5 gallon

  1. A

    Need some help with small planted tank with a single Betta

    I’m fairly new to the hobby, with this betta being my first fish / tank of any kind. Quick history of how it got to this point: Added well rinsed gravel to the tank and filled with water, added API quick start and left for a few weeks. Bought a plant bundle, planted, added some osmocote root...
  2. L

    My new 5 gallon

    So I think MTS has officially struck! Picked up a 23 litre/5 gallon tank (edit- 6 US gallons) which comes with integrated filter and light. Am thinking of making it a betta tank, I know it's a bit tall but I've never filled my tanks all the way to the top. There's a lid but I hadn't realised...
  3. Ellie Potts

    Making the best of a 5 gallon tank

    Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a while, but I'm now in college and looking to keep a nice planted tank. I was gifted an almost complete 5-gallon setup that I'm currently cycling. So many options are running through my head... dwarf puffers, betta, dwarf crayfish, micro species, Thai micro...
  4. O

    my betta is lethargic i think

    he just sits in one of these positions since i did a water change 2 days ago. and i also think he has swim bladder but he won’t eat the daphnia i give him. I’ve been feeding him 4 pellets once every 4 days but no improvement.
  5. O

    Can I have any mates for my betta in a 25l tank?

    yes no maybe so? probably not im assuming and NO snails and i will obviously wait until the tank is cycled
  6. O

    what is this in my tank is it snail eggs

    i did a 80% water change yesterday and cleaned the gravel so i don’t understand. is it snail eggs? I’m going out to buy crustaceans pesticide today because im sick of this
  7. O


    why is there snails in my tank and i never bought any snails make sense. HELP ME PLEASE WHAT THE HECK. AND WORMS
  8. O

    Betta fish fins torn to shreds

    I’ve removed all the plants as soon as I noticed. He’ll have to go without for a few hours but i’m going to the pet shop in the morning to get all real plants and return the fake ones. Anything I can do to help him?
  9. O

    white stringy in aquarium

    not sure if you can see very well but there is white string like substance in the tank what is it and is it safe?
  10. O

    betta fish at top

    Someone please help im worried about my new betta. The pet shop told me I can add him in one day after setting up the tank. He’s been in the tank around 36 hours now and was doing fine however i noticed the tank temperature was slightly out of range at 84°F so i have now lowered it to 80°F. I...
  11. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    This grey mark showed up on my betta months ago and I thought he had burned himself on the heater since he figured out how to rest on top of the suction cup, but now I think it's changed shape and I'm concerned. I want to check with more experienced people before putting in treatment for it...
  12. I

    Filter recommendation for 5Galoon betta tank

    Hello, Ive got a 5 galoon beta tank and looking for the ideal filter for it. (I attached a photo of the aquarium). I want it to keep the aquarium clean yet be safe for the beta.. Considering the aqua clear 20 but heard it might be too much for a 5 galoon. Thanks in advance, Ido
  13. OliveFish05

    5 gallon betta biotope journal

    Hello! I am getting started on a relatively loose biotope for a male betta. Here is my plan so far Tank - 5 gallon rimless tank - 16x8 inches Aqueon Nano planted tank light Stock - 1 male betta splendens Plants - Crypts (2) Water sprite vals Willow hygro dwarf Pennywort bamboo pothos i may...
  14. F

    $50 budget Betta sorority tank

    Hey guys! I recently started a betta sorority nano tank. I had an aquarium 10 years ago but things have changed a lot since then, equipments, the theory in general. I decided to ask this forum for ways to improve my tank, some advice from experts, equipment wise, aesthetically, anything...
  15. Sotto

    is my platy a female? and is she pregnant? during ich battle

    Hi all! Quite new to the aqua world and first time owning fish just wondering if this is a female platy and is she pregnant? im currently fighting off an ich battle with kordon rapid-cure and just want to know if it is a female and if she gives birth will the ich medicine kill the fry? (using...
  16. F

    Nano Tank (6.5) Gallon stocking ideas

    I'm looking for ideas preferably unique ones for stocking a 6.5 gallon, here are some of the ideas I currently have/have heard of let me know what you think or other ideas you have: -1 Betta fish and a nerite snail OR 3-6 dwarf cory cats OR 2 African dwarf frogs OR 1 dwarf orange crayfish -A...
  17. V

    New Tank

    Looking to buy a 5 gallon with a 'hidden' filter that doesn't get in the way when cleaning or aquascaping. It would also be a bonus if it had a built in heater so I don't have to have the ugly thing handing on the back of the tank. Anyone have any ideas?
  18. R

    Heaters!!!! help!!!

