
  1. Trepano

    Austrolebias Bellotti posing

    Just wanted to share my gorgeus Austrolebias Bellotti (a type of southamerian killifish). He has swimbladder disease but I've been taking care of him with good water quality and plenty of food so he gets better.
  2. gilltyascharged

    Killifish for 6.6g or Smaller Tank(s)?

    Recently I've been thinking about stocking my 6.6g long tank again, and decided I wanted to try something other than Betta splendens for once. While dwarf puffers, anabantoids, and possibly dwarf rasbora have been considered as possible residents, are there any killifish species that do well in...
  3. Neondoras

    Red striped killis and neocaridina shrimp

    Hi all, Quick question, I was looking at getting some red striped killis for my 60L cube (~15 gallons) as they looked amazing in my LFS. I’ve been doing research on them, but haven’t found any info on whether they attack cherry shrimp or not and was hoping someone here could give me some advice...
  4. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Hey all, about two weeks ago I've purchased 8 Clown killifish for my 20L, 2 year established tank with a few neocaridina, I could not quarantine them because my QT was taken up that same day by a friends sick beta fish (who is fine now :D), the store did not want to keep the killi's any longer...
  5. BBfishes

    How to gender green killifish?

    Is there a way to tell the gender of green species of killifish? I will attach a photo below to which kind I’m speaking of. Abs how do you tell fighting from a breeding behavior?
  6. K

    Golden wonder breeding

    So... After making and putting a spawning mop in with my two golden wonder panchax killifish last night, tonight I have a total of 23 perfectly clear little eggs. I have separated them from the mop and placed them into a hang-on breeder box and replaced the mop in the hope of more eggs! Until...
  7. April_ht

    5 gallon killifish tank

    I have a 4.2 gallon tank that was used to house platy fry for about 2 months and was only emptied this weekend, however the tank or sponge filter have not been washed as I don’t want to remove beneficial bacteria. If I were to get this set up and cycled again, would it be possible to have a pair...
  8. Selby

    First forum post

    So, this is my first time ever using a forum, I did join to ask a couple questions about my girlfriends pregnant guppy which I had to foster due to her tank getting cracked, but a couple minutes after creating the account she started to pop out her babies. I've haven't kept guppies for a long...
  9. W.R

    Clown Killifish, good idea?

    Heya all, recently I've had my established 20L/5Gal tank emptied out (bare a few pregnant shrimp), and I've been thinking about what to stock it with, the filter flow is minimal, very many floating plants (red root and salvinia, frogbit) as well as some vallisneria gigantea, mosses etc. Ph is a...
  10. C

    Killifish in higher temperatures

    I recently decided to make use of the space in my Discus tank by introducing a killifish. I maintain my Discus at around 82- 83°F. Do you think its a good idea. There are lots of good hiding places for the killifish.
  11. Barry Tetra

    So....what should I do next?

    I just hatch Nothobranchius rachovii eggs and I got the fry, what should I do next? Do they need aeration during this time? When can I move the tank? Tank size? @Colin_T
  12. Ellie Potts


    I have a 20-gallon long tank with one dwarf gourami, some neon tetras, and a pleco. I've recently been interested in adding a Gardneri Panchax. I was initially concerned about the fish interacting with my gouramis but have found quite a few articles saying they get along ok. I haven't, however...
  13. Barry Tetra

    How to hatch killifish eggs?

    I just bought Nothobanchius rachovi, I wanted to know how to hatch them.
  14. newmag1659

    Upgrading to a 20 gallon!

    I'm very excited as I am upgrading my 10 gallon to a 20 gallon. I currently have three adult (two female, one male) gardneri killifish and 6 corys (4 albino, 2 emerald), and two nerite snails. The tank is heavily planted and I intend to do the same with the 20 gallon. Cycling shouldn't take long...
  15. newmag1659

    Gardneri Male won’t breed?

    Hi! At the end of June, I purchased 4 killifish: two males and two females. One of the males was larger and more dominant, and so he was the one breeding to the females, and he did so often. Within a week, he died mysteriously. Tank parameters were normal (don’t remember but around 0/0/10-30) so...
  16. TomRadford12354

    Killifish And Gourami?

    Hello , To get straight to the point I am really interested in Killifish . But don't want a tank of just them as they seem to fight from what I have heard . I thought about getting a group of Pygmy Corydoras as they seem a good match with the Killis . But I felt something would be missing and...
  17. Barry Tetra

    What should I add in 20g tank? Killifish???

    So recently my goldfish died after the vacation due to fungus or “white mucus” :( Can anyone suggest what should I put in the tank? as there are nothing in that tank rightnow Questions 1. How many Nothobranchius rachovii can I add? 2. How do I hatch the egg? My LFS sold 30 killifish eggs for a...
  18. newmag1659

    Substrate Help

    Hi! This is my 10 gallon killifish and corycat tank. Everyone is doing well, but I'm having trouble with my plants! I thought I'd really like fluval stratum but I don't... the plants won't stay put. Even in my other tank with 3+ inches of substrate, I'm constantly having to replant. Is there a...
  19. Barry Tetra

    My first ever Killifish and updates (Blue Panchax)

    Hello TFF, let’s start the journal, for those who don’t know; April 19 I found Blue Panchax school and Anacharis in the polluted river on the back of my house (which is next to clothing factory and people’s houses where everyone dump oil and weird stuff in the river :/) I don’t catch them...
  20. Barry Tetra

    Killifish hatchery???

