not eating

  1. NatCardiff88

    Help! Discus not eating,hiding and ball hanging out of anus - unsure if prolapse or disease

    Hi There Please can someone help and advise to treatment with my one discus. She’s been hiding and not eating tried using entice but no joy. She hasn’t showed any symptoms but now has a ball hanging out of anus. I want to treat straightway but unsure if this is a prolapse, hexamita or worms...
  2. NatCardiff88

    Help!! Angel fish has a small hole increasing in size rapidly!!

    Hi There Can anyone help with me with my angel fish please? She has holes in her abdomen and has a poor appetite. About 3weeks ago she began hiding and not eating. I was unsure what was wrong so started wit Melafix no improvement. Then one of my discus also stopped eating. I treated tank...
  3. J

    Whirly Disease or Swim Bladder

    I have a 3 yr old Rainbow shark. I believe it's a male but not 100% positive. He is refusing to eat unless handfed via a small syringe. I noticed this about 2 days ago when he was out in the tank spinning in a corner. I thought whirly disease or swim bladder but he is not visibly bloated and he...
  4. C

    Quarantine Timeframe for Fungal Infection?

    I have a 36-gallon planted freshwater aquarium. The aquarium has been up and running for years now, and the current stocking is harlequin rasboras, kuhli loaches, shrimp, and a dwarf gourami. About a week ago I noticed one of my rasboras wasn't eating, and after some inspection I noticed he had...
  5. L

    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Hi again. I have 5 Danios and 2 of them aren't eating much... (Either none at all or 1/2 bites) It started yesterday morning. (I feed them 2 times a day) What I did: I've separated them to another tank, put in some decors to make it feel like home. I fed them 5 times today. One of them ate...
  6. bettafishlover86

    Otocinclus not eating!

    Hi guys, I have had an oto for three weeks. I never see him eating but there is never algae in my tank anymore. I feed him 1 algae wafer every other day just to be sure, but it always breaks down and I never see him eat it. What is he eating? How can I get him to eat algae wafers?
  7. E

    Cory fishes not eating, swimming near surface

    Hi, I am quite new to the hobby and slowly built the first tank over the last months and I am a bit concerned with my Julii corys. Since 3/4f days 4 out of the 5 we have started behaving in a really strange way, spending all time either sleeping on the top of leaves (close to the surface) or...
  8. R

    six month old platy frys spitting out food

    hi! i am stocking about 20 platy fry in a planted twenty gallon aquarium. the tank is cycled and the water quality is top notch. about a month ago, one of the fry developed collumanus worms, so i decided to treat the entire tank with levamisole from subquaria. i followed the instructions and did...
  9. C


    please help! I’ve had my Betta since March and he is in a 6.5 gallon tank, no other fish just him and live plants. The day after Thanksgiving he stopped eating. After 4 days I did a 50% water change, although his water had recently been changed 2 days before Thanksgiving. He has had like one...
  10. luckyfin

    Help, Platy Not Eating

    Not sure what is happening to my platy. I’ve had her for 6 months but for the past month she has not been eating, has been hiding and not looking well. Has white discolouring on her side. Tried putting her in a seperate tank for about a week with API Melafix but I didn’t see any change. I’m...
  11. K

    Small zebra fish not eating for over 3 days

    Hello guys! I am new to the hobby and have been educating myself a lot on how to properly care for a tank. I waited to add fish to the tank and have been carefully measuring the water. I’ve had a school of danios in my tank since last Thursday. At first I purchased 2 zebra danios and 2 long fin...
  12. Jan Cavalieri

    Bladder Disease - Is it time to Euthanize? But I don't want to!

    My powder blue dwarf gourami has had this for 4-5 weeks now. First and second time it was a distinct tilt and inability to swim straight, this time it's hanging vertically, with the head at the top. I can snap her out of it for a few minutes by repositioning her. She cab even straighten...
  13. J

    Blood parrot pale, not eating not pooping for at least 1 month.

    Hello. I have a blood parrot fish that has not been eating and is getting worse. I'd been away for a while and my mother was feeding him. When I came back, I saw my parrot fish pale, lethargic and he had pop eye on the left eye and my mom says he hasn't eaten in around a month, maybe even 2, he...
  14. F

    I think my betta is dying?

    Ok I made a post a while back about my betta fish Falkor and him losing parts of his fins, after a while ive pretty much ruled out everything but him being a biter so I just left it and he was fine. Ever since then, everything started to go downhill. I've had three shrimp across like 5 months...
  15. Aisilence

    How to add GREEN FOOD to Black Ghost Knifes diet?

    Hey! So I've read that any fish should have a variety of food in their diet to keep them healthy, including my BGK fish. He is about 3 years old and was always eating just frozen blood worms. Anything else I put in my tank - he completely ignores it. I'm sure frozen blood worms are his favorite...
  16. P

    Friend’s sick betta

    My friend has two betta fish. One of them died today. We can’t figure out what’s going on so I seek help here. The symptoms are: -not eating (it’s been a week now) -swim bladder -stays at the bottom of the tank and only goes up for air My friend has tried everything, epsom salt baths, treated...
  17. E

    Elephant fish not eating need help!

