
New Member
Mar 21, 2017
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Recently got into fish keeping after many years since i was a child, i have set up a 20 gallon semi-aggressive community tank. So far i have 2 japanese algae shrimp, 1 Ghost shrimp, the 3 tiger barbs which are the fish that i am worried about due to lack of color and what seems like rapid breathing or irregular movement. And the other fish i have is a medium sized angel fish. I am aware that most would say they are incompatible but he seems to be doing fine as he is larger than the 3 tigers i have. Now what i am concerned with is the behavior of the tigers, i am unsure if it is because of the low number of them or the fact that the angel is too big for them. Is it possible the tigers would do better in a bigger group? Thank you for your time and i look forward to talking with you :D


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Tiger barbs definitely do better when in larger groups. At least 8+ minimum imho.

This is simply due to their aggression, they will pick on the weakest tiger barb, usually to its demise, therefore the larger the group, the more spread the aggression will be and means they will not pick on just one indivdual :/

But its not just their own specie they bully, its well documented that they bully most if not all their tank mates. Its just their agressive nature to do so.

So tank mates have to be very carefully chosen, of course in an appropraite sized cycled tank.

Tiger barb with Angel fish, have to say this will very unlikely to work as Tigers like to go for slow moving, long finned fish.

Puntigrus tetrazona - Tiger Barb
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately i became aware of this after i had brought these guys home and i shouldn't have trusted one lone Pets**** employee before jumping right in. So what would you guys recommend as an option?
A 20 gallon tank isn't big enough for the angelfish either, I'm afraid. The best thing you can do is either take the fish back to the shop and get fish better suited to the tank size, or get a bigger tank.

Did you cycle the tank before getting these fish, by following the method on here ? if you didn't, that is even more reason to take the fish back to the shop, then cycle the tank, then get more suitable fish.

I know this is not what you want to hear but it is better for the fish.
Welcome to TFF. :hi:

I concur with both essjay and Ch4rlie. If you are staying with the 20g tank, the angelfish must be returned. You might get away with Tiger Barbs alone, in a group of 8-10, but this is really not the best and I only say "might" because I realize you may be limited to this tank and want this species. But it would be best to return the three TB as well, frankly, and we can help you find more suitable fish. Knowing your source water parameters (GH, KH and pH, for the tap or well water, whichever) will help us narrow things down if asked.

Even in a larger tank, these two fish (angelfish and Tiger Barb, or any barb for that matter) will not work. The angelfish is sedate, cruising around with long fins, and any fish (like all the barbs, and many others) find this a temptation and will nip, causing severe stress to the angelfish. It needs very carefully selected tankmates, and a much larger tank. It really is a shoaling fish anyway, and a group of five in a 4-foot minimum 55g tank would be better.


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