    I have a lovely crowntail named omega who I have had for almost 2 years. I have recently put him in a 5 gallon acrylic tank. I have never had a heater on him and he has never acted like he was cold...very active fish.....but my house is not always warm and id like to warm him up. But I have...
  19. G

    Led Lights/ Dwarf baby tears

    I am very interested in adding dwarf baby tears in my standard 5 gallon aquarium. I currently have the cheap LED light that came with kit and am looking to upgrade. I saw this light on Amazon and wanted to know if you think it would work for growing dwarf baby tears. I would also like to know if...
  20. H

    Pictures Of My 3 Aquariums

    I just started to have fish this spring!  I love it! I have 3 tanks, the newest being my Beta tank.  I also have a tank with 2 African Dwarf Frogs and a tank with Guppies and Striped Tetras.   I like to make my tanks colorful!   
  21. K

    Journal: Starting Small, And Somewhat Clueless

    So this is my first time trying out a freshwater tank on my own. My dad had one when I was younger but I have not had one of my own ever. I had to start small since it is in my apartment so I went with a 5 gallon (don't mock the decor, had to work with what we had ). I filled up my tank last...
  22. LyraGuppi

    Betta Shopping....thinning It Out!

    Ok, so now that Willy the blind cory is moved and the guppy babies are old enough to go, I will soon have an empty 5 gallon bowfront! I really miss having a male betta, so I believe that will be the stocking of choice. So I have 4 places I can go to to get a betta: Petco: great colors and...
  23. B

    Adding Another Albino Cory Catfish To My Fish Tank

    Hello, I currently have 1 betta, 1 albino catfish, and 1 ghost shrimp in my 5 gallon minibow tank. My albino cory is doing great and is really active. My betta fish doesn't bother it or attack it. I know that corys are suppose to be in schools which is why I am thinking of getting another. I was...
  24. C

    Add More? Or Nahh?...

    I have a 5 gallon tank that currently has 2 crabs in it with no fish. I've read some things that say 1 crab is plenty for a 5 gallon tank and others that say it easily fits 6. I think 6 is way too many for a tank that size. I want to add 1 or 2 more but do you think that'll be too many for the...
  25. S

    I Think My Tank Has Cycled...questions

    I think that my 5 gallon tank has cycled. I've had it running for about a month now. When I first started a month ago I added 5 glofish right away. They all got ICH and died. Well....I now know that 5 fish is way too much for a 5 gallon tank. I'm pretty sure they all got the ICH because the tank...
  26. K

    Comprehensive Low Cost Led Ideas- Need Opinions! :)

    Hello everyone!   I'm on a tight budget but it really matters that my plants are healthy and pearling so I'm trying to get blue light and below are the low cost alternatives :)  Note before reading:This gets a bit lengthy and as I mention later, I understand that my communication skills are a...
  27. G

    Questions About Rosy Reds And Bettas

    Hi guys and girls. im just starting this topic on information on rosy reds and bettas. i recently gave my old 5 gallon tank to my 10 year old brother and he has a really cool red betta named Cosmo, and 3 rosy reds (2 white ones and 1 orange one), and we just wanted some advice on the two kinds...
  28. G

    Questions About Rosy Reds And Bettas

    Hi guys and girls. im just starting this topic on information on rosy reds and bettas. i recently gave my old 5 gallon tank to my 10 year old brother and he has a really cool red betta named Cosmo, and 3 rosy reds (2 white ones and 1 orange one), and we just wanted some advice on the two kinds...
  29. BComplex

    Need Some Plant Suggestions For My New Betta Tank!

    Hello I just picked up a 5 gallon tank for my little Betta, Sinatra. I need some help with plants! Some pictures of Sinatra and his soon to be new home. http://imgur.com/a/6gjjv#0
  30. K

    What Foreground Plants Should I Get?

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank, dimensions are 11 x 13 x 15 inches. I was wondering what would be a good (common) carpeting or foreground plant? Also any suggestions for other plants I could add. Here's a photo of the tank layout so far.
  31. K

    5 Gallon Tank Stocking

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank that I want to set up as a planted aquascape with either driftwood or stone. I was hoping to get some amano or ghost shrimp, however I wasn't sure what else to add to the tank. I know it's a small tank and therefore I have limited options. These are the various...
  32. K

    5 Gallon Too Small?

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank, I've yet to set it up but I'm planning on making it a planted aquarium. The planned set up is for some driftwood in the corner, carpeted baby tears (HC), a Ludwigia hybrid species and maybe some star moss. Mostly fluval stratum substrate and a portion of it sand...