    I recently bought an elephant fish from a local pet store to add to my tank. The woman who worked there said that they will eat freeze dried blood worms and I also read that they may eat flakes as well. My elephant fish is not eating although it shows interest in the worms. I’m worried it starve...
  18. Brendt

    PROBLEMS!! Please help!!

    Hi Guys relatively new to all of this posting in forums and fish tanks. FOREWARNING IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG READ but here it goes So if I’m not posting this right please let me know where I can and how to post it elsewhere. Now I’ve dabbled in fish tanks before growing up but by no means would...
  19. Rifea

    Elephant Nose Fish Help (not eating!)

    A few days ago I got a small elephant nose fish(~2-3 inches) from my lfs, and thus far, he has not yet eaten. He's currently in a 20 gallon long tank(I am aware he'll outgrow it, but for now he's too small to go into the 55gal) and currently has no tank mates. aka no competition for food...
  20. J

    Corys not eating

    Hi, I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with two albino corys, one angelfish, two red eyed tetras and a black skirt tetra. The corys have been reacting very strangely in the tank and are constantly swimming up and down the sides of the tank. It looks like they are eating algae but the problem is...
  21. D

    Dwarf Gourami Ill

    So I need some assistance as I am all out of ideas at the moment, Fish backstory  (in case someone thinks it is in some way relevant) My Dwarf Gourami which I have had for over 3 years now (raised it myself) was a couple months back, badly injured (irrelevant as far as I can tell, just want to...
  22. M

    Help! Funny Lump, And I Think It's A Tumor!

    I have a very beautiful albino halfmoon betta named Triton who I love very much. I got him in January from a Pet Smart, and at the time he seemed perfectly healthy and alive. But sometime in March, he started to grow a funny lump on the side of his head. I didn't worry much, and I waited to see...
  23. FauadAnwar

    Platies Not Eating And Dying

    Tank size : 2*1*1.5 feet. Length, width and height. Tank mate: 2 guppi, 2 sword tale, 4 red tetra, 3 white moly, 3 black molly, 3 yellow molly, 5 hockey, 4 mickey mouse platty, 1 sunset platy, 1 betta, 1 zebra danio. Came back from 7 days vacation. Had cleaned tank before going and putted...
  24. L

    Platy Not Eating?

    Hello, I recently got a 20 gal tank...about 2-3 weeks ago and I currently have 4 platy's, a molly and two guppies. 3 of the platy's were purchased a couple days after I got the tank, along with the dalmation molly and just two days ago I got a sunburst platy and the two guppies.   During feeding...
  25. A

    Gourami And Guppy Issue

    Hey, so part one of this post is I have one turquoise gourami in my tank, and he seems to not be ok, even though he has been fine ever since I got him on the 16th of Aug. He's spending all his time up near the top of the heater, not eating and not really swimming around unless I put my hand near...
  26. momof6

    Pregnant Guppy Wont Eat!

    My pregnant guppy who i about 6 weeks pregnant is sitting on the bottom of the tank mostly and won't eat, what could be the possible causes of this.    Here are my specs:    10 Gallon tank    2 guppies - both female   Levels done using the master API test are as follows:   Ammonia : 0  Nitrate...
  27. W

    Scared Lil Fishies

    Hi all   I am new to owning fishes but I've googled and asked many people before actually getting one set up. I have two fish.. One is an angelfish and the other is a small red tail shark.  They are both scared and always hiding and while I understand they may be scared, I am just worried that...
  28. S

    Swortail Lethargic And Not Eating.

    Hi,    Im new to the forum but i have been reading other posts here for some time now. I have a 20G tank with 3 dalmatians molly, 1 panda platy, 1 female swordtail and 1 male swordtail. Since past 3 weeks, the male swordtail has been very lazy and not eating much. When this first started...
  29. P

    Gourami Bullying Glo Tetra By Chasing Resulting In Glo Tetra Not Eatin

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 zebra danios, 1 blue powder gourami and 5 glow tetra. I just go the glow tetra on Thursday and fed them that day and they ate nothing. The day they got into the tank the gourami has been chasing them but the funny thing is the he has never chased the zebra danios...
  30. Blikk

    Just Bought A Dalmatian Balloon Molly And Have Some Questions

    First of all, my tank is cycled and the water parameters are just fine :). I used to have aquariums growing up and just recently decided to start up again.   So ive been doing a bit of research on the types of fish that can live in a community tank and the balloon molly really caught my eye. I...
  31. C

    Discus Blackened, And Dying.

    Hello, I have 4 discus in a 60 gallon tank with a sand substrate and 3 amazon swords in it. There is also some driftwood. Tankmates are 6 harlequin raspboras, 3 german blue rams, 1 oto, and 11 corydoras. I once had 6 discus, but 1 disappeared after a short vacation, another died about 3 months...
  32. ShannonKoletti

    Help With German Blue Ram?

    Hiii. Recently I purchased a pair of German Blue Rams, a female and a male. My female has stopped eating since a few days ago and I'm not sure what to do. She just sits on one of my plants leaves. I know that she's tempted because she goes after it but then stops when it gets away from her leaf...