
  1. CarnivorousPlant

    Goldfish keeps attacking other goldfish

    This isn't exactly tropical but there isn't a freshwater emergencies so I figured I'd shoot my shot. It's been a few years since I've opened this forum. I have this one goldfish that keeps attacking my other goldfish, chasing them around the tank and nipping at their tail fins. He used to do...
  2. K

    Tetra glow with goldfish. Will they survive?

    Hey guys. I have a well-maintained 110lt aquarium for 2 years now. I have 2 goldfish and 2 algae eaters. Temperature is all-year round at 24-25. I have both a Juwel filter and an Eheim classic 2217. both full of biological material. So, it is quite ok. Now, some will be upset, but I have to ask...
  3. dbrahma

    ❗ Goldfish bleeding?❗

    I got 2 Goldfish on 11.11.23. Set up a tank with filter and air pump. However I saw maybe blood. Water test was done, all nitrites, nitrates , ammonia, chlorine is safe. Except pH is 6.3. water used is soft water. I bought pH+ , still on way. Please guide what is the issue and also confirm...
  4. Death by Fish Tanks

    Stolas and Bobithey!

    On Nov 6, 2024, My order three(now 2) goldfish to grow out. The left specimen is an all 3 inch black Comet named Stolas, and the one on the right is a 1 inch Shubunkin a friend of mine's child named Bobithey. The plan is to grow them out a bit before rehoming them. But that could change...
  5. Wake, the Goldfish!

    Wake, the Goldfish!

    I got this darling little 1-inch fantail goldfish when my local Petsense first started selling more fish. This little guy was the last of there first fantail stock. Since the employee dropped his bag and spilled some water, I decided to name them Wake.
  6. Yossu

    Goldfish turning black!

    I have a goldfish, which was a regular orange (with a bit of white) colour when I bought it a few weeks ago. Last week, I noticed that it had a patch of back just in front of its dorsal fin. Over the past couple of days, it has developed black on the dorsal fin itself, as well as on its tail...
  7. Yossu

    Any suggestions for goldfish-proof foreground plants?

    All the lists of plants suitable for keeping with goldfish seem to include taller plants, like vallis, elodea, crinum, bolobitis, etc. The only small ones I've seen suggested are anubis (which seems not be a genuinely aquatic plant anyway), java moss, java fern and moss balls. Not keen on java...
  8. D

    Gold fish pregnant or signs of swim bladder?

    I am familiar with the swim bladder disease in goldfish and I have observed a fish's scales pointing outward. The goldfish is eating like normal and swimming fine. I have observed what I believe are new colour black spots on the back of its tail. I have just observed it bouncing sideways of...
  9. Yossu

    What substrate should I use for goldfish?

    I have a 200l tank, and am planning putting some comets in there (probably only three, as that seems to be the max this size tank will hold), and am a bit confused about the best substrate to use, gravel or sand. I have seen people recommend sand in these forums, as this allows the fish to grub...
  10. S

    Goldfish Clear long poop concerning?

    Hello, so I've read a lot of articles and seen a lot of videos regarding this but still not satisfied with the answers. My goldfish don't seem to have any other symptoms. They are as cute and friendly as ever. It's just a bit concerning as I'm feeding them regularly, the same brand of food plus...
  11. J

    Sick Goldfish - Seeking Assistance with Diagnosis

    I need urgent advice for a sick goldfish. It's a bit of a messy situation and there are no local fish vets available. I moved a sick goldfish from my parent's pond to a 60L hospital tank. She has a swollen abdomen, red patches on her face and near the base of some fins, and her one eye has less...
  12. R

    Goldfish - Help

    Hello guys! I hope you are doing well I have a really serious issue with my goldfish. I recently purchased these fish from someone who was having a pond clear out and decided to buy some of his goldfish for my 400L aquarium. After 1 day, I could see that the fish were not behaving normally...
  13. F

    Help please!! - My goldfish has eaten another fish 😭

    Hi, all: My fantail goldfish has eaten an algae eater yesterday evening (we know she is a greedy fish but this is taking it to another level). As you can see, the fish is stuck in its mouth with the tail hanging out. My goldfish is lethargic and idle, staying at the bottom of the tank. I have...
  14. S

    Goldfish illness

    Hi, I was wondering if I could get some advice on an abscess growing on my goldfishes head. I have owned goldfish and other fresh water fish and this is first time I have come across this problem. I have a Ryukin goldfish with a lump on his head that has slowly grown over time. All other fish in...
  15. V

    How do you clean a tank that hasn't been cleaned in a while?

