full Grown Figure 8 Puffer

    So, I am setting up a 20 gallon tank for a figure 8 puffer, and I know they need increasingly brackish water as they get older. The puffer will be an adoptee from Petco, someone surrendered about a half dozen to the store. Right now they are all together in about a 10 gallon tank (showing...
  11. D

    20 g high tank

    So I have a 20G high tank and I think I want some gouramins or ram. I want fun active fish and looking for stocking advice. I do have hard water with a ph Around 7.6. I also have a single dalmatian Molly I plan on moving into the tank as well. Side note: I have a 10G long with 4 Cory catfish (I...
  12. Ellie Potts

    Pea puffer tank? Please help!!

    Hey everyone! I now have an empty, cycled 20-gallon long (30" x 12" x 12") and I'm trying to decide what to do with it (the fish nerd in me is elated). As my title implies, I'm really interested in keeping pufferfish. Due to the size of the tank, feeding ease, compatibility, and my lack of...
  13. S

    Best schooling fish for 20+ gallon tank

    Hi all, I will be upgrading my current 10 gallon which houses only a male Betta to a new 105 litre/ 23 gallon tank. I'd like to get some great, active schooling fish and I'm not sure which would work best. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  14. Ellie Potts

    20 gallon aquascaping

    I just posted about my 55 gallon, so may as well ask about my 20 long. I'm not as concerned about this tank as it's currently being used as a backup/quarantine tank, but it would be nice to have it looking good. Any advice? Preferably beginner friendly advice Plants: Java moss, java fern...
  15. RenC

    Updated tank!

    So I upgraded to a 20 gallon tall as my 15 column wasn’t ideal for my fish. I have 2 honey gourami, 4 guppies, 2 otocinclus, and 4 golden white clouds, as well as 2 snails. I know the wc’s aren’t ideal I wasn’t aware when I purchased. My snails have laid eggs and I’ve only seen one baby snail so...
  16. M


    I've been doing my research for a 75 liter tank for a betta and some shrimp. I have experience in keeping pond fish however completely new to a planted tank. My main concern is making sure everyone in the tank has enough space and hiding places . I ideally would like to have a betta, shrimp, a...
  17. Too Many Hobbies

    Stocking Ideas 20gal/75l

    Hi! I’m new here and to the hobby and have had many questions but been too shy to post in my local fb group. Ive been running a 5gal for the past 3 months and I want to upgrade to 20gal. Currently I have 5 espei rasboras, 4 Pygmy cories, and maybe 4 rcs (usually hiding). my mom complains that my...
  18. HevvyC

    New 20 Gallon Starter Tank - Advice? :)

    Hey guys, I've just bought a 100L/ 20 gallon tank and I'm waiting to pick it up at the moment. Very excited! It comes with 2 internal filters (both Aquael 700) and a heater which is great. I was looking into keeping some honey gouramis, platies, neon tetras and maybe some leopard cory's? Nice...
  19. wolfgirlj

    New Female Platy is Hiding, is it Because of My Guppy?

    Tank is 20 gallon 1 dwarf gourami 2 mystery snails 6 neon tetras 1 female guppy 1 female platy (added two days ago) The last water change was the day before I got the platy, and water conditions matched the store conditions. The platy has seemed a little on edge since added, but not darting...
  20. fishperson100

    Petco Dollar a Gallon Sale

    Hey all! Do any of you know when the next Dollar a Gallon sale is? My sibling and I are getting some leopard geckos, and I am waiting to get the 20 gallon long tank. I would rather pay $20 than $40:)
  21. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Tropical fish for a 20 gallon?

    Hi, I have been doing research on fish for many years and have kept freshwater tanks for ever. This is my first time setting up a tropical tank and I’m struggling to find small ‘feature fish’ for my 20 gallon high. Just a note: I’m definitely going to keep some guppies, neon tetras and...
  22. K

    New Red Spot Severum gasping, high levels

    If anyone can read about our situation and give advice we would be so grateful! We are new to the aquarium world, but our problem has stumped even the girl at the fish room who seems to know everything. We have a 20 gallon tank and 2 weeks ago we put in it a Red Spotted Severum (3 or 4 inches...
  23. MyFishKaren

    20 Gallon Tank - Overstocked?

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank pertaining: 2 Angelfish 1 Dwarf Gourami 1 Dalmatian Molly Is my tank overstocked? Would I be able to add any other fish, and would I be able to add an algae eater? Thanks, MyFishKaren
  24. B

    Will my fish be ok?

    Hi all, I have a 20 gal long tank and a sun sun 602b filter. An essential piece to the filter broke so i had to order a new filter. I have to wait probably a week. I just want to be sure that my fish will be ok for that long. I put a sponge filter in for now and threw all the sponges and...
  25. R

    Blood parrot cichlid in 20 gallon long?

    Hello! im fairly new too the hobby, i own a betta. i have one 20 gallon tank and i really like blood parrot cichlids, could i house one BP in a 20 gallon long? because i know they can grow up to 8 inches and thats how big fancy goldfish can grown, and they're minimum is 20 gallons, If not thats...
  26. M

    Chinese algae eater is sick?

