Killifish choices?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2017
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Hello everybody!
So, I was thinking about getting a killifish in the future. Is someone able to tell me, what types are the best for a killifish beginner, the tank setup, care, and where to get them? Currently I have a 10 gallon tank with a nice HOB filter. Also, are the Corydoras aeneus catfish (mine are about an inch long, 2 of them) able to live with them?
"Killifish" covers many species, and the fish have some differing requirements. Some of them remain small, other species much larger. Some are feisty among themselves or with other fish. Some are best in a shoal, others not. I will leave it to the more knowledgeable killifish members to suggest species. But you can find reliable data on most of the species on Seriously Fish.

As for your two Corydoras aeneus, they must have a group of at least five, but a few more is better. Cories are highly social fish that live in groups of hundreds, and without several of them they will be stressed. Here we come to an issue with the tank size...they should be in a larger tank than a 10g.

As for cories and killifish, it depends upon the species of killifish. Aside from aggression issues, some killifish need temperatures much warmer than cories can tolerate long-term.

Thank you for the info! I bought one of my catfish years ago, and I did not realize they needed more of their kind, and bigger tank space. The other I bought about a year ago. They seem to be doing fine though. I would get a bigger tank, except I have no room!
Thank you for the info! I bought one of my catfish years ago, and I did not realize they needed more of their kind, and bigger tank space. The other I bought about a year ago. They seem to be doing fine though. I would get a bigger tank, except I have no room!

I don't like to suggest more fish in a small tank, but we have to balance this with the state of the fish themselves, and cories really need a group. I would get another three, for a total of five. If you are regular in your weekly partial water change of half the tank volume, and vacuum the substrate at each WC, they will be fine. They will certainly be happier, and that means healthier.

As for upper fish, killifish are probably not the best choices now. Very small shoaling fish, like Ember Tetra, or one of the "dwarf" rasbora species like Boraras brigittae in a group of 7-9 would be better.
So you think 5 Corydoras aeneus plus a small shoal of one of the fish you mentioned, with regular WC would be ok?
Thank you! I always though the Boraras brigittae was a fish I would like to have someday. ;) Do you know a place where I could get some? (I will do more research, this is just thinking for the future.) I will check with one of the pet stores near me, as they sell a ton of fish.
Thank you! I always though the Boraras brigittae was a fish I would like to have someday. ;) Do you know a place where I could get some? (I will do more research, this is just thinking for the future.) I will check with one of the pet stores near me, as they sell a ton of fish.

I don't know where you live, and I wouldn't likely know fish sources locally anyway unless you live in my region. But this species is being seen more frequently now, and it might be available if not locally then online, depending where you live.
I really love this one: Nothobranchius Guentheri
The redtail notho is a close cousin to the blue notho. The redtail has larger, more flashy anal and dorsal fins than the bluefin notho that are mostly red instead of blue.

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