School Project: A Killifish Aquarium


New Member
Nov 20, 2013
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Hi everyone
I'm a student and my class has been given a project about making an aquarium for several species of fish. As you maybe already have read, I have to design an aquarium for killifish. After a bit research, I now know this is not a simple task because they're so many different killifish out there with different needs and stuff. I was wondering if you guys could help me out with picking a good species?
At school we only have freshwater aquariums but I think for most killifish this isn't a problem. 
However I would like the fish to be not too large and kinda colorful. If there are species that can be kept with other species of killifish please let me know, as long as the fish are colorful. (not too boring
Thanks in advance!
Sounds intriguing.
Is this a project for everyone in your class to actually fully set up a aquarium, cycle it and then stock it with killifish or is it a design project, only on paper?
The one thing I know about killifish is that they are all very good jumpers, so your tank had best have a secure lid fitted :)
@Ch4rlie: Nope, this is a project in real life. :) I actually have fish as a school subject.(this is combined with reptiles)
@daizeUK: I'll keep that in mind!

Also I have only limited space(can't tell the actual size) for the fish so again no big fish please :p
Suggestions for the flooring and plant-life (floating plants?) are more than welcome btw.
1000x what Eagles said.
What size tanks are ya'll going with? Or have you figured that out yet?
Also..what happens when this project is over? :/
If you're looking for small fish, the Norman's Lampeye is the smallest killifish I know although perhaps not as colourful as you were hoping but still interesting with their glowing eyes, perhaps someone else can suggest another suitable killifish.  They are somewhat sensitive and not suitable for an immature aquarium so it is important to cycle the tank first as Eagle linked.
No worries about the cycling. Maybe I should've said that I study something about pet care.  :) (that is why I said I have 'fish' as a school subject)
Normally my teacher will explain everything about the cycling and such but it's my task to choose the species, plants, decorations, maintain the tank,.. Our school has an entire room with fish tanks of different sizes (I've got a fairly small-medium one for the killi) and some of these tanks are empty for the moment so that's why my class has been given this task I guess. So the fish will stay at school and been taken care of after the project is over. ;)
As for the Norman's lampeye, Indeed not a very colorful fish but these critters are an option. :)
Can you special order the fish from somewhere, or just have to get them at your LFS?
I hope it's okay for me to link this Tons of beautiful killis on there.

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