Help!! Angel fish has a small hole increasing in size rapidly!!


New Member
Dec 16, 2023
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Hi There

Can anyone help with me with my angel fish please?

She has holes in her abdomen and has a poor appetite. About 3weeks ago she began hiding and not eating. I was unsure what was wrong so started wit Melafix no improvement. Then one of my discus also stopped eating. I treated tank with NTL labs internal bacteria still no changes. I cycled water again and started esha 2000. The treatment was not effective and unfortunately my discuss passed away 😢I noticed my angel had a hole in the abdomen I di a 50% water change and started treating with esha -ndx it seemed to improve and closed up but now she has a hole the other side which I have started esha -ndx again no improvement 😩 I’ve now done another water change she seems happy enough swimming around but not eating still and the hole has gone huge! 😭 I’m clueless of what to do next I was debating a water life flukes & tape worm treatment but unsure if it will effect my other fish and if it will be effective. Can anybody please give me some advice on this? I was wondering if it is actually a worms or hexamita?

My tank is 240L
Nitrate n02 and N03 both zero
PH 7-7.5
KH 80

Community tank
6 discuss - 2large adults 4 younger small
3 other angels - both pairs
Golden brisle nose pleco
3-neon tetras
4 algae eaters

Thank you 🙏🏻


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This looks very similar to what happened to one of my Sawbwa. @Colin_T suggested a parasitic worm

Hopefully, your Fish will heal as I had to euthanize mine.

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Hi Matt

Thanks for your reply. I’m sorry to hear you had to euthanise your sawbwa fish 😢 I am worried I will have to do the same if I can’t treat this soon. If @Colin_T suggested a worm I might do the fluke and worming treatment I have by water life. All my other fish are well so I’m unsure if it half dose it not to effect them and I’m worried as the esha ndx has been effective she might be very weak she must be in pain sounds silly I’m just wondering if dosing meds could be making her worse 😢.
My knowledge of medicines and doses is minimal hopefully another member will respond with better insight. Luckily for me, I've not had this problem turn up since that one fish so hopefully it will be the same for you in the future. Best of luck 👍 (beautiful fish btw)
Mine too Matt I’ve only had my tropical fish 6 months I’ve had cold water for over a year so still learning as I’m going. The only hole information online really is hole in the head but I don’t think this is that. That’s good to hear Matt hopefully 🤞🏼 you won’t have anymore problems now. She is also the only one currently displaying symptoms. She is a pair and was always breeding until 3 weeks ago I really want to get her on the mend ❤️‍🩹 so hard to find a veterinary facility for fish I’ve located one but it’s not open until Monday now so I can’t get antibiotics if needed until then I just hope she makes it 🤞🏼 hopefully @Colin_T or another member can give some more medicine advice thank you for all your help though. Thank you ❤️ she is beautiful yours was also ❤️
Sigh, you are making a mistake that that many also do. With all the meds you are making a chemical soup in your tank. I'm sorry about your issue and don't know the cure although I suspect something ulcerous. The thing is do you know the actual issue? Apparently not yet you are adding a stew of meds. Do you know how these meds interact? I sure don't.

The thing is that you should never start adding meds unless you actually know the cause of the issue and then only add meds specific to that issue. Throwing in combinations of meds just to try things can actually/usually cause more harm than good.

Hopefully @Colin_T will respond as he is probably one of the best on this site as to illnesses. I certainly am not...
Hi Jaylach
No obviously I wasn’t aware of that I’m doing 50% water changes in between and my local aquarium shop are selling me these medicines knowing I’m unsure of what is wrong. They have not advised me not to use them they are suggesting them to me? They’ve only advised not to use two different treatments at the same time. So you think this is an ulcer not worms??

