5 Gallon Tank Stocking

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Jun 22, 2012
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I just got a new 5 gallon tank that I want to set up as a planted aquascape with either driftwood or stone.

I was hoping to get some amano or ghost shrimp, however I wasn't sure what else to add to the tank. I know it's a small tank and therefore I have limited options.

These are the various fish options I was considering:

Cardinal neon tetras
Bumble bee gobies
Long fin zebra danios
dwarf gourami

Please give your opinion!
In a five gallon I think Cardinal tetra may not do well. I have five Ember Tetra, they only get about 1/3 the size of the Cardinal Tetra; two Sparkling Gouramis, they get about 1/4 the size of dwarf gouramis; two Habrosus Corydoras, they get about 1/3 the size of regular corydoras, and two dwarf otocinclus. I am also raising two small Ram Cichlids in the tank, but I will move them eventually.
Bumble bee gobies are not True fresh water fish. They are brackish and require alkaline pH and this needs to be stable!

Long Fin Danios, in fact most danios require larger tanks for swimming, 3 foot is a good size as these are active fish!

Dwarf Gourami : Needs 56 Gallon for 1 so you have not got the room

Ember Tetra are a good shout, as are endlers.

You are very limited im afraid, Please do not put these fish in there with that amount of limited space.

1 Beta would work here and possible amano shrimp, not ghost as these will be chomped on, even amanos could be possible victims

mosquito rasboras? they are tiny and colourful reckon youd get few of them???
You dont need 56 gallons for a dwarf gourami, 20 gallons would be fine. But 5 is too small. Perhaps some sparkling gourami instead? They are smaller than the dwarves.
Yeah I think I'm going to go with the mosquito rasbora! How many should I get for the tank?

I also want to have some shrimp, are amano most suitable? or are there other more colour shrimp i could add
Cherry shrimp will look nice, bit more color to them, plus you could get a few more in there, amanos are fun to watch, but hardly strike the eye.
You could have 6 or 7 mosquito rasboras (they're very small, with a very light bioload) and some cherry shrimp. If you plant it well, those will stand out beautifully against the green. The cherry shrimps will breed, if they're happy, so start off with 5 or 6 of those and you should be fine.

Do make sure your tank is properly cycled before you add the shrimps; they're a bit more sensitive to poor water than fish are.
those mosquito rasbora are ace!!!! are they a shoaling fish? and would they be ok in a tank with cory and rummy nose?

excuse me butting in on your thread :blush:
There are a shoaling fish, yes MrsM.

They should do fine with rummy noses and cories; the rummy noses aren't big enough to eat them, IME.
There are a shoaling fish, yes MrsM.

They should do fine with rummy noses and cories; the rummy noses aren't big enough to eat them, IME.
may look into getting a small shoal..5 or 6...do you think my tank/filter could cope with those?
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Yes, easily. I would aim at getting a dozen (added in two groups of six, a couple of weeks apart) in a tank your size, although you would be fully stocked then.
Yes, easily. I would aim at getting a dozen (added in two groups of six, a couple of weeks apart) in a tank your size, although you would be fully stocked then.
brilliant!!!! will deffo look into getting some!! thanks :good:

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