
  1. K

    Nerite snail white rim?!

    I've had two nerite snails for over a year now, they're great at their job. No problems. I'm concerned that one has recently developed this white rim between it's shell and body. Do I need to be concerned?! I've attached a couple of photos. Nothing has changed in the tank. Levels appear fine...
  2. Linkandnavi

    White (slightly stringy) lips on two Boesemani Rainbows

    Hi all, Two of my Boesemani Rainbows have developed white growths on their upper lips. It appears slightly stringy/cottony. I`m just getting a quarantine tank up to temperature and will transfer them over. That said, I`ve been looking extensively online and from the descriptions it could...
  3. K

    Angel Fish with parasite?

    We have 2 large angel fish in an established tank. No new fish for months. We thought that maybe they have ick and have been treating for this but it only seems to be getting worse. This morning I saw the attached picture. It seems like they are popping and then they go away after a few hours...
  4. B

    Is this white spot? (Ich)

    Hi guys, so I put a new Cory into my tank yesterday and noticed a white spot just below the fin. Is this ich or something else? I cannot tell but should I be worried? Thank you, Brandon.
  5. Allaboutcichlids

    Flowerhorn excreting weird white balls!!!!!

    Hi, I am looking for some advice. As shown in the pictures, my flowerhorn has just started excreting white lumps. I am not sure if this is normal or if this is the start of an illness. He is eating well and looks to be in full health (no body/fin damage). I have not changed his diet (other than...
  6. S

    Is my betta sick?

    Hello everyone! Im new to the hobby and would like some advice regarding my Betta because she is turning white. She's been in her active self as usual though, no loss of appetite too. What should I do?
  7. B

    What happened to my loach overnight???

    My weather loach was fine yesterday. Healthy, active, and colorful. I came home and found him pale white, and wrinkly like he's gonna shed his entire skin. He is also lethargic. What is this??? I've read so many forums and haven't found anything like it. Attached are some before & after...
  8. Goosegrl2019

    Blood parrot cichlid sick

    Hi, I'm angie, I'm new but have been reading threads & wondering if u can help me. My adopted 4 year old blood parrot is I'll. Shes been in a 37 gal w me for 3 months after being in 75 gal. I put her in 55 gal 4 days ago & added 2 gouramis that may have given her white fungus. The parrot has a...
  9. T

    Corydora with whit spot on fin

    Hello, so I have had 3 corydoras in my tank for around 5 months now and they have been completely fine so far however 2 days ago I noticed a small white lump on his back fin and decided to monitor it. It has not gone away so am wondering if anyone knows what it is and how I can treat it. I have...
  10. L

    Sick Synodontis?

    I’ve had a synodontis eupterus for almost 4 years now. About a month ago, I transferred him from my 55 gallon to a newly cycled 75 gallon. I gathered my own driftwood from the banks of the Mississippi and treated them thoroughly before putting them in the tank. I have added 5 Congo tetras, 3...
  11. A

    Is my goldfish sick?

    Hello so I just noticed one of my goldfishes have something white on the top of its head. What is this? Shoud I worry?
  12. D

    White marks eating into head - guppy

    Hi, I have a guppy with a white mass on/around its head that appears to be eating into its flesh. The white mass appears to be mostly on top of the head, and partly under the right side of the mouth. I would really appreciate any help you can give on the type of infection and any action I should...
  13. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  14. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  15. Vengified

    Otocinclus White ~2Otocin fuzzballs random spots

    Not quite sure what's going on with my oto. He is one of three, the only one of three, to show these "fuzzballs" on his back. I'm not sure if its columnaris, or something else? It doesnt seem to match what I can find of columnaris either. I noticed one spot, a few days ago and thought maybe an...
  16. T

    Betta constantly shifting pattern, water levels seem normal

    Hey all, my first post here. I have an issue with my betta I can't find anywhere else, I've had him for a couple months, when I first got him he was the normal fresh out of petshop dull and limp blue, but after a while, he perked up to be a beauty. But just over a month ago he started to develop...
  17. Cameronb_01

    Discus Egg Percentage-Yield

    Hi Guys, My discus recently spawned, (around three days ago). This time round, when I came to the tank and saw that the eggs had been laid, I covered the spawning cone with a makeshift cone-guard made from gutter-mesh. I also added a half dose of myxazin to the tank to try and get as many of...
  18. K

    wound on betta? not sure whats wrong?

    so recently my male betta fish has (i think) an opened wound on the side of his body. I was changing his water last week when i noticed it and there was a few drops of blood in the container I had him in prior changing the water. I have been using betafix and changing 1/4 of the water to keep...
  19. D

    Sick betta!!

    Around Christmas my little sister got a betta, but I pretty much took care of him. About a month ago he got ich, we gave him medicine it sorta cleaned up but there still are spots on him, so we still give him the treatment. A few days ago I noticed ALOT of fluffy algae, so today I cleaned out...
  20. Jesus13

    White specs

    hi I currently have 25l tank with 4 guppies and 3 Amano shrimp. The tank has had inhabitants for about a month. All over the glass are hundreds of these tiny white crawling specs? They are too small to make out any features. Any ideas what they could be and how to get rid of them.
  21. R

    White Grub look alike in Tropical fish tank

    Hello, I'm pretty new to owning a tropical fish tank, ive always had cold water fish, I bought a pre-used fish tank with all the items and fish, the fish that came with it are: 2 albino catfish, 2 snails, 3 clown loaches, 2 plecos, 4 gouramis, 1 zebra catfish and 5 head and taillight tetra, its...
  22. A