Right ok I see, I’m quite new to this I’ve had tropical fish for 6 months now. I did ask if the meds would harm my fish in the shop they said no or else I wouldn’t be doing it. My intention is to help my fish not harm them that the opposite of what I’m trying to achieve. So are you suggesting I water change again to try to get all meds out of water? I currently have carbon filter in tank again as I’m not treating the tank at the moment?

No I don’t know 100% my water levels are always fine but clearly she is not fine. They’re saying they think worms but it’s not helping and now she has a hole hense I’m here trying to get a second opinion.

Okay maybe @Colin_T hopefully will reply thank you for advice I will not treat any further
Hi Jaylach
No obviously I wasn’t aware of that I’m doing 50% water changes in between and my local aquarium shop are selling me these medicines knowing I’m unsure of what is wrong. They have not advised me not to use them they are suggesting them to me? They’ve only advised not to use two different treatments at the same time. So you think this is an ulcer not worms??

Right ok I see, I’m quite new to this I’ve had tropical fish for 6 months now. I did ask if the meds would harm my fish in the shop they said no or else I wouldn’t be doing it. My intention is to help my fish not harm them that the opposite of what I’m trying to achieve. So are you suggesting I water change again to try to get all meds out of water? I currently have carbon filter in tank again as I’m not treating the tank at the moment?

No I don’t know 100% my water levels are always fine but clearly she is not fine. They’re saying they think worms but it’s not helping and now she has a hole hense I’m here trying to get a second opinion.

Okay maybe @Colin_T hopefully will reply thank you for advice I will not treat any further
We have all/are all told things by shopkeepers at some point, that turn our not to be helpful, it's not your fault as you've gone in there trying to do the right thing. I'm not knowledgeable enough to suggest anything but I hope someone can help.
Hi @Lcc86
Thanks for your message. I do feel awful now hearing I’ve been doing more harm than good. I just expected the shop keepers to know or have a good knowledge of fish. I did call two other shops yesterday for second opinions. I’m struggling to fish a vet that treats fish. I’ve called numerous vet’s they’ve said they cannot help or recommend anything look for an exotic vet. The only one I found is now closed until Monday 😢 I’m worried she won’t make it. Hopefully someone will be able to help I’m now scared to do anything after being told it’s harmful. My water is fine but I’m not sure if I should change again but it’s messing with good bacteria as well isn’t it.
Hi Jaylach
No obviously I wasn’t aware of that I’m doing 50% water changes in between and my local aquarium shop are selling me these medicines knowing I’m unsure of what is wrong. They have not advised me not to use them they are suggesting them to me? They’ve only advised not to use two different treatments at the same time. So you think this is an ulcer not worms??

Right ok I see, I’m quite new to this I’ve had tropical fish for 6 months now. I did ask if the meds would harm my fish in the shop they said no or else I wouldn’t be doing it. My intention is to help my fish not harm them that the opposite of what I’m trying to achieve. So are you suggesting I water change again to try to get all meds out of water? I currently have carbon filter in tank again as I’m not treating the tank at the moment?

No I don’t know 100% my water levels are always fine but clearly she is not fine. They’re saying they think worms but it’s not helping and now she has a hole hense I’m here trying to get a second opinion.

Okay maybe @Colin_T hopefully will reply thank you for advice I will not treat any further

Don't feel awful at all. We have all probably messed up with meds before we learned, I know I have. Back in the 1980s I knew a guy that was setting up his first salt water tank starting it with some damsels and clowns along with a few anemones to get the nitrogen cycle going which was common at the time. The fish started looking not all that good so he dumped in a bunch of antibiotics. All that did was kill off the good bacteria that was forming. BTW, that guy was me. ;)

Never trust fish store reps especially in chain stores. Most have little actual knowledge and many work on commission and will sell you anything they can. I haven't been all that popular in a local chain store since I interrupted and stopped a rep from selling a customer a 10 gallon tank and a half dozen common plecos. Common plecos can reach a size of a couple of feet...