    I've decided that I wanted to help out with my parent's turtle tank. However, I'm afraid that with me doing newly frequent water changes it could harm them. For context, the tank has turtles and goldfish. Which will go into a pond eventually, but it's a big project. I don't want to harm them by...
  16. Kyshiara

    Baby goldfish

    Hello! My goldfish have been breeding, and I have about 40-50 fry. Half of them are an Orange Goldfish x Sarasa Comet, and the other half an Orange Goldfish x Shubunkin. The Sarasa fry are around 3 weeks, and their caudal fins are developing nicely. They are in a jar currently, but I plan to...
  17. R

    Fish curled up in tank, other tank mates dead, need help

    Hi, I have a small comet goldfish and two rosy red minnows living in a 10 gal tank. I’ve had the goldfish for over a year and the minnows for about 5 months. Yesterday I noticed the goldfish swimming erratically and unable to balance. I assumed it was swim bladder disease as the other two fish...
  18. C

    Goldfish with prolapsed rectum and prone to swimming upside down

    So my fish Cupcake is a Calico Thai Oranda in a 20 gallon tank. She is a sweet fish but a couple months after I got her I did notice her rectum was bulging a bit and did find she had eggs when I noticed her swimming a bit awkwardly. In February the heater died and I have been noticing her...
  19. K

    Goldfish Vertical!

    Can anyone give me insight as to why my goldfish is doing this?! The lil guy is hanging out in the back corner vertically. He is also breathing very heavily. He is usually very active. If anyone has suggestions to what is causing this and how to fix it it would be greatly appreciated! :)
  20. Yuhui

    Cleaning ick

    Hello, so I’m currently treating ich with salt and Turning up the heat for my goldfishes. Nothing major and most of the ich is already clearly up. I’m still kinda new to the fish hobby and stuff and I’m not sure how to probably clean the filters after the whole ick treatment things clears up. Is...
  21. S

    Tank disease?

    Hi, I know it’s a blurry picture but can anyone identify what is happening in my goldfish tank? I am at a total loss. It’s a 70 gallon. Here is the back story. I have had this specific goldfish tank for over 2 years, have been keeping fish my whole life, and have many other tanks in my house...
  22. Linkandnavi

    Can (Ranchu) Goldfish Choke on Cherry Shrimp

    This morning I discovered a cherry shrimp in my ranchu tank. I have absolutely zero idea how it got there. I have five tanks, two in the house and three in my garden office. The only tank with cherry shrimp is in the house and the ranchu tank is in the office. The ranchu tank is pretty bare...
  23. S


    Guys only recently i posted both my goldfish having finrot....and they healed...moved em to the main again the 2nd goldfish is having severe finrot again incase if yall...
  24. E

    Goldfish Disease Identification ?

    Hi! I’m new to the forum. I’ve been using an other forum for 5 years but we can’t seem to figure out this problem with my goldfish. Thanks in advance for any help and advice. I’ve had this common goldfish for 6 years. Currently in a 20g cycled aquarium alone with a filter and aerator. Ammonia...
  25. S


    I am the guy with 2 shubunkin goldfishes and 2 giant danios PLEASE READ IT FULLY Recently (3 weeks back) one of my goldfish had its tail torn....I ignored this because that particular goldfish has an exceptionally large tail and manages to get it torn every month....but it heals within 2 days...
  26. B

    is my inherited black moor okay?

