Killifish hatchery???

Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
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Is it okay to buy this Killifish hatchery kit with killi eggs from LFS?


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What sort of killifish eggs are in the kit?

The kit looks like a gimmick and about the only thing you want is the fish eggs :)

You can hatch killifish eggs or rainbowfish eggs in a bucket of tank water that has an airstone bubbling away gently. I normally just move the adults into a breeding tank for a few weeks then move the adults out and rear the young up in the tank they were bred in.
What sort of killifish eggs are in the kit?

The kit looks like a gimmick and about the only thing you want is the fish eggs :)

You can hatch killifish eggs or rainbowfish eggs in a bucket of tank water that has an airstone bubbling away gently. I normally just move the adults into a breeding tank for a few weeks then move the adults out and rear the young up in the tank they were bred in.
Theres 6 type, Blue Eggersi, Red Eggersi, Foerschi, Jubbi, Rachovii, Patrizii. Which would you recommended?
I would check out ebay or a killifish association/ club and just buy eggs. Get single species only, never a mix of fish because the females from different species can look similar or the same.
I would check out ebay or a killifish association/ club and just buy eggs. Get single species only, never a mix of fish because the females from different species can look similar or the same.
They let you choose which species you want but ‘Nothobranchius rachovii’ is the most expensive.
Check the price of them on ebay, You might be able to get the eggs cheaper there.

Find a species that you like.

You can also try the cheaper species first and see how they do. Nothobranchius killfish only live for about 1 year and they lay their eggs in the substrate. The eggs normally need a dormant period in peat moss before they hatch.
Check the price of them on ebay, You might be able to get the eggs cheaper there.

Find a species that you like.

You can also try the cheaper species first and see how they do. Nothobranchius killfish only live for about 1 year and they lay their eggs in the substrate. The eggs normally need a dormant period in peat moss before they hatch.
While I was searching I found something more interesting a ‘Triops’ do you know how to take care of them?
Triops (aka Shield Shrimp) are cool. They live in temporary water ways that dry up, quite often for many years. They lay small eggs that dry out like a brineshrimp egg, and the eggs hatch within a few hours of getting wet. They eat anything and grow rapidly and start breeding when a couple of weeks old.

There are heaps of different varieties and they are all cool. They are ancient species that were around before the dinosaurs, and are worth keeping if you can get them. Get eggs (not adults) and hatch them in a tank and feed them on fish food and plants. When they die, drain the water and let the soil dry for a month or two and then refill with water and start again.

Have an air operated sponge filter in the tank with them and do water changes like you do with fish.

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