tropical fish

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. J


    HELP, My polar parrot cichlids have recently laid eggs for the first time. They’re now wrigglers. How long do I keep them with parents before separating them? Or do they need to stay with parents. I have a very small angelfish also in the tank will this be an issue or will the parrots protect...
  2. D

    Pregnant platy?

    Can I expect babies anytime soon?
  3. O

    Can anyone help me identify this fish?

    Hello good folks. Today I went to me local pet store and found this fish in one of the tanks. The employee didn’t know what kind of fish it was and did not have a price for it. I thought it looked cool so I bought it. I’d like to know what kind of fish it is so I know how large it will get and...
  4. Jrcall

    Blister like lump on black widow tetras mouth

    I've just come home from work and have noticed that one of my black widow tetras has got a blister like lump on its mouth. I can't really find anything online to help. I changed their water a couple of days ago so levels are normal. I haven't noticed it before so either it's been there a while...
  5. S

    Pump doesn’t reach bottom of tank

    Hi all, I am installing a new pump into my tank, but the tube isn’t long enough meaning my pump isn’t suctioned onto the base of the tank. Is this an issue?
  6. B

    Hello :) First-Time Forum User, Experienced Forum Browser

    Hello! My name is Shannon, I'm a US college student and I've been keeping freshwater fish since I was little. I've always sought out advice on this forum, but didn't think to make an account until now! I have two boy cats named Dart and Sprinkles, and two fish tanks. One is a 10 gallon planted...
  7. A

    Fungus or growth?

    My fish has a growth on his side, hopefully you can see on the attached pictures. It continually grows and its white so I thought it was a fungus. However I've done water changes, cleaned the tank and filter and given him anti fungal medication but nothing seems to work. Any advice? Thank you
  8. Chloem07

    All advice appreciated

    Hiya, im new to the tropical fish life, i currently have a fresh water tank- although im changing to tropical shortly. I have a 100 L tank- what would the best filter be for a 100L tropical tank? Ive been looking at “FLUVAL U4 internal filter” - has anyone got this or have any feedback? Any...
  9. B

    Convict cichlid fry

    So I have a breeding pair of convict cichlids in a 100 gallon tank along with a jack dempsey and a juvinile green terror they will be laying eggs soon and when the fry are born I dotn really want them to be eaten by the other fish as my local pet store wanted to buy some how quickly can I move...
  10. LuluH

    Help needed to identify a changing catfish

    Hello ! I bought this little fella or lady 6 months ago and it was 2 inches long , I have a 220litre tank so room to grow. It hid for many months,.. it was black and white/nude coloured brain lobe patterning that attracted me .. however... I love it but its changed to a dark and mid brown ( see...
  11. Laurenell

    Identifying my Cichlid

    Hey All I’m trying to identify what type of Geophagus Cichlids this is? Can anyone help?
  12. R

    Injured black skirt tetra with white, fluffy growth... should we quarantaine it?

    Hey everyone! I am writing this post because we are very worried about one of our black skirt tetras. Five days ago, I found the fish wedged between the filter casing and the glass. I freed it immediately but noticed that it was injured. My housemates and I decided to minimize any stress but...
  13. B

    Female Dwarf Gourami Problems

    Hello, I've had this female dwarf gourami for about 3 months, she's been acting perfectly fine since I got her, however, I few days ago I noticed her hiding very frequently. So I decided to put her in a quarantine tank yesterday to inspect her. I noticed a white lump on her tail instantly. She...
  14. Gypsy Tart

    Advise Needed-Veiltail Betta

    Hello there, I need some helpful advise as I will be 'petsitting' a tropical fish (Betta Splendens) which is native to to Asia. It's a black fish with wavy fins. I know absolutely nothing about keeping fish and what really bothers me is that the person bought the fish (approx 6-7 cms) from a...
  15. Ellie Potts

    Fish Food

    Hey! I've been doing a lot of research about different types of fish, tanks, filters, heaters, etc to get my first fish tank (or at least my first tank that I alone own) but struggled to find information on fish nutrition. I'm planning on keeping 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 killifish, 10 neon tetras...
  16. A

    very new and very confused, please help!

    i recently got my first betta fish as well as 3 kuhli loaches. the workers at the aquarium shop i purchased them from explained that it was best to acclimate them at the same time to avoid my betta from becoming territorial. when i was first observing my betta at the shop his top fin looked a...
  17. R

    Who is eating my neon tetra?

    Hello all, I had a 36 gallon planted aquarium until 2 months back which had 15 neon tetra, 3 bosmani rainbow fish, 2 albino cory catfish, 6 guppies, 4 platties. Everyone was doing great until I just upgraded my tank to a 75 gallon planted tank and added few fishes. My current tank had these...
  18. K

    Fluval filter for tropical fish?!?!

    Hi guys. It’s just a query really, we have a 160L tank for our tropical fish & currently have a fluval u3 filter in place. We have 24 small tropical fish in there at the mo. We were thinking of swapping it for a fluval u4 filter, although we’re worried it may be too strong for our guppies. Any...
  19. O

    Should I get keyhole cichlids?

    I have a 60 gallon tank that's a few weeks old, so pretty new. Currently, it's a peaceful with a few guppies, platys, mollys, tetras, and a single dwarf gourami. I've been looking to finish this tank off with a keyhole cichlid since they've been my favorite fish for a while and my main...
  20. K

    Does My Betta Have Velvet?