    This morning I woke up and checked on my fish, I have a chinese algae eater in a 20 gal well circulated tank, with 2 tin foil barb, a paradise gourami and a tiger barb, he has always been shy and moves quick when other fish come near, but when I just checked on him I thought he was dead but when...
  27. J

    Tiger Barbs

    Recently got into fish keeping after many years since i was a child, i have set up a 20 gallon semi-aggressive community tank. So far i have 2 japanese algae shrimp, 1 Ghost shrimp, the 3 tiger barbs which are the fish that i am worried about due to lack of color and what seems like rapid...
  28. K

    What is this?

    My 1 year old male guppy has a weird lump in his tail. It is pretty big. He doesn't act like it's affecting him at all. He has had the same tank set up for 2 years it's a 20 gallon. They eat a variety of froazen brine shrimp, brine shrimp dry, algae flakes, and fish flakes. Any ideas to what...
  29. J

    New To The Hobby, 20 Gallon Long Stocking Ideas?

    Hi, I am very new to this hobby, and I'm going to get a 20 gallon long soon, and I need stocking ideas. 2 fish that I would like to keep are a dwarf gourami, and neon tetras. What are some other fish that will get along with them and not overload my filter (I plan on over filtrating). Thanks!
  30. A

    Moving To A Bigger Tank

    I've had my fish for just a little over a week now. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I got them and the tank that I learned a 1.5 gallon tank was much too small. I'm looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon as soon as I have the money and can clear out the space. I've been looking around on the...
  31. C

    Lighting And Fertilizers For 20Gal

    I have one 18" fluorescent bulb on the tank right now. I would like my tank to have moderate lighting. I am thinking of either buying a dual fluorescent fixture or a LED fixture. Which would be the better choice? The tank is a 20 tall, so the lights would be about 17" from the substrate.   For...
  32. driger8642

    Sick Cory :(

    Tank Size - 20 Gal High Filter - Tetra Whisper 40 Heater - I forgot the name but it is a pretty good one for the tank Thermometer - 77 degrees Air Stone - 1 Sand Substrate Using API Master Tet Kit for water testing   Hey guys, I'm currently doing a fishy cycle (2 and a half weeks in) with 10...
  33. K

    Hey! New Here And Ready To Talk Fish

    Hi!   I just joined this fun forum. I am not a complete new person to fish as I have worked with fish a lot in my life. However I wouldn't call myself a professional. Anyways, I am excited to get back into the hobby at my new place.    I am working on trying to get a 20 gallon tank (the one I...
  34. noobgamers

    20 Gallon Stocking

    hey guys at long last i have some to the end of deciding the stocking for my new 20 gallon i was thinking (dangerous i know) 6 julli corydoras 6 hatchetfish 9 neon tetra 3 apistogramma trifasciata (1 male 2 females)   my thinking was that the hatchetfish rarely leave top levels neons and dwarf...
  35. N

    New Tank Help

    My first tropical fish 20 gallon tank and has been running for a week. I am an amateur that has done a lot of research but can't find solutions to the following problems: Just added 4 zebra danios and 2 panda cory's Now for the questions: 1. I have gravel. Researched that it can damage the...
  36. noobgamers

    Bottom To Mid Dwelling Fish For A 20 Gallon

    hey guys doing a 20 gallon soon and looking for a mid to bottom dwelling fish thats a bit more unusual so no neon tetra or cherry  barbs can adjust ph and temperature to suit ty for any advice no aggresive fish please e.g angelfish tiger barbs
  37. rikkitiger

    Fish Tank Water Turning Green!

    hello,   so i have a 20 gallon fish tank with corydoras, black skirt tetras a dwarf gourami and platies, and it is fairly new only had it for about 3 months but do water changes 25-50% every weekend with conditioner and a week ago i noticed no matter how many times i changed a bit of the water...
  38. W

    Stocking 20G High Tank

    I am getting a 20 gallon tank tomorrow. I am planning on the fish I would stock it with and how I would cycle it?   My current plan for fish is: 2 Dwarf Gourami's 3 Guppies 4 Albino Cory Catfish 5 Silver Hatchet fish I ran this through aqadvisor.com and it sad 99% stocking capacity.   I was...
  39. JoebW

    20 Gallon ~ Simple And Clean

    Tank: "Simple and Clean" Size: 20 Gallons ~ Long 30 Inches Long x 13 Inches High x 13 Inches Deep Filter: ALEAS Power Filter 30 Gallons Heater: Top Fin Submersible 100W Heater Pump: Aqueon Circulation Pump 500 Light: Single Clamp Lamp Bulb ~ 5000k 23W Fauna: Farlowella x1 Red Wag Platy x 1...
  40. M

    20 Gallon Long Stocking Plan

    Looking for some feedback on a potential 20 gal. long project. Here's what I'm thinking: panda cory x6 cardinal tetra x6 dwarf gourami x2 other specs: live plants, sand substrate, driftwood, tetra whisper EX20 filter. Open to subtractions, additions, or alternatives. Thanks!