
  1. D

    D.I.Y Pond Filter for Koi Pond

    Hey guys, I have an outdoor pond filter with a built in UV. It’s all good and working and I have a waterfall connected to the water out end but I am debating about removing the water waterfall and building a big external filter at the back of the pond using gravel etc. I will then build a water...
  2. April_ht

    Building A 200 Gallon Pond

    Today, I spent the day digging a pond after finding an old pool liner and having the great idea of adding a water feature to my greenhouse...I figured, what's the worst that could happen? At least I'm not wasting my money if things don't go to plan. Anyways, after a long couple hours, I...
  3. Duckquarium

    R8 my DIY undersize shrimp filter for planted betta community tank

    I was using a piece of t shirt before but then I broke out the filter pads. The heaters definitely undersized too but this tank is in a warm room and summer is coming.
  4. J

    Building a fish breeding operation in a shed

    HI. I recently got access to a shed that I want to turn into a fish breeding room. The shed is a steel shed, and I was wondering what I would need to do to it to make it worthy of holding and keeping these fish. This would include ventilation, insulation, etc. Thanks in advance :)
  5. Hairy_Trev

    DIY 3D Aquarium background.

    Finally, as promised please enjoy my video showing how to make a budget 3D rock wall background for your aquarium. Considering that a moderate sized background might cost you around £300+ ($450), I think this is a great option, plus the benefit that you can design it to include whatever...
  6. K

    DIY decorations/accessories

    Not sure if this is posted int he right section of the forum, if not then admin please feel free to move it to somewhere more appropriate. I've managed to get hold of some beautiful pieces of slate which I am planning to cut down and make a cave/hide out of. My question is what is the best...
  7. P

    I diyed this light for about 10 dollars

    So i needed a light and nothing was within my budget. I decided to start this hobby just as i was put on “furlough” from my job . Soo i dont have much to spend now . i think it turned out well for price, thought it might help someone or give ideas just used an old phone stand to clip on...
  8. E

    DIY Cement Background won't stop raising tank pH

    In mid-January I finished a diy aquarium background using this tutorial. It's a 30 gallon tank, but the background only goes up halfway so I only need about 20 gallons of water to cover it completely. For two weeks, I did 100% water changes every one or two days. Within less than 24 hours, the...
  9. L

    Planning a DIY canopy

    Hi all I've not been on here for years. Started fishkeeping about 15 years ago and this site was invaluable when I was starting up. I've stripped down a tank and currently cleaning it ready for a new scape. As part of this, I'm going to build a whole new hood. I need the whole set up to be...
  10. Z

    6ft Project

    G’day fish folks, This is my first post here, so I hope it’s going up in the right section. I just wanted to chat about my current aquarium project and maybe get a few ideas from y’all in the process. So, around June of 2020 I picked up a second hand 6ft tank for 100 bucks. It was pretty...
  11. Ellie Potts

    Filter flow WAY too high -suggestions please!

    I recently got a marineland internal canister filter for my 55 gallon only to find out the flow is WAYYY too high for my tank. If I point the spout upwards, the water goes flying out of the tank. I currently have a sponge on the spout and have it pointed at a tank wall but it still bounces off...
  12. Ellie Potts

    Cheap aquarium lid

    I'm looking into getting a peacock eel for my 55 gallon aquarium, but the tank doesn't have a lid and has an overhead light. I've looked into ordering an acrylic sheet to go on top (I'm thinking 1/4" extruded acrylic although I really have no idea), but I'm not sure how I'd secure the sheet to...
  13. C

    DIY ferts for planted tank?

    It seems like such a waste to just keep buying and adding root tabs to my aquarium. Is there a cheaper option I can make myself, or else improve the ecosystem in the tank so the plants continue to get nutrients and grow? They aren’t doing much at the moment and are far from flourishing.
  14. S

    Will this work?