    I have a beautiful black moor that I love a lot named Sharkey (like a hammerhead shark!) who I recently inherited from my parents. My parents were fine keeping him (not sure his gender or age, would love to know!) in this tiny 3 gallon. I intervened and placed him in 20 gallon with a filter...
  27. F

    All of my goldfish get dropsy and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    I have been keeping goldfish for 6 years now and for the past 4 years I have had a problem with drospy. It started when I bought a ranchu and kept it in quarentine. I had 2 other fish at the time ( a black moor and a fantail). This ranchu quickly developed dropsy and spread to a black moor in my...
  28. Linkandnavi

    My current six tank setups

    Hi guys, Haven't done this before but thought I'd post my current tank setups. Apologies for the quality of photos/reflections. Taken just before dawn, room lights off, blinds closed and tank lights on and still have reflections... :rolleyes: Anyhow! Tank #1: Angelfish community in my...
  29. M

    I screwed up and my goldfish paid the price.

    I screwed up and feel horrible. I went on a week long vacation, I had someone coming in to feed my fish and take care of my other pets. However, I hadn't realized my two snails had died before I left (most likely of old age, they were over two years old). So, two snails were left to decay in the...
  30. Honey Fish

    What is best tank size for my goldfish?

    I have a goldfish who now has been for 4 years happy In a 5 gallon tank (but probably 4.5 gal of water) so I heard I need to move him a 3 inch long goldfish into a larger tank now a have in length 39 inches to spare in width I have 8-9 spare inches what tank size should I move to I only really...
  31. J

    Goldfish and cichlids pond

    Watch and subscribe please help my channel
  32. F

    Help! Need to rehome 9 goldfish. Brighton

    ***UPDATE: Maidenhead Aquatics in the Marina have agreed to take them ❤️*** Hi there, Apologies for registering just to post a classified ad, I understand this is not too popular but you guys were recommended to me as the best starting point. I am trying to rehome 9 (I think!) lovely goldfish...
  33. ember04

    Pond stocking

    Ok so I have built a 155 gallon or 587 liters raised pond, this pond has an marginal plant shelf and and a lot of in water pond plants which are growing crazerly filling up almost all of the pond at least 75 %. I have stock this with 5 commet goldfish I was wondering if this if ok. Its really...
  34. GobyMaster11276

    Goldfish with fungal infection

    Hey all, One of my goldfish has developed a fungus type infection on his fins and has now been isolated in a hospital tank. I noticed the issue yesterday, since his swimming was abnormal, and today he is on his side, although fortunately still alive. I dosed the tank yesterday with antifungal...
  35. Circus

    Giving Up On Goldfish

    I think I give up on trying to keep goldfish in a community setting. My first (and last) goldfish was just placed into qt, and I am hoping he makes it through the night. If he does I will wait until he is back to full health and donate him to a friend with a pond in their garage. Two of the...
  36. Circus

    Goldfish Alone or Pair?

    Right now I have a 90 gallon unheated tank, sits between 67.9 and 69.8, throughout the day. I only stocked it 3 days ago with a pair of young red cap oranda goldfish, 3 dojo loaches, and a dozen white cloud mountain minnows. One loach bullied (I only noticed the one go after it) and killed one...
  37. Circus

    Shredded? Goldfish Fins

    I was checking all of my tanks when I got up today, and one of the two goldfish I picked up is in sorry condition. His tail is a bit shredded, and the back 1/4 area of his body is a brownish orange, the darkest part around his anus. He is swimming a lot slower today than yesterday, and I saw one...
  38. carligraceee

    Size for black goldfish

    Hello guys! I want to, eventually, sell my 11g for a 29g. I want to stock it with however many black goldfish would fit inside. You know, the ones with the really big eyes?? I used to have one as a child and I want another sooo bad. Of course- I would wait until my current fish children...
  39. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Please don't shame me, I really have tried my best to care for this fish but everything has been going wrong and I really need someone to save what I've done to my poor Ester ? Last year I cycled a tank and bought a fancy ryukin goldfish and everything has been going down hill. First the filter...
  40. Falconwithaboxon

    Poor Goldfish

    This is my girlfriend's parent's tank. They have 4 comet goldfish in a 5 gallon. The tank has no lights. It has a filter and a bubbler. They keep it clean. They put a lot of work into the tank but I can't help but feel bad for them. They said I can take the fish but I don't have a big enough...