
New Member
Feb 16, 2022
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I know it’s a blurry picture but can anyone identify what is happening in my goldfish tank? I am at a total loss. It’s a 70 gallon. Here is the back story.

I have had this specific goldfish tank for over 2 years, have been keeping fish my whole life, and have many other tanks in my house currently and am not having problems anywhere else. The water parameters in this tank are perfect for goldfish (I check them weekly). Until recently, around November, I started having issues with my tank going cloudy. In december I noticed issues with some of my fish and narrowed it down to columnaris after awhile. I treated with Melafix for the suggested 7 days and thought everything was better. Until today I noticed this all over my plants (fake). Can any tell me what it is?


  • CF5C131A-5B8F-4917-98C1-30929F1EE7A9.jpeg
    244.7 KB · Views: 66
Hey :)
As they're fake plants could you remone one, shoot clear pics that we could see if "it" is flat or bulging ?
What are your tank parameters : hardness, alkalinity and ammonia ?
Hey :)
As they're fake plants could you remone one, shoot clear pics that we could see if "it" is flat or bulging ?
What are your tank parameters : hardness, alkalinity and ammonia ?
I tried that but you can’t see it when it’s out of the water. It’s bulging not flat. It also comes off very easily
My gH is roughly 200
kH is about 60
And ammonia is 0-0.25
As it disappeares when out of the water makes me think of a mycosis.
How is doing your fish ?
As it disappeares when out of the water makes me think of a mycosis.
How is doing your fish ?
The fish are okay now. About a month ago we had some swim bladder issues and scale decolouration but that’s all better now since I treated with melafix. The fish that had issues are better now. None died


  • 7CCA49FE-D355-44A5-A2A7-772C608EC19C.jpeg
    200.7 KB · Views: 64
Your blackmoor looks like it has white spots.
What's the waterchange routine ?
Your blackmoor looks like it has white spots.
What's the waterchange routine ?
It’s not white spots like ich. It’s more like the scales have gone shiny.
I do a weekly water change of 50%
How many fishes in 70 gal. ?
To me, cercled in red : ichtyo - in yellow mycosis or slime (mucus) excess.

How many fishes in 70 gal. ?
To me, cercled in red : ichtyo - in yellow mycosis or slime (mucus) excess.
The stuff circled in red is actually on the glass of the aquarium. I have with ich before and that is definitely not what this is. The yellow is what I was worried about, but this picture is from maybe 3 weeks ago and has since cleared up. The only issue now, is the fuzzy white looking things on the plant and the tank is SO cloudy you can’t even see to the back.

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