fresh water

  1. R

    Female honey gourami chasing the new male?

    The one with more vivid colur is chasing the smaller paler one. Can't decide whether two females or one female and a one male. Anyway, it seems that the more vivid one is always making sure that the other stays at the back of the tank. No biting though, only chasing.
  2. R

    Adding fish to an established tank

    I currently have 15 neons and can't decide what fish to add to the tank. My options are: 1. 8-10 ember tetras/gold tetras 2. 2-3 honey gouramis The tank size is 60x30x40 cm with an eheim 2213 filter. Nitrates are 0. The tank is running for 2 years with the current stock.
  3. B

    Peacock bass sudden death

    Hello , trying to get some information on my peacock bass dying out of no where. I’ve had him about a month in a 55gal with two small Oscar’s and a small arowana . No tension has gone on in the tank it’s been perfectly peaceful. The only thing I checked that was off was the ph it lowered to...
  4. A

    Rescued SICK Betta From Petsmart, SOS!!!

    Drogon, my newest rescue from the hands of the worst pet store, has been under the weather, so to speak, but I CAN’T FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIGURE OUT WHAT THE CAUSE IS. I couldn’t see any obvious symptoms on him, he just laid around the bottom of the tank, or on a plant. When he would swim around...
  5. J

    Whirly Disease or Swim Bladder

    I have a 3 yr old Rainbow shark. I believe it's a male but not 100% positive. He is refusing to eat unless handfed via a small syringe. I noticed this about 2 days ago when he was out in the tank spinning in a corner. I thought whirly disease or swim bladder but he is not visibly bloated and he...
  6. moonmist

    17gal high tech nano aquarium journal

    Last night I got to set up my new nano tank! I’ll be posting updates later tonight when I add some plants :)
  7. Casper23

    Tank mates for my Beautiful Betta!

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting, I am trying to get some answers on possible tank mates for my Betta. Currently I already have my Betta (obviously) he’s a male Halfmoon. I also have 5 peppered Cory catfish, 2 ghost shrimp, and 2 nerite snails. They are all super happy and comfortable...
  8. J

    Freshwater Catfish ID

    I recently bought a small catfish from Petsmart that was mistakenly put in with the otocinclus. I have no idea what it is even after searching through google. It mostly hides until the food comes out. It’s a voracious eater and has already grown a good amount. Any help would be greatly...
  9. C

    Urgent advise - help!!

    Hi, I have a 70L fresh water tank. I have 2 koris and started with about 6 female guppies and 4 male guppies. I’ve had them for about 7 months and it was going well. They have been procreating and I think I ended up with about 25 guppies or so. I went to my usual fish shop yesterday and they...
  10. Annemarie

    Water hardness/softness

    Hello everyone, So seeing as I’ve been told that my water is soft at 38ppm, I’ve been scouring the internet looking for fish I may want down the road. Problem is, so many of the fish I find myself looking at want 45-60ppm or above (at least according to seriously fish). I don’t want to make any...
  11. Sparklehoofs

    Can anyone identify this white dust on anubias?

    Hi, I have a lot of tanks. All have been running fine for months. Some heavily planted. 2 planted tanks have just turned upside down and have no idea why. 1 had only green spot algae and I just removed the plant it was affecting before dosing with phosphate to fix this. The second tank had...
  12. J

    New Oranda missing scales

    Hello!! I have a new tank with a juvenile Oranda and a Ryukin. I've had the fish for about 3 weeks, and the tank has been running for about 6 weeks and everything has been perfect until a couple of days ago. I noticed the Oranda looked to be missing scales but they almost look like they're just...
  13. S

    Stocking a 72 Gallon Bow Front

    Hello! Looking for stocking opinions on my 72gal bow front as I've never stocked a tank this big before. I plan on having it heavily planted with lots of wood and rock caves. I know 100% that I want angelfish in this tank. My current thoughts are this... 2x Angelfish (Pair) 2x Bolivian Ram...
  14. M

    Help! Gourami's turning black

    Hello fish community! I have 4 honey gouramis that I have had for almost a year now and two are turning black. They sort of looked like they rolled around in mud, it’s covering their fins and body. One looks more black then the other but I want to make sure this doesn’t spread to any other...
  15. L

    Emperor tetra swimming sideways

    Hi, I've had some emperor tetras for 5+ months now and a few months ago 2 got sick, they had severe buyoncy issues, one had a crooked spine and an infected injury as well (the other didn't). I did daily water changes and put medicine in the water suggested at my local fish shop and luckily none...
  16. F

    Snail eggs?? Should I be concerned?

