Ash Paws

Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2018
Reaction score
the universe
Hi guys,

I was wondering how many times a week I should do a water change for my betta, Pence. He is in a 5.5 gallon with a Topfin Silenstream Power Filter 10.

I was thinking since his tank is pretty small probably twice weekly or once weekly? Please share your opinions

Monitor the nitrate levels and if they are going up rapidly then do them twice a weekly but 1 Betta should be fine with weekly 50% water changes.
Okay, thank you!
I've used one of those silentstream filters in the past. They, in my opinion, have a water output that makes it difficult for a betta to swim, I recommend you baffle your filter to soften the flow.
I agree, once weekly 50% water changes are what I do on all my betta tanks.
I've used one of those silentstream filters in the past. They, in my opinion, have a water output that makes it difficult for a betta to swim, I recommend you baffle your filter to soften the flow.

If I have the valve closed water still gets through but the stream is significantly smaller. How would you suggest I baffle the flow however?
I agree, once weekly 50% water changes are what I do on all my betta tanks.

Alright, thank you! I also just learned how to siphon the water without getting tank water in my mouth, last time i got some in my mouth so i just scooped the water out with a plastic cup. It took a while XD

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