
  1. R

    Angelfish mystery disease?

    Hi everyone, This is my female angelfish, Bob; she has had these 2 white bumps on her for about 3 months. There is one on her caudal fin and one on her left pectoral fin, close to her “armpit.” They have not spread or changed in size. I have not seen her once flashing or trying to rub them off...
  2. wayfareranima

    Need reassurance that I’m doing what’s best for my fish 🤦😣

    I’ve recently had an outbreak of ich in my live bearers tank. I don’t know how, they get regular water changes every week,sometimes twice a week 25 to 50% and I’ve gone and purchased Aqua one multi cure, see below. It just looks so noxious. I’m doing a slow drip acclimation with it mixed in and...
  3. GothFishKeeper


    Hi, so my dwarf gourami (Gideon) has early stage ich and I’ve been treating the tank for the past two days. All my mollies and otos in here are fine which is a good sign but Gideon has been effected by it in the usual ways, he’s been sluggish and hasn’t eaten much. This morning when I turned the...
  4. S


    I have had my tank for about 9 or so months. Recently added a yellow mimic tang. Today i just noticed this. Is this ich? What do I do?! This is my first time dealing with this. None of my other fish have those spots. I went to a local pet store and a marine employee said he has seen tangs have...
  5. J

    blister like spots on my pleco

    hey, so today i noticed these two small spots on my pleco. they almost look like popped blisters, they are super big or anything, and i’ve never seen anything like this on him. he is 7 years old. and recently last week we bought a new fish and it got ich and we removed that fish and treated the...
  6. Kyanite14

    Is this ich?

    My ammonia is 0 and ph is 7.4, I just noticed these tiny dots on the neon tetras tails, but it only seems to be on the neons and ONLY on their fins, I didn’t see any on the body. They’re also super small, much smaller than the usual ich I see at pet stores. I haven’t added anything new to my...
  7. T

    Transparent White Specks on Aquarium Glass

    Hello, I just got Ich (verified,) and have moved my fish (6 white skirt tetras) from their 20L to a 10g hospital tank. This will be their home until the Ich is gone from the main (now shrimp only) tank. I'm beginning to notice these on the tank glass. Any idea as to what they may be? From what...
  8. Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 6.19.40 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 6.19.40 PM.png

    Is this white spot ich disease? It wasn’t there before..
  9. D

    Panda cats with ICH?

    75 gallon tank. Been up for years. No new introductions. Planted with 10 hours of light per day. Lost an old panda cat the other day. Thought he had ich. Another old panda cat is listless and ill. Covered with white spots. Cannot see white spots on any other fish: discus, angels, neons...
  10. R

    Is this ich?

    My betta fish has just grown out of stress stripes and is growing new fins; now I see these dots. Do these look like ich? I couldn't get good photos of the sides, but the most noticeable is his head. 10 gallon tank, filtered, heated to 82 F (to see if it helps) normally is at 80 F 3 guppies +...
  11. S

    Ich / White Spot?

    Hi all, Help required please. I just noticed that one of my black mollies has some white bumps on it's top lip area. Is this white spot? Photo's attached and youtube video link here Kind regards, Mark.
  12. L

    Help I’m not sure what is wrong!

    I am new to fishkeeping. I’ve had zebra fish and Kuli loaches for a little over a month and I recently got 2 German blue rams and 2 snails. My zebra fish have been noticeably stressed (hanging out in a group, staying near the top of the tank) however after about a week they have started to chill...
  13. R

    Goldfish - Help

    Hello guys! I hope you are doing well I have a really serious issue with my goldfish. I recently purchased these fish from someone who was having a pond clear out and decided to buy some of his goldfish for my 400L aquarium. After 1 day, I could see that the fish were not behaving normally...
  14. E

    HELP! How to save fish

    Hello everyone, I have had this Oscar for a couple weeks and he was doing great in the tank. He loves to eat and always comes out when I get close. I saw 2 days ago he had some white spots and I immediately thought it was ich. I was told ich spreads fast so I waited a day to see if it was ich...
  15. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Hey all, about two weeks ago I've purchased 8 Clown killifish for my 20L, 2 year established tank with a few neocaridina, I could not quarantine them because my QT was taken up that same day by a friends sick beta fish (who is fine now :D), the store did not want to keep the killi's any longer...
  16. N

    Does my Clown Pleco Have Ich?

    Hello everyone! New to the game and just noticed my young clown pleco (I think that’s what he is) has some white spots all over his body. Does it look like the ich? Also have in the 30 gallon tank: 1 Neon blue dwarf gourami 1 Angelfish 3 tetra glofish Thanks!
  17. B

    Ich problems

    Hey all, new to the forums (and fish keeping in general so don’t bash me too hard lol) I have about a 1 month old, 37 gal tank. It’s not fully cycled but getting close. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0.25 Nitrate: 5 I know now about the nitrogen cycle and cycling a tank but in the beginning I just...
  18. J

    White spots/film on fish, need help identifying what it is

    Last night I noticed these white areas on two of my fish that were not there before, one of them has already died. My first thought was ich but these white areas appear to protrude off the fish and are not perfectly round, so I feel like it might be something else. It appears currently on the...
  19. R

    Ick help… new owner needs help

    Hi guys, I am a very new aquarium owner and am relatively nuanced about aquariums. My 29 gallon aquarium has an ick outbreak and I responded by adding doses of ick clear and removing the carbon from the filter. I added air stones and a sponge filter. My mollies and loaches seem to be acting...
  20. J

    Emergency: plecos might have white spot/ich

    Hi all, I’ve noticed these white dots on my super red LF plecos. They have recently been shipped to me, and I’ve only had them for 4 days, In their own seperate tank with a fully cycled sponge filter. I noticed it last night, and as I am not very experienced with ich, did some research. Now I...
  21. W

    Platy in distress!