    I want to swap my internal filter and heater for a DIY all in hood set up. I want to put stick insects above the tank to. My tank is under the roof line but I think my design will work, aesthetically. Do you think I'll be able to put the heater and filter material in the pyramid above the tank...
  15. Aynia

    Sculpey Clay for Aquarium Decor

    Hey all! I'm back with another question. So I'm a pretty artsy type and I have a few pounds of sculpey clay that I haven't used yet. I was just wondering your thoughts on whether this is safe for aquariums, or would it be safe if I painted it with aquarium sealant after baking and cooling to be...
  16. J

    Building an Acrylic Tank

    I'm considering my own DIY Acrylic Tank build. It will only be a small cube-shaped tank possibly 15 by 13 inches in area and 13" in height. These are the choices of Acrylic I have here in the UK and I am just wondering which you believe would be the better option to go for? The prices are per...
  17. SgtSparkles

    Anybody else beef up the floor under their tank?

    I think I'm being paranoid but I put 3 jackstands under my 90 gallon setup. Pretty confident it'll be sturdy now. Lots of old tarantula tanks in this video. None of the reptile ones though.
  18. Gebus

    3D Background Question

    As the title says I'm doing a 3D Background for my 90Gallon. I'm using Polystyrene/styrofoam as the base for it. I know all the steps, and how some people use Quikrete and some use DryLok. I'm here about a different product that gives the same look and texture. I have built two backgrounds for...
  19. Gebus

    DIY 3D Background Question

    Whats shakin bacon?? I'm new to the forums and plan on probably being active and posting pictures and what not. I'm not new to the hobby but new to the DIY category. Not sure if this is the place to ask as I browsed the forum topics and couldn't find the appropriate one to post in. As the...
  20. Halie201

    DIY Rock work (perfect for cichlids)

    Made these myself.. They're small for now as I didn't have a whole lot to work with. But after getting in touch with my crafty side, I'd like to make more. They're held together with Marineland sealant and it'' s pretty strong stuff. These rocks are much darker in the water with notes of orange...
  21. Bazouteast

    Safe fixative for DIY plastic plants

    I found some nice looking, inexpensive plastic plants on line. These are not intended for aquariums - but for floral arrangments. They are 100% plastic, no internal wire, and they look very realistic. Now I'm considering what to use to mould a base to secure the stems in an upright position and...
  22. cooledwhip

    Cooledwhip's Diy R/o Water Unit: Harvest Hundreds Of Gallons Of Fr

    HELLO EVERYONE. I'm sure if you have had multiple tanks you wanted to keep certain species of fish, but could not because they needed low pH water which you simply don't have. I don't have low pH water. My tap is like 7.8 I think. Lots of people can't have Red Cherry Shrimp because of their high...
  23. SO19Firearms

    Make Your Own: All-In-One Aquarium Plant Food

    Here's a link to the All-In-One plant food calculator that will show you how to make your own plant food similar to the more expensive brand names. If you get stuck with the calc, you can ask questions here,   Ta
  24. simonero

    Pantyhose - For Cheap Filter Bags, Etc.

    A marine biologist friend once ranted to me about how there's no use buying expensive filters when all you need is some carbon and pantyhose.   Well, I ran out of bags today and tried this out.  AMAZING.  I replaced the broken sack of an Aquaclear Biomax bag and 3 Whisper filters filled with...
  25. RRaquariums

    Diy Frag Plugs. My Experiment

    So I'm downgrading from my current 300 gallon reef tank to a 75 gallon frag tank. New job and less time made me choose to do soemthing a little smaller. But I've had a lot of fun growing and selling my corals and I'm looking forward to really focusing on getting the corals to grow fast and have...
  26. S

    Few Filteration Questions

    I have a 55 Gal Breeder WIDE tank that I want to make into a crayfish dedicated tank. Looking to get some Electric Blues to Breed hopefully (if you have any sites that sell that and would like to recommend please do). My tank is ment to house animals like snakes and lizards but I am pretty sure...
  27. jmeeter

    Are My Plants Pearling?

