cory cat

  1. thenaturalhales

    Advice on eye!

    I changed the substrate yesterday to sand to help keep my Cory’s safe and when I returned them back from the holding tank that had their tank water in it, one of my baby Cory’s eye looks really bad. I put some melafix in the tank but I think he’s be happier in the big tank than moving him to a...
  2. D

    Breeding Pygmy Corydoras

    Hello all! I've been keeping pygmy corydoras for a few years because they are my favorite fish. I'd really like to see them reproduce but they don't seem to be doing so on their own. So what I'll do here is go through some of the steps I've been taking to get them to spawn and hopefully one of...
  3. FashionFish

    Very Sick Cory - Red Blotch Disease?

    Hey there, Unfortunately, we have a larger problem. The smaller fish that I thought was being "roughed" up is very red. I was repeating water changes and he seemed to improve. But now he has regressed and our other fish are showing red marks and flashing. I am really concerned as I can't find a...
  4. Woodlol

    Series of Questions!

    Questions regarding my two tanks, my 10 gallon and 30 gallon. I pictured my 30 gallon... I'm working on both. Sorry it's a lot! 1) Can cory cats and oto cats live together? I have two young panda corys and an old bronze cory cat in my 10 gallon, the old cory is kind of a fat bully who muscles...
  5. C

    cory cat swimming at top of tank

    in my tank i have 8 cory cats and a betta. one of my cory cats suddenly started like only swimming at the top. i mean like it has not left the top of the water since 6pm last night (it's 9am rn). whenever it tried to swim down, it just floats up again. i'm gonna attach some pics becuase you cant...
  6. outofwater

    Done with neon tetras, can you recommend other tankmates?

    So, I've got a 29g tank, already running for 4 months. Couple of months ago I bought a dozen neon tetras and within 2 days 5 died. Columnaris, NTD, or too much stress, never found out for sure. Fast forward to yesterday. I've had a planted and cycled "quarantine" tank running for 3 weeks now...
  7. K

    Thinking I Need to Rehome My Fish

    I absolutely hate to think this but I honestly don’t know what else to do anymore besides just start over. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and really think they’re suffering for it and at this point, I don’t know what to do anymore. My only main problem rn is that I just don’t know how to go about...
  8. N

    my corys are dying

    I bought 5 albino corydoras yesterday and lost one on the same day plus two more this morning. they seemed to be perfectly heathy. I also have a betta in the tank with them, but I haven't seem him chasing any of them, and there was no phisical damage on the dead corys. My tank is cicled, about...
  9. K

    Trying to Figure Out if This is Ich or Not?

    Okay, so I’ve had a small 5 gal with glofish for years, and I upgraded to a 15 not too long ago. Maybe a month ish? I let it sit with plants and filter for a while before acclimating the 4 glo tetras I had into it (plus some snails), and about a week ago I got another tetra and 5 cory cats. I...
  10. A

    Peppered Corydoras - Holiday Feeding Recommendations?

    Hey guys, I hope I'm right posting this here.. My situation is following: I have had my tank (15 gallon, planted, no CO2, 3 pepper corys with 1-2 more to come, 6 amano shrimps) for about a year now without a problem. Ive been away once on business for 10 days and a friend took care of my tank...
  11. B

    Is swim bladder medication safe for corys?

    Hi, One of my cory catfish has swim bladder disease, so I just went out and bought a medication However, it says that it can't be used for scaleless fish. I know corys have "plates" instead of scales, so would it still be safe to use? Thanks very much, any help would be appreciated
  12. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  13. H

    Pale and inactive Cory catfish

    One of my four Cory catfish has suddenly gone pale and very inactive in the past week and isn’t eating now any help with this would be appreciated. My tank is 54 litres with 5 neon tetras, 1 guppy and 4 Cory catfish. And the tank stats are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 10 nitrate.
  14. J