    Hi Everybody! I just got a crown tail betta fish the other day and noticed that there is a gold powder on him. I do not think that it is his natural iridescence because the gold stuff is clearly powder looking and does not shine or shimmer. I have him in a 5.5 gallon tank with plants and a hide...
  21. Ingrid

    Fish recommendations

    Can anyone recommend fish for my new 60 litres tank ? It is a tropical tank with a filter , light and heater .
  22. J

    Identifying Flukes in Fish

    Hi, New here and not entirely sure this is an 'emergency' or not but couldn't find a "fish health" section on here. I have a pretty well planted 40 gallon tank and have noticed my fish flicking and twitching parts of themselves onto plants , gravel or anything else in the tank. I noticed it a...
  23. D

    Dark worms in my White Worm Culture

    So a few weeks ago I purchased a white worm started culture. Overall they culture has been doing well and generally thriving. However, recently I have been noticing these smaller, dark colored worms that appear to be segmented within the culture. They appear to be completely distinct from the...
  24. Kimberly Law

    Help pleco hurt tip of his nose!

    My pleco got startled for no reason normally there's a loud noise or I sit something down on the dresser it will startle him and then I feel so bad but he will just swim in his house but the other day out of nowhere he started going crazy and ramming himself into the glass and his house over and...
  25. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Tropical fish for a 20 gallon?

    Hi, I have been doing research on fish for many years and have kept freshwater tanks for ever. This is my first time setting up a tropical tank and I’m struggling to find small ‘feature fish’ for my 20 gallon high. Just a note: I’m definitely going to keep some guppies, neon tetras and...
  26. E

    Adolfo Cory - small, darker, lethargic, doesn't eat much, independent - help?

    Hi guys. I currently have a small Adolfoi corydoras which I bought at the same time as 3 others (about an inch or so long each). This one is slightly smaller than the rest, he has always been more independent - going off on his own, and he moves very lethargically and sits around most of the...
  27. S

    Happy Tank Happy Wife-HELP PLEASE!

    Hi I have had a little fish tank up and running for about 8 months now-so am not a complete newbie...all is happy and Well all fish alive still-(I have read a lot of articles on here in that time) however my issue lies with my 180L tank. I bought this baby second hand and it’s had a few...
  28. M

    What other fish should I add to my tank?

    Hi, I have got: 6 neon tetras 2 hatchet fish 1 beta 1 Balloon Molly 1 Cory Catfish So, I am looking for cute and peaceful and compatible. I have had many issues in the past with violent fish which the store said would be great but have resulted in losing two balloon mollies. My parameters...
  29. V

    My Water Test

    Good afternoon, I'm new to this forum and very new to keeping tropical fish. I would like someone with more knowledge than me to check the pictures of my water test and see if it is all ok please. any help will be much appreciated :)
  30. V

    Community tank setup?

    Hi There, I'm planning on setting up a community 65 liter ( 17 gal) tank. Here are some fish I'm planning on getting Blue Mystery Snail x1 Buenos Aires Tetra x 4 Cobalt Blue Gourami Male x2 Corydoras – Peppered Cory 2-3cm x3 Kuhli Loach x2 Long-Fin White Cloud Mountain Minnow x6 Neon...
  31. musicalbetta

    update on my betta pls help

    I recently posted a thread about how my betta was inactive and other stuff I explained (link to thread is ) and I did everything that people suggested (basically everything I was able to) and I didn't notice any of...
  32. W

    Tropical community tank stocking help

    Hello... I have a 30 gallon tank and am kind of new to fishkeeping "I know little more than the basics". So I am wanting to stock the tank with fish. Would these fish do? -1 Dwarf Gourami (Main fish kind of) -5 Congo Tetra or a 3 dwarf neon rainbow fish (more color) -6 Marbled Hatchfish -5 Cory...
  33. Naidisbo

    What is this Aquarium worm? (Solved! Drain Fly Larvae)

    I'm no artist but I had to draw them with MSpaint because I couldn't get a decent picture. Small, fast, wriggly little things. Alright so I've already had to fight with Callamanus worms that were in some platies and nuke the tank with Fish Fenbendazole and do three 100% water changes, which...
  34. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  35. H

    Oxygen Problems?! 911

    I have a 36 gallon tank that I just upgraded to. I used the decor and rocks as well as most of the water from the 10 gallon I had before. I went ahead and added my old fish in as the water parameters were testing just fine the day of and the day after. I went and added new fish. Now They're all...
  36. R

    Cichlids Are Dying Help! Plz

    I am completely new to this (posting a question I mean :) ). I have had my tank (400 litre) for 5 years, started with tropical fish, but changed over to Cichlids about 2 years ago. Over the last few months I am losing 1 fish after another. Very disheartening. I get my water tested very regularly...
  37. cl3537

    Hi All Just Signed Up Lots Of Questions I Hope You Gurus Can Answer

    Hi Guys,   My first post here wanted to say hello, I have been reading for a couple of weeks as much as I can various forums and have had a lot of trouble getting definitive answers on many of my questions so I look forward to posting soon.   I am looking to setup a Fluval Edge 46L and I have...
  38. L

    Tropical Fish, Poorly - Panda Garra - Help

    Hello, I'm Lynsey, I've had tropical fish for over three years now and I have recently in the last couple of months upgraded to a bigger tank. All going well until this week, I introduced some new fish over a month ago and suddenly my Panda Garra (new fish) has a white/red scrape on the back...
  39. Phaneric

    Experienced Opinions Please! Acrylic Or Glass?

    Hello Forum Friends!   I'm looking for some seasoned folks who have experience with both glass and acrylic aquariums to give me some guidance, please and thanks!(;   Okay, so here's the thing, I'm wanting to set up my first large aquarium. I'm thinking 40gals is my max - plus I'm on a budget...
  40. G

    Help! Gasping Sick Ghostknife!

    Hi I'm sorry if this is a bit wonky but I really need help with my ghostknife.   A week ago he was acting a bit funny, swimming straight up, going after bubbles and bumping into things but then on wednesday he was on the floor gasping. I panicked, ran to the fish shop to get my water tested and...