New Member
Hi There
Can anyone help with me with my angel fish please?
She has holes in her abdomen and has a poor appetite. About 3weeks ago she began hiding and not eating. I was unsure what was wrong so started wit Melafix no improvement. Then one of my discus also stopped eating. I treated tank with NTL labs internal bacteria still no changes. I cycled water again and started esha 2000. The treatment was not effective and unfortunately my discuss passed away
I noticed my angel had a hole in the abdomen I di a 50% water change and started treating with esha -ndx it seemed to improve and closed up but now she has a hole the other side which I have started esha -ndx again no improvement
I’ve now done another water change she seems happy enough swimming around but not eating still and the hole has gone huge!
I’m clueless of what to do next I was debating a water life flukes & tape worm treatment but unsure if it will effect my other fish and if it will be effective. Can anybody please give me some advice on this? I was wondering if it is actually a worms or hexamita?
My tank is 240L
Nitrate n02 and N03 both zero
PH 7-7.5
KH 80
Community tank
6 discuss - 2large adults 4 younger small
3 other angels - both pairs
Golden brisle nose pleco
3-neon tetras
4 algae eaters
Thank you
Can anyone help with me with my angel fish please?
She has holes in her abdomen and has a poor appetite. About 3weeks ago she began hiding and not eating. I was unsure what was wrong so started wit Melafix no improvement. Then one of my discus also stopped eating. I treated tank with NTL labs internal bacteria still no changes. I cycled water again and started esha 2000. The treatment was not effective and unfortunately my discuss passed away

My tank is 240L
Nitrate n02 and N03 both zero
PH 7-7.5
KH 80
Community tank
6 discuss - 2large adults 4 younger small
3 other angels - both pairs
Golden brisle nose pleco
3-neon tetras
4 algae eaters
Thank you