    Corydora seems like it got hurt scales , please help

    Hello everyone. Can anyone help me here please. Today i noticed that after, a bit more than a year, and everything has been fine, one of my Corys have something on the side, almost like if he scratched with something or crashed with something and got hurt. But im not sure how something like this...
  15. P

    Corydora staying in the corner of the tank

    Hey guys a few months ago i got 3 corydoras and they were doing well and swimming around, but recently one out of the 3 has been staying in the back corner of the tank all alone and won’t move. he definitely is alive because i kinda nudged him out of the corner with a net because i was worried...
  16. L

    Will my Corys be happy? HELP A NOOB

    I am new to the hobby and I was told my Corys will be happy as long as I get at least 4. I asked if they need to be the same species and I was told that they don’t, so I got two Julli and two Peppered Corys. BUT I have been reading that they will not technically school together. They seem to be...
  17. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have way over stocked my tank and I'm looking to get a new one. I have 2 angelfish, 3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 platies, 10 neon tetras, 4 cories, 4 algae eaters, 4 danios, and 3 snails. I had 20 ghost shrimp but I'm pretty sure they got ate by my other fish as there's no bodies from...
  18. 2tank

    question about substrates

    Hi, everyone. can I take beach sand for example and just boil it to kill any microbes and bacteria in it or should I buy purpose-made sand substrates? I am in need of a sandy bottom in my big tank for barbs like corys.
  19. newmag1659

    Dwarf Mexican Crayfish and Corys?

    I’m thinking about adding a Dwarf Mexican Crayfish to my established 20 tall killifish and Cory tank. I’ve seen conflicting opinions on whether the crayfish will harass/eat the corys. I have 4 albino corys, 2 emerald. Is this a feasible combination or should I just skip out on the crayfish? I...
  20. FishionistaB

    Hi all! 65gallon tropical

    Hello all! I’m excited to be here. I have some experience with basic tanks in the past; betas, guppies, mollies, etc in 40gal or smaller. Nothing this big or beautiful until now. Most recently I deactivated my Facebook account and decided to go all out with a brand new 65gallon deep set up...
  21. FishionistaB

    How many angels in my 65gal

    I have a 65 gallon deeper than it is long. Said tank is my pfp. How many angels can I keep in this tank? Tank is planted and has a fairly decent sized driftwood. We have some Cory cats already (about 20) as tank mates. And plan to possibly add some schooling types as well, maybe cardinal tetras...
  22. FishionistaB

    How long do you think it will take fore my driftwood to sink?

    I have a 7lb manzanita driftwood that I’m waiting to become waterlogged and sink. Anyone with a similar wood size and type that’s gone through this before? Any guesses on how long? Everything I’ve been reading online has been all over the place as far as how long it should take. It has been 1...
  23. L

    What species is this Cory?

    So I grabbed the last 3 of them from the LFS. And they were obviously not albinos though labeled as such the worker at the time sold them to me as albinos since he did not know what they were. This was a couple of years ago and 2 have died I want to get him a group but have not seen any like him...
  24. redpanda

    A species only 60L tank

    I recently got 6 pygmy copycats for my big tank and when they were in a qt tank by themselves I fell even more in love lol. But now they are in the big tank with platys swordtail and bronze Cory's, I don't see them shoaling like they did as much. They're behaving fine, not seeming scared of the...
  25. tomatobloke

    Is this ich

    Ok so my corydoras have gotten these white spots and have had them for about a week but I haven't seen any major outbreak in my tank/ no white spots on any of my guppies and the specs have been limited to only a few corys, the white dots kinda seem to be off and on because i saw one cory with a...
  26. Tap Water

    White Fungus/Rot on Corydora

    I noticed some white starting to appear on some of my bronze corydoras fins, and I cant quite figure out what it is. One cory has it worse than the rest, and it looks as if the fin is actually beginning to rot away. I've had these cory for over six months now, and I've owned cory for about four...
  27. BettaChel

    Help me Gender my Cory Cats!

