Possible 20 gallon stocking.


New Member
Apr 8, 2023
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South East USA
Hello, I'm thinking of getting my first aquarium and want to do it right, I only have room for a 20 gallon unfortunately. I was thinking for the stocking I could get a group of Peacock Gudgeons, a group of American Flagfish, and maybe a bigger center piece fish by itself. What do people think? Any suggustions or tips?
First question is always how hard is your water you can get test kits for this or your water company will know. Stick to fish that do well in your water and you’ll be much more successful.
First question is always how hard is your water you can get test kits for this or your water company will know. Stick to fish that do well in your water and you’ll be much more successful.
I tested my water but I don't really know what I'm looking at to be honest. My Nitrite and Nitrate were both 0, my pH is 7, my alkalinity is 180 and my total hardness is 100. I don't know if any of that is good or not lol.
Hardness or GH is the measure of calcium and magnesium in the water.
total hardness is 100
If the unit of measurement is mg/l CaCo3 or ppm (same thing) that is very soft water. But there are half a dozen units for hardness, so can I ask you to post the unit that 'total hardness 100' is, please.

The reason we ask for hardness is that fish which have evolved in soft water get calcium deposits in their organs if they are kept in hard water; and hard water fish suffer calcium deficiency if kept in soft water. Both mean that the fish get sick more easily and don't live as long as they should.

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