Any suggestions for goldfish-proof foreground plants?

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2024
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All the lists of plants suitable for keeping with goldfish seem to include taller plants, like vallis, elodea, crinum, bolobitis, etc. The only small ones I've seen suggested are anubis (which seems not be a genuinely aquatic plant anyway), java moss, java fern and moss balls. Not keen on java ferns, and my goldfish seem to treat the moss balls like footballs, so they end up all over the place!

Anyone any suggestions for some smaller plants that will grow directly in the sand, but that will spread rather than growing tall?

my goldfish seem to treat the moss balls like footballs

Next step, they are going to treat it like salad.

You can read everywhere that Gold Fish wont touch Marimo balls... Always makes me laugh to read that.

I knew where mine where gone when I saw the color of the fish poop...
I would suggest plants like Sagittaria, Bucephalandra, Eleocharis, etc. But I think they'd become food to the goldies quite quickly :confused:
Anubias would be your best bet I think, a thicker leaf variety.
Next step, they are going to treat it like salad.

You can read everywhere that Gold Fish wont touch Marimo balls... Always makes me laugh to read that.

I knew where mine where gone when I saw the color of the fish poop...
Well, so far they've only played football with them, but I wouldn't be surprised if they start eating them soon!

I would suggest plants like Sagittaria, Bucephalandra, Eleocharis, etc. But I think they'd become food to the goldies quite quickly :confused:
Anubias would be your best bet I think, a thicker leaf variety.
I have a couple of Anubis, but they are higher up on a piece of wood. I was hoping for something that might grow quickly and spread. Don't think Anubis will do that.

Thanks to both of you.
GoldFish are also pretty good at sifting trough the substrate (whatever it's size) to find food. Uprooting everything not solidly anchored.

Most of the time you need an inverted tank... Not too much stuff on the bottom. Even only substrate without any decor.. They really prefer swimming space... A bunch of potted plants in a corner. and a lot of floating ones.

If you can grow green tread algae in the tank. They are going to love it.

Gold Fish are happy frenzy and don't need to hide from anything if no predators are present and they will all hang along in peace.
You can attempt cryptocoryne, but it's a gamble for the small ones.

I keep the big boy crypts in with my goldfish and anubias. Java fern is another you can try. I use cryptocoryne aponogetifolia and cryptocoryne usteriana with my goldfish. But they're both massive plants so definitely not foreground. But they don't seem to like the taste of cryptocoryne, and don't touch it much.

I shall be trying smaller crypts soon, but I can't say from experience if their digging would damage the crypts or not

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