When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box


Mostly New Member
Sep 19, 2015
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I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry to hide in. I will not be buying those considering that I'm just going to buy another tank to put my guppy fry in. But for now, I'm going to use the breeder box. I'm just wondering, how do I know when to put the guppies in the breeder box? I wan't to know when my guppies will give birth in the next hour or so, so my guppies can stay in the breeder box for the shortest time possible. I don't want to stress them out or perhaps, kill them.
I would really try getting the tank asap. The breeder box may not be the safest method but might be the easiest considering your situation. Any time they can hide would also help. Since you plan to put them in the breeder box, I would at least go ahead and put the mother in there to lay the fry since it would be easier just to take the mother out instead of chasing and stressing the fry. More water changes might be needed as well. Hope that helps!
At this top of this forum section are four pinned posts. One of them is titled How Do I Know If My Guppy/Molly/Platy or Swordtail is pregnant?

Read that post. About halfway through it talks about how their bodies "square off" complete with pictures. Squaring off means the fish will give birth pretty much any day. That is the best time to move them into the breeder box.

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