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Mostly New Member
Aug 30, 2014
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Hey, so part one of this post is I have one turquoise gourami in my tank, and he seems to not be ok, even though he has been fine ever since I got him on the 16th of Aug. He's spending all his time up near the top of the heater, not eating and not really swimming around unless I put my hand near the glass, then he darts away but a few minutes later he's back in the same position. I also noticed today when I got home, its almost like he's twitching and staring at the heater.
Part 2 of my post is I have 3 tuxedo and 3 dragonhead guppies, one tux has recently started to hide near the bottom/ back corner of the tank and today I just noticed today that he has an almost clear strip (about one cm long) between the back of his head and his dorsal fin (I think that's what its called, I know it is on a shark....). I looked for something similar on the forum but cant find anything

Any help would be great!!! Thanks!!!
I'm not able to help very much as I'm not experienced with illnesses, but I will tell you some info others will need in order to help you.
-Tank Size
-Was the tank cycled
-Water test readings (mainly ammonia, nitrItes and nitrAtes)
-Water temperature
-What test kit you are using, if you have tested the water
I see you are a new member and often coming to this forum can be a bit of a shock.  You can learn a lot very quickly.  I would suggest reading the cycling article in the tabs at the top of the page while awaiting some help, just to get you started (of course if you have completed a fishless cycle, perhaps you don't need to read)
Just read through your old posts and I can say that your tank is not ready for fish yet unfortunately. This is why you are having problems with your stock.
A reading for ammonia in a tank with no nitrates suggest that your tank is not cycled. A cycled tank will show no ammonia or nitrite but a reading for nitrate. I suggest plenty of water changes or giving the fish back to the shop until the tank is cycled b
thank you for the information, I will certainly keep that in mind. I have read the Cycling page and I do realize that I put my fish in WAY too early. Unfortunately, I did my research on having fish in the tank, but not what I need to do before I put them in the tank. I was told by a friend who has fish tanks that 1 week would be sufficient and I could start putting fish in.  
Thank you for your information as well, being a fish hobbyist is a lot harder than I first thought. I will keep doing water changes and hope that it helps my fish survive. I sadly cannot return them, as my 'fish guarantee' has gone by the time limit they gave me.
Again, thanks to both of you and I hope all goes well with my tank!

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