    Fuzzy Gray/white Stuff Growing In Tank

    I think I have been feeding a little too much and now I have some fuzzy gray/white stuff growing in my tank. I read in a few places that it could be a bacterial fungus. It only started growing in the last day - day and a half. My fish managed to fool me into thinking they would eat more than I...
  23. driger8642

    Name These Fishes :d

    Got them from Petco, was disappointed that they didnt have my corys :( So my son decided on getting these, the worker said they will fit nicely in the tank and so far they have been peaceful but I totally forgot to get their names.... can someone give me a name for them??   1st fish...     2nd...
  24. L

    Help! Possible Sick Spotted Raphael Catfish

    Hello! Just over a month ago, I started up my first 20g freshwater fish tank. So far I have five cherry barbs, one dwarf gourami, a spotted Raphael catfish, and a beta fish. All has been going fairly well, but about two weeks ago I noticed a few of my barbs having long white stringy waste (which...
  25. A

    Gourami And Guppy Issue

    Hey, so part one of this post is I have one turquoise gourami in my tank, and he seems to not be ok, even though he has been fine ever since I got him on the 16th of Aug. He's spending all his time up near the top of the heater, not eating and not really swimming around unless I put my hand near...
  26. E

    White Stuff All Over Tank While Cycling

    The issue is that this white stuff is all over the tank but i'm still in the process of cycling but this white stuff just start tanking over the tank.   The tank stats are:   Tank Size: 10G, Fish:        1 Dalmation Molly        1 Turquoise Guppy        1 Marigold Platy        1 Mickey Mouse...
  27. GameGirl91

    Replacement Lighting For Anubias White Lighting

    Hey Everyone,   I am looking for a replacement aquarium lighting, and I would be grateful if anyone can help me . My previous lighting was Anubias White Lighting 39watts, 549mm. The lamp was good but unfortunately it broke. I can't seem to find any information on Anubias Lighting, as all Google...
  28. AeonMapa

    Ebjd Internal Parasites

    Hi, I have a very small EBJD. He's only 1" and I know these fish are very delicate and easily knocked off by parasites. Now I noticed that sometimes he has stringy feces, in a translucent white color.  I know that this is a typical sign of parasites but I have my reasons think it might not be...
  29. FB333

    Okay.. What Is This..?

    Hi all,   I have been performing a fishless cycle on my 25l tank now for 5 days.   Here is the thread covering it, to date, with all water levels and details etc etc.    In a nutshell:   Added a 1/2 dose of tetra safestart then added 3ppm  of ammonia.   The following day the ammonia level was...
  30. B

    Help! What's This On Our Puffer And What Can We Do?

    Hello and thank you in advance for your help! Do you know what this may be on our Puffer and what may help him?   We love our puffer man so much and are perplexed as to his malady that has been developing over the past 10 days. It is a white area on his head. It is not raised, not cotton, but it...
  31. A

    Please Help! Sick Cory, Skin Peeling Off!

    Request Help Tank size: 25ltr pH: 7.5 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:20ppm kH:? gH:? tank temp: 26C (Im from Uk, this is celsius)     Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):   The cory looks as tho her skin is peeling from her body, she just lies...
  32. A

    White Cottony Stuff

    I just purchased a female guppy two days ago from our LPS, I had noticed she was a little weird looking a few hours after releasing her into the tank. She's got his white cottony stuff almost looks like its eating her skin between her top fin and tail fin. I took a picture, not very good, but...
  33. Deepatlantis

    Help! Platy With White Haze On Eye?

    I was just looking at my fish and noticed my red platy has a white haze over her left eye. What could this be? I don't know whether to treat for fungus or white spot/parasite? Is it related to fin rot? I want to nip it in the early stages, but not sure what it is! It looks like there might be a...
  34. M

    Ich Death :(

    :,( Hypnos has succumbed to ich :( :( :( he developed little white spots on his tail fin about a week ago, then he started to lose his red colour :( I transferred him straight into my hospital tank, treated him with bettafix and salt and kept up my water changes in the hospital tank all week! He...
  35. Billiemay

    Strange White Algae, Worm Thing.. Helpp

    I have cycled my tank and all the levels were good I added 2 albino Corydoras yesterday and today I have these white things growing they look like the white fluffy things on dandelions and there also was what looked like a white worm sort of thing very tiny moving on my glass, my betta is due to...
  36. davidjp1982

    White Lips On Serpae Tetras

    Can anyone please help identify what is wrong with my Serpaes. I recently picked up a batch of 5 from my LFS. I noticed within a day that 3 of the 5 had what looks like white dead skin on their lips. They seem perfectly happy and show no sympotms other than thir white lips. Water paramaters are...
  37. bloxplayer992

    Help! My Fish Have Ich!

    my fish have white spots! so far my neon tetras keep dying from it and one of my otocinclus appears to have a white spot on it's head.im extremely panicked since ive added that green super ich cure. i really dont know much about my water quality since this is my first tank and i need to know...
  38. D

    Snow White Platy

    Hi, New to this forum but I had a question. I have had this platy for a while, she is solid white and is now pregnant by a calico Mickey Mouse platy (don't know if that's the name, just what it looks like to me). But I was wondering how rare she is? I've never seen a solid white one and when I...
  39. LaurenRhiain

    White Khuli Loach?

    Hi all! Recently I noticed that sometimes my Khuli Loach has a very pale colouring to it but then goes completely back to normal. Any ideas on what this could be? It's eating fine and showing no other signs of sickness but it just seems a little odd :/
  40. fishychick77

    White And Orange Lobster Cross Breed Journal :d

    sooo this is day one for cross breeding my white and orange lobsters :D they might be a bit small but they will be lovers soon i was told that i could cross breed the colours so we will see how the babies turn out :) sooo excited