    Hello all! I’m relatively new to fish keeping but I love it so much! I got some new corys yesterday and I was wondering if anyone could help to identify their sexes if possible! Here are the two Juliis. I think the one in the back is female and the one in front male? (guessing! lol) Here’s...
  28. P

    Help with my Corydora catfish!

    Intro: Hi everyone thank you for taking the time to read my first post. This isn't my first forum experience and I am well aware of the search function. However I wanted to post this asap and hopefully someone can help me faster then me looking for the answer. The problem: I noticed a...
  29. Stu1993

    Stocking a 125 Litre Tank

    Ive recently got my 125 and it currently going through its FISHLESS cycle and im really struggling with ideas on what to eventually stock it with. I love all sorts of fish ive looked and and researched and the only one i have decided on is the black corydoras. So what do you guys reccommend...
  30. V

    Cory eggs

    Hi everyone, We have a 125 L (30ish gallon) tank with 3 Swordtails and 7 Corydoras Sterbai. The corys have always seemd pretty happy, and they have occasionally layed eggs. We have a few, now. But they never seem to survive. Is there anything I can do to protect the eggs/fry? Can the eggs...
  31. Paprikakitty

    Ideal Alkalinity for Panda Corys??

    Ok, first off is it ‘corys’ ‘cories’ or ‘corries’ when discussing multiple corydoras??? My websearches have been conflicting and I’m curious if there’s a generally accepted ‘correct’ way? Secondly- what is the ideal tank alkalinity for these little guys? I haven’t found a concrete answer for...
  32. Aeroase

    Help with Cory Catfish?

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with some green and peppered cory catfish in it. One of the peppered cory cats looks very skinny to me compared to the others. It’s a little less active, but still more or less acting normal. I’m worried it’s in the early stages of some kind of disease, am...
  33. L

    Cory catfish chasing Molly

    Hi, I’m new to this forum this is my first thread so I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong, hopefully you guys can help and I’ll learn along the way. Anyways, I recently noticed my peppered Cory cat chasing around the largest fish in my tank which is my female black molly. It doesn’t seem to be...
  34. J

    Struggling to find any flag-tailed panda cory

    I really want some flag-tailed panda cory but am really struggling, does anyone know of where I can get some or even an importer from Brazil I could contact please. Would be really grateful
  35. Tool13x

    Cory Identification help

    Can anyone tell me what species this Cory is? I had always thought he was a Julii or Trilineatus but he lacks that characteristic mid-body stripe. Thanks for the help.
  36. Mr.JRosewolf

    Bottom feeders all dying

    Ok so after a very long time I finally got back into the fish hobby I got myself a 40g acrylic filled it with plants, cycled it, had my water tested and all my fish are happy and healthy..... except for any bottom feeders I add... Death count 2 green corys, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 clown pleco...
  37. G

    29 Gallon Stocking Advice

    Hello all! While I'm not *exactly* new to the hobby, after doing a lot of reading I've discovered that I'm new to keeping fish correctly (as in, all those years I was keeping fish as a child, I was basically running to the pet store, thinking 'this is pretty,' and getting extremely lucky that...
  38. S

    Hi, My Name Is Skye! (I could use a little help)

    Hi everyone, My name is Skye Phan. I have a 50 gallon tank with 3 medium size bala sharks, a 5" common pleco, a 2" albino bristlenose pleco, 5 longfin zera danios, 4 neon tetras (I had nine, but they have neon tetra disease. I am hoping to replace these with more danios), 6 albino cory catfish...
  39. M

    my "special" bronze cory

    hello, I have 4 corydoras for some time now and i bought them all from the same local fish store. He only had 4 bronze corys at that time. In the beginning everything looked ok. There was just that one guy/girl that looked a bit funny. The difference with the other wasn't that big and he looked...
  40. M

    Corydoras feeding techniques

    Hello I have a 20gallon tank with: 4 corydoras aeneus 7 guppy 2 platy 3 upside down catfish And I noticed a problem while feeding. The guppys and platys are always eating the food of my corys. To help the corys I try to distract the others with flake food on one side of the tank while I sneak...