    Hey y’all! I’m Jon, and I’m new to the fish scene. Ive had all of my fish for 3 months now. They all get along well, and all are thriving. I was cleaning my tank today and I found this right above the surface, hanging from the middle part. I have a 55 gallon tank and here are my fish: 1 red...
  17. S

    Tinfoil Barb having Blood on its scales | Urgent help

    Hello, I have a tinfoil barb of age around 2 years. A week ago it was healthy, active and eating food regularly. But suddenly I spotted blood on its scales and it was spreading to its other scales as well. However, the fish is eating properly and active as hell even now. Please help me, i dont...
  18. K

    What type of fish is this?

    I am looking to see what kind of fish this is
  19. G

    Betta Compatibility for 40 gallons tank

    I got 7 rosy barbs in a 40 gallon all of them are of 2-3inchs in size with a 3 spot gourami. The issue is that 3 spot has grown too large so I am thinking of replacing it with a betta(male). My Rosy barbs have never nipped the fins of the gourami and 40gal seems right for this many fish. The...
  20. Mizz_MayDK

    Female aquarist in Denmark

    Hi there I'm originally English but I live in Denmark. I'm fairly new to the hobby - and I've gone ALL in ... within 5 months I've gone from 0 to 7 tanks (360L, 250L, 190L, 150L, 125L, 40L, 20L) and I'm planning on a rack system with 3 x 80L ... I have got the rack system and the aquariums, but...
  21. S

    Platy looks a bit boxy

    My platy looks a bit boxy and i would like some confirmation from someone who knows what they're doing
  22. Danby

    Gold fish Eye Problem

    Hi as you can see in the attached photos, one of fishes eyes has turned red. Im worried and a little lost about what to do, For the last two weeks, ive noticed a white spot in the middle of this eye, assuming it was some sort of blindness or bacterial infection i started doing 2x weekly water...
  23. B

    What are some hard to recreate biotope types in the aquarium hobby?

    My main interest when it comes to aquatic animals like fish and aquatic invertebrates it has always been to create biotopes as close to how they would experience it in their native homes whether it's a humid rainforest or a carribean coral reef near the beach. My question here is this , what...
  24. D

    Weird fly hatching out of tank?! Help!

    Hello Everyone, About 5 days ago I bought Hornwort and Duckweed from a local guy that had a pond in his backyard in Wisconsin. About 2 days after adding the plants to my tank, I've begun to notice a few of these small black/yellow flies on plants on the surface of the tank. Should I worry about...
  25. C

    One week into a fish less cycle

    Hi everyone , I am one week into my fishless cycle and am seeing high levels of ammonia and nitrites with medium to low levels of nitrates. I am now experiencing a hair algae bloom. Am I doing something wrong ? I have a 135 litre planted tank with a Co2 system. I run the lights for...
  26. T

    White fluff on plants and decorations

    Hi, I’m still pretty new to the aquarium hobby. I have a 70L (18 gallon) tank that’s been running for 4 weeks. I was a told by my local fish store to do a fish in cycle (a mistake I have since found out) so I am currently nearing the end of that (I think). Recently there has been a load of...
  27. PygmyMitch

    48 litre Betta Tank

    Hi guys, this is my 48 litre tank which I have been Setting up for a while. I plan for this tank to be home to a male Betta fish, and a small school of fish, and maybe some shrimp or snails. There are currently no fish in the tank, but I do have 4 Echindorous Bleheri, plants and some Salvinia...
  28. T

    Help! White Stuff on Goldfish Head

    Ive noticed my oranda has white stuff coming out of its head. I have 4 other goldfish, but are all doing fine. Cant figure out what it is...
  29. B

    What are some filters I can build alongside my undergravel filter?

