Mostly New Member
To start, my name is Melissa. I live in Iowa, USA. I have lots of tanks over the years, my first was when I was 16 and it was a 20 gallon eclipse form Petsmart. My sister bought it for my as a birthday gift. For this tank, she bought me 2 black moors and I loved them. I went on spring break to the beach for my senior year. Was gone for 2 weeks and when I came back, one had died and the other was turning white. Come to find out my nieces and nephews were in my room bothering them. 2 months later after doing everything I could I lost the last one. I refused to have another tank until 5 years later. My son's daycare was over ran with guppies and they gave 10 to him. So here we go again. I ended up with 6 tanks: 2-55 gallon long one with 4 Oscars which was giving to us by a neighbor and one with 2 red eared sliders. 3-20 gallons with guppies and platys. 1-25 gallons with guppies and platys. After several moves and a divorce I was tank free. Over this past summer, my fiancé decided to get a 10 gallon to store crayfish in for fishing bait. After chancing crayfish around my house for 2 weeks I finally said NO, IF YOU WANT A TANK IT WILL HAVE FISH AND NOT BAIT. He said ok and got rid of the crayfish.