
  1. D

    2nd 40 gallon breeder

    I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders, one is recently set up with a few BA tetras but I’ve decided I’m going to leave adding fish to this one for a while, in my 2nd 40 gallon breeder I also have; 6 BA tetras 5 Albino Corys 1 young Male Firemouth Cichlid Is there anything else that I could add...
  2. Mumzy

    Where to find betta rescues or breeders

    Haven't had a betta fish, or a fish in general since I was a teenager. I've been drawn into getting one again past few months! Considering getting between a 5-10 gal. If 10 gal maybe adding a divider (one where they cant see through) And having 2! It/they will be lone fish since they've seemed...
  3. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  4. ChancesMama

    Is This Tank Okay For Live Bearing?

    Hello everyone, I've been preparing for my blue Fancy guppy I bought from Pet Quarters to give birth (she was pregnant when I bought her). And today while she (Fionna) was in the breeder trap, I noticed that my Orange female (yet to be named) was boxed off. I'd never seen a boxed off guppy in...
  5. Antoniakr

    Hello Everyone! - I'm New

    Hello everyone, i am new to this forum. i have decided to start using forums as i want to note everything i learn down so i will never forget. And getting help from experienced fish keepers will be fantastic. I am going to start breeding Platys. I still need to buy everything yet but i know...
  6. RCA

    Before Bettas... This Is What I Bred ...

    This picture was taken by Derek Whitehouse Photography.  I got a call from Derek stating he needed some pictures for Crufts Dog Show and knew my dogs would be well behaved and could he take some photos?  I met him on a field the next day, which was a typical foggy morning at that time of year...