5 gallon Fluval Spec V

Actually, if there happen to be any staff online could they please move this thread to Planted Aquarium Journals?

Well due to weather we will be picking the shrimps up on Saturday instead. So I did a water change today and hacked back the moss driftwood

full tank pic
Haven't seen the tank for a while, looks good!

I suggest picking up another driftwood piece, just to give the tank more depth.
Yeah.. that's not happening. I wish, but
a: No space
b: No way my parents are gonna let me buy a $20 piece of wood
I would rescape the tank, but I Don't have the time nor do I want to put in the effort to do so, as that would take a while and I don't want to kill the shrimp that will be coming shortly
Are you preparing to say your goodbyes to the tank like I am? 😪

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