Moving To A Bigger Tank


Mostly New Member
Aug 17, 2016
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I've had my fish for just a little over a week now. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I got them and the tank that I learned a 1.5 gallon tank was much too small. I'm looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon as soon as I have the money and can clear out the space. I've been looking around on the website of the closest store and I've seen a few things but I'm hoping to get some opinions on them.

If anyone thinks I need anything extra with any of them, I know I do need some things with them, please let me know what I need. Also, if you know of anything better than what I've been looking at please do let me know.
what type of fish do you currently have?

also do have a LFS near your a Petco? Petsmart sometimes can be over expensive...
also the "grreat choice 20 gallon glass aquarium"if your only shopping from petsmart is what I recommend. its pricier than it should be but its worth it I guess. also the word grreat yes has 2 r's in the petsmarts search
BettaBettas said:
what type of fish do you currently have?
also do have a LFS near your a Petco? Petsmart sometimes can be over expensive...also the "grreat choice 20 gallon glass aquarium"if your only shopping from petsmart is what I recommend. its pricier than it should be but its worth it I guess. also the word grreat yes has 2 r's in the petsmarts search
I have 6 neon tetras and my dad wants me to get an albino Cory catfish. The closest petco is over an hour away so it wouldn't really be worth it unless I was getting a lot of stuff at a really good deal or I was already gonna be there, and I very rarely go there. PetSmart is the only close store with fish supplies, other than Walmart, and I did not have a good experience at my Walmart. I could look at petco and see if I could have something shipped but I'd rather go to the store and see it. Will the incandescent lighting be okay with my tetras and with the Cory catfish, if I get one?
Those tanks would be fine, but I would look at Craigslist. It's much cheaper, and there may be something closer to you. Incandescent lighting is perfectly fine for fish.
I definitely do recommend cories, but keep in mind that they should have a school of at least 6. A single one won't do very well.
yes, the lighting would be fine also I live in the country so I completely understand what you mean about driving for a long period of time lol I agree also with what zephyr said, and remember corys get pretty descent size...

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