I don't know that it is an ulcerous condition at all. I'm just saying that it looks like something that could be such.
Hi Jaylach

Thank you 😢 I feel guilty it’s so hard to know what is wrong and what to do for the best I don’t want to just leave her but at least I know now to be extremely careful about putting anything in. Oh gosh 😅 I would probably do exactly the same at least your fish were ok though I feel like I’ve no clue what I’ve done now how did you find out what was wrong with your saltwater back then? It’s so hard to know where to go for advice and most vets suggest going to a pet store as they don’t deal with fish. Obviously I knew something was wrong but I don’t know how to find out the shop said anti internal bac then worms I’m just lost. Did you learn as going online and on forums like this? I feel I need more knowledge of what I’m doing. Also I’m hoping the medicine hasn’t done this to her is that possible?? I did ask him when my discus died if the treatment could have maybe harmed him they told me no none of the medications harm fish? I suppose you are right I’m buying these treatments and there making money aren’t they.

I love how you say you’re not popular for being honest with customers 😅 you expect them to be upfront and honest with us. It didn’t occur to me about commission.

Okay well I did look into ulcers and can see why. I’ve seen aquarium salts and/or antibiotic's but I’m in no rush to treat this myself personally now I suppose I need to try getting an actual diagnosis for her really.

All my levels are fine but due to the previous medications do you think I should repeat a water change? Or just stop messing with the tank completely and see what happens?
LOL! When I started doing tanks there was no such things as forums. I learned the little I know from trial and error. As to that salt water tank all I did was a majority water change and let the antibiotics wear off and then the tank eventually cycled. All that was ever wrong with the thing was me.

Usually there is nothing wrong with repeated water changes as this keeps the water clean and helps prevent infections. I almost want to suggest doing a salt treatment but don't really know that this would be the best thing in this situation. I keep hoping that @Colin_T will chime in with advice. @Byron or @Fishmanic may also chime in with advice. The @ user name is an attempt to get these people's attention.
LOL! When I started doing tanks there was no such things as forums. I learned the little I know from trial and error. As to that salt water tank all I did was a majority water change and let the antibiotics wear off and then the tank eventually cycled. All that was ever wrong with the thing was me.

Usually there is nothing wrong with repeated water changes as this keeps the water clean and helps prevent infections. I almost want to suggest doing a salt treatment but don't really know that this would be the best thing in this situation. I keep hoping that @Colin_T will chime in with advice. @Byron or @Fishmanic may also chime in with advice. The @ user name is an attempt to get these people's attention.
I'm not ignoring you, but I honestly do not know much about disease, and I so very rarely had any. Times were different then, obviously. I won't second guess others.
Ahaha 😂 yeah I didn’t even think there was no such thing then I was born 88 so I should have known that really all my friends had computers in early 90’s though using msn messenger and things. So you feel it is a case of learning as you go along then to an extent. You say you know little this hobby has more to it than I think most people realise my friends were shocked I check water levels and PH they assume you just fill it from the tap and that’s it. I feel out of my depth though with this. So large water changes are always a good idea. You make me laugh that’s probably what’s wrong with mine is me I’m really hoping the medicines haven’t caused any problems to her or the others.

Ok I might do a small partial change, I normally would in between weekly changes because of the poop sat on the top of the sand. I purchased a hoover though as the shop suggested it was good not to change water as it affects beneficial bacteria- unless more commission lol 😂. I think if I have a cocktail in the water it’s probably best anyways and might help her wound.

Yeah me neither especially after what I’ve already been using 😳 I think I tried to message Colin-t I’m new to this site and not very tech savvy. I think he’s located in Perth though isn’t he? West Australia isn’t it? So with time difference he may not be online. Thats okay please tag people I need all the help I can get. Thank you ☺️
I'm not ignoring you, but I honestly do not know much about disease, and I so very rarely had any. Times were different then, obviously. I won't second guess others.
Hi Byron

Thanks for your reply. Okay no problem well thank you for being honest and respectful

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