    Last Saturday (so three days ago) I made a DIY CO2 kit for my aquarium and let it go to work. I've got a steady stream of bubbles coming out now (although it seems a bit slow) and now today I've noticed that a bunch of my plants have bubbles all over them and some plants are releasing a steady...
  28. B

    Diy Sponge Filter For Guppy Fry Tank

    I found a really nice cylinder jar at the thrift store that holds about 6 gallons of water or so. I have my new born guppy fry in there with a bubbler/airstone and a live plant. Every night I siphon out the waste that settles at the bottom with a hose or turkey baster and replace with treated...
  29. RRaquariums

    90 Gallon Reef Cube.
  30. V

    New Tank By New Member

    Hello,   Im brand new to this forum and brand new to this hobby.  I thought I would share some of my pictures of my tank.  I found a 29 gallon tank for very little money and on a whim I bought it.  Thus, launching me into this new hobby!  I started by roughing out a stand.     Finished the...
  31. BiggTexx

    60 Gallon Custom Cabinet Upgrade

    I have been struggling for a while now trying to decide whether I wanted to do a conversion to a FOWLR tank or doing a custom cabinet build to replace the cheap stand my 60 gallon came with.  I haven't done a FOWLR tank in a while and may eventually get back into it, but I think I have finally...
  32. BiggTexx

    Wall-Mounted Nano Build

    I have been tossing around an idea for a DIY wall-mounted nano tank for a few days and I decided to I either needed to start on it, or I would end up driving myself mad.     So, with that said - that time is now!  Since this will be my first nano build (I have been involved in larger builds) I...
  33. benthyer

    My First Tank

    Don't let the title mislead you, it is my first tank but I have been running it now for just over a year   I have considered putting up images of my tank for a long time now but never thought of it being good enough as I see so many awesome tanks on here, but I figured I could show you where I...
  34. benthyer

    Yeast Recipes

    I was wandering what Yeast Recipes you are using and how effective they are?   I am currently using the following but finding that it is sturggling to produce a steady bubble rate for a week:   About 1.75L of Water 280g of Sugar A sachet of Yeast (About 3 tsp I believe)   It starts up quickly...
  35. Ellphea

    Fish Filter Tube Broken!

    The bottom of my fish filter intake tube, the part with the little slits in it that keeps big things out of the tube got lost while I was moving. Does anyone know of something else I can put over the bottom of the tube?
  36. starlitsunrise

    How To Make Rocks Safe

    Hello,  I was just wondering what methods you guys use to make any rocks you may find outside safe for aquarium use? I have read you can boil them or bake them but I just wanted more opinions :).    Thanks!
  37. RRaquariums

    Diy 5 Gallon Bucket Filter

    Alright so I've been looking for a cheap easy way to have a large filter for my larger breeding tanks and I finally decided to go with a 5 gallon bucket. Bellow I will show you how to build this filter and what you will need I will also show cost keep in mind that the cost are in the USA and may...
  38. R

    (Small Tank) Tank Building: Glass Vs. Everything Else

    Hey fish people!   I'm new to fish forums, so hello!!     I love fish, and I'm trying to get into tank building and the world of DIY! I love building things myself, and building my own fish tank would just be awesome!!!!   I'm not at all experienced in glass work though. It seems kind of...
  39. starlitsunrise

    Diy Sponge Filter

    I just found this on youtube, and I wanted to know your opinions of it. If it's a good filter I may make it when I get my tank up and running.
  40. Maehlice

    Diy Pvc Overflow Conundrum

    I'm trying to redesign the overflow system on my aquarium and am failing miserably.  I need some help.     DIY PVC overflows don't work (well, at least not at any decent flow rate), so I built an HOB overflow box, which has so far been working great:  I pump water in, it overflows out, and the...