    Is it okay to buy this Killifish hatchery kit with killi eggs from LFS? @Colin_T
  21. fishperson100

    Killifish choices?

    Hello everybody! So, I was thinking about getting a killifish in the future. Is someone able to tell me, what types are the best for a killifish beginner, the tank setup, care, and where to get them? Currently I have a 10 gallon tank with a nice HOB filter. Also, are the Corydoras aeneus...
  22. chrisdenyer

    stocking 45L tank

    Hi guys, so my 45L tank had been housing a dwarf gourami, but sadly he died this week. I have three purple harlequin rasbora in there at the mo (originally 6), and am trying to decide how to restock it. (I can move the rasbora if need be depending on what I go for, or rebuild the shoal) My...
  23. K

    Pictures: Fundulopanchax Gardneri Aquarium Strain

    Hello all!   I bought a pair of these fish 3 months ago and while they were pale and colorless back then, they've really grown in this past quarter and I thought I'd share pictures here as well! Also, if anyone is interested I can send eggs when the winter is over :D     Another shot of the...
  24. E

    Norman Lampeyes - 5 Dead In 5 Days.

    Hi everyone,   I'm having some issues with my Norman Lampeyes and am looking for some advice.   I have a 30l tank - cycled and been up and running for around 14 months now. It has sand substrate, bogwood and live plants/moss in it. Water is kept at 24deg c and changed once a week (about 30%)...
  25. K

    School Project: A Killifish Aquarium

    Hi everyone   I'm a student and my class has been given a project about making an aquarium for several species of fish. As you maybe already have read, I have to design an aquarium for killifish. After a bit research, I now know this is not a simple task because they're so many different...
  26. Y

    Link To Killi Buy

    Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your help. Would love to have a link to buying aphyosemion gardneri killifish Makurdi. Or purchase of Fundulopanchax nigerianus. With delivery to Israel. Better comes with tools and food for the first period. At a good price. Can anyone help?   Thanks...
  27. Squatchmen

    Any Large Fish (8-12 Inches) That Can Get Along With Smaller Fish (3-4

    Hey everyone, so I'm not stopping till I get a fish that can be housed in my 60gal aquarium with these other fish:   > Rams > Apistos > Killifish > Gouramis > Rainbowfish   I was really excited to get them, and would like to know if there is such a thing for SOME larger fish that can be in the...
  28. A

    Possibly Breeding The Golden Wonder Killifish This Summer

    I have a 36g and hope to buy a 10 gallon to breed the female and male in. the 10 would stay bare, with a breeding mop, and once they lay their eggs i would take the adults out and put them back in my 36. the babies would grow up in the 10 gallon, eating crushed flakes and any homemade fry food i...
  29. Boyden

    My Killifish 'fundulopanchax Gardneri Jos Plateau' Journal

    The Idea   Well, I originally stumbled across 'Tropical Fish Forum' looking for some Killifish information.  Gathering information on 'fundulopanchax Gardneri Jos Plateau' has not been easy but I've got there in the end.   After some deliberation I decided to purchase the eggs of 'fundulopanchax...
  30. Boyden

    Hatching 'fundulopanchax Gardneri Jos Plateau'

    Hi,   Is it possible to take the eggs of 'Fundulopanchax Gardneri Jos Plateau' from the peat they're be delivered with and place them into petri dishes with aged water?  If so do you have any advice for antibacterials that can be used in the water to prevent any nasty's?    I hope this is a...
  31. RCA

    Aphyosemion Gardneri Golden - Saw These Today And Thought...

    I have a Juwel Vision 180 and I have been thinking what to put in it and was thinking maybe Killifish? I went to my LFS today and they have a new batch in, plus they also have two left of the Aphyosemion Gardneri Golden, which looked an interesting fish.  They both looked plain orange with one...
  32. L

    Non Annual Killifish Wanted

    Im after some killifish preferably australi or other beginer killifish Im in teesside closer the better or posted if possible Thanks Liam
  33. K

    5 Gallon Tank Stocking

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank that I want to set up as a planted aquascape with either driftwood or stone. I was hoping to get some amano or ghost shrimp, however I wasn't sure what else to add to the tank. I know it's a small tank and therefore I have limited options. These are the various...
  34. K

    5 Gallon Too Small?

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank, I've yet to set it up but I'm planning on making it a planted aquarium. The planned set up is for some driftwood in the corner, carpeted baby tears (HC), a Ludwigia hybrid species and maybe some star moss. Mostly fluval stratum substrate and a portion of it sand...