
New Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Hey guys
I am new to the hobby and bought a tank after months of research.
My newly set up 15 gallon freshwater planted overhead filter tank has been cycling for 3 weeks now. I have made a list of the fish would like to keep and need your opinion on it.
6× zebra danio
6× neon tetra
2× oto
1× guppy
2× cherry shrimp

The aquarium stocking level on aqadvisor is 96%, which I know is a bit high for a starter like me. Please help me in finalising my fish.

I have an API freshwater master test kit and found that my tank values are normal. The pH level in my tank in 6.8~7.0
I have a DIY CO2 system that produces almost 30 bubbles per minute.



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For beginner tanks it is usually best to have a single species or two. Y ou have lots of species. A single species is best because schooling fish need big groups. There should be at least 10 neon tetras. Zebra danios are too active for a 15 gallon. Try 15 neon tetras, 1 oto, some chrry shrimp.
For beginner tanks it is usually best to have a single species or two. Y ou have lots of species. A single species is best because schooling fish need big groups. There should be at least 10 neon tetras. Zebra danios are too active for a 15 gallon. Try 15 neon tetras, 1 oto, some chrry shrimp.

Thank you so much for your reply . I chose zebra danios because of their comparatively hardy nature. The tank is 20" long and 14" high. Do you think I should get 15 tetras or less?
Otos are also shoaling fish and you'd need at least 6 of them. But a 15 gall tank won't be able to grow enough algae for that number. They should only be bought once a tank has grow a lot of algae for them to eat.

I agree with cooledwhip, danios are very fast swimming fish that need long tanks. And they need cooler water than most other fish.

Before deciding on which fish to get you need to know your water's hardness. That information should should be on your water supplier's website. There are several different units they could use, so besides the number we also need the unit. Some fish, such as neon tetras, need soft water while others, such as guppies, need hard water. It is much easier to keep fish that like the hardness of your tap water rather than trying to alter your water to suit a particular fish.

And just to warn you about aqadvisor - that site is not very highly regarded.
Yeah it does't have to be neon tetras. They are actually a pretty hard to keep fish. Zebra danios are nice but they require lots of side to side swimming sp ace. I know you liked the guppies... look up "endlers livebearers". They are esentially like guppies, and the size of the neon tetras. They are very hardy.
Aqadvisor is just a guideline. I disreguard most of what it says, I only use it as a last check to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.
Otos are also shoaling fish and you'd need at least 6 of them. But a 15 gall tank won't be able to grow enough algae for that number. They should only be bought once a tank has grow a lot of algae for them to eat.

I agree with cooledwhip, danios are very fast swimming fish that need long tanks. And they need cooler water than most other fish.

Before deciding on which fish to get you need to know your water's hardness. That information should should be on your water supplier's website. There are several different units they could use, so besides the number we also need the unit. Some fish, such as neon tetras, need soft water while others, such as guppies, need hard water. It is much easier to keep fish that like the hardness of your tap water rather than trying to alter your water to suit a particular fish.

And just to warn you about aqadvisor - that site is not very highly regarded.
Thanks for your reply. My tap water is considered soft, 50-70 ppm
Aqadvisor is just a guideline. I disreguard most of what it says, I only use it as a last check to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.
I didn't want to overstock my tank, a friend of mine recommended the site. But I won't be needing it anymore iI think, now that I'm here :)

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