    These are the images of my recently established freshwater 140 liter tank located in a dark corner in my dad's home office . In total the tank has 10 wild caught cardinal tetras and 4 corydoras duplicareus catfish and so far they have been looking healthy and active preferring to stay in...
  30. B

    How many cardinal tetras can I add at once?

    I am gonna get myself my first aquarium which will be a 160 liter blackwater setup designed to mimic the habitat of cardinal tetras with lot's of floating amazon frogbit plants at the top along with leaves and driftwood made out of oak on the bottom. I will use low flowrate filtration intended...
  31. A

    What to add to my tank

    I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank with: 7 tiger barbs 6 neon tetras 5 white skirt tetras 4 albino Cory cats 1 Rainbow Shark I was wondering what other fish I could add to the tank. I’m open to any suggestions.
  32. SteakNShrimp

    Bloated Tiger Barbs?

    A few of my Tiger Barbs seem to have enlarged stomachs. I did some research and came up with - Swim Blatter Disease - Constipation - Dropsy But I’m not sure if my fish have these problems because they aren’t displaying most of the symptoms. They aren’t swimming weird, they are all eating, and...
  33. SteakNShrimp

    55g Centerpiece Fish?

    This is what I am planning so far for my 55g tank. - 24 Tiger Barbs - 5 Denison’s - 1 Rainbow Shark - 3 Zebra loaches - 1 Ram (maybe 2) - 2 Pictus Catfish - maybe a school of an undecided Tetra or Rasbora species Any suggestions on a decently large (but not too large) centerpiece fish...
  34. SteakNShrimp

    Will these fish work well?

    I have a 55g tank with a few fish already in and I’m planning on adding more. I was wondering if my stocking ideas will work well. Please give me any suggestions and advice for my tank. I already have - 1 Rainbow Shark - 1 Rainbow Fish (Boesemani) - 1 Zebra Loach - 1 Male Marigold Swordtail -...
  35. Deonbell2009

    Hi, i need some help with guppies in a outdoor pond for winter

    So i live in Southern Alberta, langdon, and i was thinking of keeping some guppies in some buckets and letting them breed as food for my snake, and i could possibly sell them. im very new to this forum, and i am wondering is this safe? especially for alberta? i have a plan to put the buckets and...
  36. pjwilford


    I’m finding this fish has a mysterious white spot. seems like some sort of fungus. a black molly of mine has it all over as well. Will pimafix cure this? What is it?? I have a guppy currently giving birth right now too. will meds be safe for babies?
  37. F

    Stocking Question

    Hello! I have fishless cycled a 45 gallon (tall) aquarium. I added my 5 Mickey Mouse platys yesterday and I’d like suggestions on what else to add. I’d like a “house keeper” or a shoal of them for sure! I have sand as my substrate, temperature is 76 degrees, ph 7-7.5, ammonia & nitrite - 0...
  38. Seantheplatydaddy

    Male platy bent body and trouble breathing

    Tank size: 10 gallons pH: between 6.5 and 7.0 ammonia: unknown rn nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 40 ppm kH: 80 ppm gH: 120 ppm tank temp: 78 F Fish Symptoms: I just put down a fish for swim bladder disease. Sam (the current sick fish) has been sick for a few weeks. I treated the tank with a parasite...
  39. E

    Need Help Identifying Fish

    Hello to Everyone - I just got back into keeping a freshwater aquarium. I wanted my boys to see some of the fish that were living in a small pond on the property that we just moved to. I identified the mosquito fish without issue but there are another type that look like some kind of cichlid...
  40. R

    60 gallon stocking? Help!?

    I recently got my 60 gallon tank and I’m not sure what to stock it with. I have 1 male and 1 female dwarf gourami who greatly need an upgrade from their 30 gallon tank. I would love to put them along with a red tail shark and possibly 2 more female dwarf gourami into the 60 gallon. I’d also like...