    Hi all! A few months ago, my partner and I inherited a tank from a friend who was moving across the country. We have had some issues because the tank was not properly cycled before our friend put the fish in and the water quality was very poor when they arrived with us but up until now, all of...
  22. Yuhui

    Lonely cardinal tetras with ich

    Hello there, I’m new to owning fishes and is been 5 days since I started in the fish community, so I need some help :). I have two cardinal tetras who recently got infected with ich, but I started treatments when I saw them. Fortunately, after three days of treatment the ich was gone but is...
  23. N

    Ich for 2 weeks

    On 1/21 I got 2 new Mollies. On 1/23 noticed ich on a Molly. A cory cat died on 1/28. The Ich is still in tank as of 2/4. Treating with Tetra Lifeguard since 1/30. Prior I used API Pimafix/Melafix and Imagitarium Parasite Remedy because I went to 2 stores and couldn’t find ich treatment and then...
  24. F

    Help! Disease or stress?

    Hey all! New Betta owner here; I got my male Betta (his name is Pax) from the pet store yesterday. Have had him as well as the tank for about 24 hours now. There are two white dots on him but it doesn’t look like ich to me, though it very well could be. One white dot on each eye, almost...
  25. M

    Brooklynella, Velvet or other??

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  26. abegonzalez0221


    Hi, I have this really shy parrot fish and i’ve had her for almost a month now, she’s still really shy. She’s in my 55 with a few juvenile rainbows, they all get along fine. I was looking at her today and noticed she had a really small white marking on her fin (see picture below) but I’m really...
  27. M

    Brooklynella or Ich? And what are alternative treatments?

    So in the past 2-3 days, my new clownfish showed symptoms of what I assume is brooklynella. I had fish with brook in the past so I started treatment right away. Where I live, formaldeheyde is illegal to sell, so I'm doing a 5 minute FW bath followed by a 60 minute metronidazol bath, and dosing...
  28. S

    How to treat ich when I have aquarium salts in the water?

    Hi there, Some of my guppies have ich, but I have aquarium salts in the water. The only ich treatment I can find contains formaldehyde and malachite green oxalate. I've been told that this is lethal when combined with aquarium salts. Any advice on what I can do? Thanks
  29. L

    Ich or fungus?!

    I noticed one of my plates has white blobs all over her body. From looking at photos of ich I’d say these are bigger than the ‘grains of salt’ described. It’s only really visible when she’s right under the light. One of the other platies has some white on her tail. I’m about to go to the pet...
  30. M

    Is this really Ich?

    Hi, everyone. I’m not exactly new to fishkeeping; however, I finally have a tank again after 18 years of break from the hobby. I’ve just started out again with a new cycled tank and some angelfish I purchased from Petsmart. After putting them into my aquarium I noticed something strange looking...
  31. V

    Rope fish white dots everywhere? (pls help)

    I recently got a 8” rope fish for my 55 gallon tank, 2 days ago he started getting little white bubbles all over his body, I initially thought they were bubbles because he likes to swim through the bubble pad stone. But considering they did not go away; rather increase in amount, I have my...
  32. Snoyo1

    Ich in my 60L tank (I think it’s ich)

    Good evening all, Ive had a bit of a situation here this week with my 60L planted tank. I noticed one of my neon tetras had some white spots on his fins and tail earlier this week. I also have corydoras, a pleco and snails but the only fish that looked infected was that one neon tetra. I did...
  33. R

    Fish tank has Ich

    Hello, I am new to fish keeping only had this freshwater tank for a year it is a 30 gallon tank I did have 2 clown loaches (one was a year old) and the other was only maybe a month old, I didn't have a hospital tank and my father had fish for years probably maybe 10-20 years ago but I noticed...
  34. K

    Trying to Figure Out if This is Ich or Not?

    Okay, so I’ve had a small 5 gal with glofish for years, and I upgraded to a 15 not too long ago. Maybe a month ish? I let it sit with plants and filter for a while before acclimating the 4 glo tetras I had into it (plus some snails), and about a week ago I got another tetra and 5 cory cats. I...
  35. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  36. S

    Columnaris and Ich?

    Hey, I have a 55 gallon tank that has been infected with Ich yesterday morning. We upped the temperature and started Ich X treatments with salt along with higher temp/ However, last night one of our bosemani rainbowfish passed away suddenly. Is this Columnaris? We think it could be because it...
  37. KatNor21

    Can water spangles and other floating plants survive bleach

    Hi, I'm planning to get some floating plants like water spangles or frogbit. I just lost several fish to ich and have found what might be a leech in my aquarium before. So I'm nervous about buying new live plants that could be bringing along harmful hitchhikers. I don't really have a quarantine...
  38. primsloaches16

    HELP PLEASE!!!!! Angelfish declining, ick or columnaris???

    Hey yall. I've had two angelfish for about 4 months now, and recently one of them has been declining in health and acting strangely. She is the smaller of the two (they are a mated pair). She used to be super active and stay close to the male, but lately she has been very lethargic and wont eat...
  39. Dephea

    Uncurable ich / ick / white spot

    I am getting very annoyed and rather disheartened now. 150L ammonia 0ppm nitr 0ppm pH 7.5 ish temp 30 degrees Celsius live plants, bogwood and resin rocks, all in gravel (changing into sand next week). Part of the plants and decor removed to make vacuuming easier without having to disturb...
  40. A

    Ich and fish-in-cycling

    Hi! I am very new to having a fish tank. My kids have been asking for one so my hubby took them to a local farm and pet store and got a tank and GloFish. It’s a small tank, 5 gallons, and we got 5 fish. He was told we could set it up and put them in right away. After some reading I now know that...